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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Thursday night I was very dizzy and nearly fell down the stairs .My blood pressure was very low .An hour later it spiked up very high.I took my blood pressure meds an hour early and I was better.This morning I was very dizzy but my pressure was normal.
  2. 30 mph this morning with heavy rain .Then out of nowhere the sun appeared as did my therapist.She took me out for a walk.As soon as we got back to my house it began to storm again.
  3. Are any of you lovers of junket ?
  4. When I was in college I took a history course where the Professor had the students write a paper disproving a proven fact.It was to be a minimum of 10 pages because he wanted us to do a lot of research. I chose to write that Booth did not kill Lincoln .I wrote a 40 page paper.
  5. I wish we had the opportunity to meet on a cruise.We would have had great conversations .
  6. TSOTD is from Turks and Caicos.Why am I wearing a tee shirt in December ? A friend and her husband were there on vacation and brought me back the shirt to add to my collection.
  7. I saw the whole show.Nobody who I was rooting for were in the final 3.The prize money is obscene. I auditioned for The Weakest Link in 2000 but never made it to TV.My wife auditioned for Concentration many years ago and was on the TV show but was eliminated .
  8. I watch a movie on Amazon Prime yesterday called A Good Person. The Lead Actress Florence Pugh gave the best acting performance in recent memory. If she is not nominated for an Oscar and does not win there will be no justice in the movie community.
  9. If that person does not use their brain nobody watching the show will have any respect for that person especially that persons family.
  10. The team I was rooting for on Amazing Race from the first show won. .All 3 teams that finished seem to be truly nice human beings,a rarity these days for reality show competitors.
  11. Survivor has the Ultimate three alliance of Austin ,Drew and Dee.If any of them wins immunity they can dictate the rest of the season.
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