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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Good morning all. Off to church in a bit and should be a nice day here. Baseball on tv and I will cook up some steak and potatoes augratin (sp?) for DH. I will have some asparagus. Prayers for all in need. Katherine
  2. Good morning. I was up to see the beginning coverage of the coronation but promptly fell asleep. Good thing I am recording the events. Congrats to the people of the U.K. I believe, as an American, that the monarchy is a big plus for your country. As a side note I was on QM2 for the Olympics when Queen Elizabeth “jumped” from the helicopter. Great to see that on a huge screen! Have a great weekend. Katherine
  3. Looks lovely. I am going to try to be awake at 5 am east coast time to watch the festivities. Katherine
  4. Good morning and Happy Cinco de Mayo. Hope all is well in your world. As a former history teacher I know that May 5th is not a big day in Mexico. Rather the Mexican people celebrate their Independence Day in September. But that didn’t stop my team of teachers from taking our team of kids to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate the day. Imagine walking into a restaurant taking about 100 kids and 4 teachers! It actually was a fun time. We had to adjust to the term “hoagie” when we moved to PA from NJ in 1975. Our first night in PA, after a long day of traveling and unpacking, we went to a local deli. There was definitely a language barrier when we tried to order submarines. I can’t remember which but the owner of the shop had never heard of either oil or vinegar on a hoagie. Fun memories. Looks like good weather coming up. 60’s or 70’s for the foreseeable further. Have a great day. Katherine
  5. Good morning and blessings for all. Jacqui - so glad to hear your good news. Saga of the dishwasher repair continues. Repairman here now — things were delayed because of a backordered part. Hopefully no more hand washing for the distant future. Just heard a report on the business channel - cruise lines are doing exceptionally well. Good news. Katherine
  6. Thank you, Graham. The only thing I can think of that I ate was a “last breakfast” on the ship of French toast after a strict low carb diet for months. Well, back to my regular diet! Katherine
  7. Thank you all for the kind thoughts. I will call my doctor. Katherine
  8. Well — coming back from my trip has been a bit of a bummer. On Monday everything was fine. DD did a great job looking after her father and the house. But yesterday I woke up to a massive migraine ( my diagnosis reading about symptoms online). I couldn’t look at food and spent 95% of the day/night in bed. (No Covid-I took a test.) My sister came over twice to feed DH. I never had a migraine before and never want to experience that again. I am feeling better today with just a bit of a headache. Will take it easy today. I am slowly catching up with the daily. Thanks to all who post. Katherine
  9. Home again and had a great time with my sister. All was good at home while I was away. I have a bit of back reading to do on this thread. Prayers for all in need. Katherine
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks to all who post and prayers for all in need. We are in Miami today and having a nice time. Coco Cay tomorrow. DH and DD are doing well at home. Still waiting for repair man to bring part to repair dishwasher. Think I will call to check on status of part. Have a great day. Katherine
  11. Good morning. Hope everyone is doing well. Thank you to all who post and our friends who take responsibility to add information daily. This thread had become part of my morning coffee and daily internet news routine. 😀 I will be busy today getting ready for tomorrow’s trip and making sure DH has all he will need. DD comes this afternoon (with her very hairy dog) and I promised to go to a local restaurant to get her favorite - lobster ravioli. I will need to get in my daily 3 mile walk. Now for a personal pat on the back. I have kept my New Year’s resolution of sticking to a low carb diet with very few “cheats”. Result is 22 lbs lost. Low carb is one diet that really seems to work for me. I will be packing clothes I haven’t worn in years. Best wishes to all for a great weekend. Katherine
  12. Good morning. Looks to be a warm day here in southeastern PA. Will definitely get my walk in later today. Prayers for all in need. I will try to get the bulk of my packing done today, going for a pedicure and getting some groceries in for DH and DD for next week. DS will also cover some days with his Dad. My kids are very good at giving me a break from caretaking. We are a bit tired today because our Mets are on the west coast and games have not been starting until around 10 pm for the last few days. Oh, what a tough life we lead!! Best wishes for a great day. Katherine
  13. Roy - I am sure you will have a great time on the cruises you have booked. I love QM2. For a while, when I was teaching, I was doing a double crossing each summer. Such fun! DH and I are only sailing out of Baltimore and Bayonne. DH cannot fly any longer so we stay basically on ships going to the Bahamas and the Caribbean. We did a lot of traveling to other parts of the world when we were younger so this new schedule suits us at this time in our lives. Best regards. Katherine
  14. Slow and steady wins the race! Here’s hoping the milder temperatures will be a help to you. I know you had to cancel some cruises but do you have anything else planned? Katherine
  15. Graham - so sorry about your hip issues. Prayers for you to heal and that the strength exercises work for you. Katherine
  16. Good morning. Prayers for all in need. Roy — happy to hear of your positive medical reports. Very cold here again. Walking is more of a chore when temperatures are low and the wind is blowing around. But it is good for one’s health. I was able to book a trip for next February. It is one that my sister has been bugging me to book since both she and her husband will be going. But the accessible cabins for DH are few and far between. One opened up yesterday but it can accommodate 3. Had to get “permission” to book. Royal seems to be getting fussy about letting 2 people book cabins that can accommodate more than 2. But after about an hour on the phone I was successful. Best wishes for a great day. I am off to my card club this afternoon. I joined the club in January, 1980. Yikes! Some of us are getting old. 😀 Katherine
  17. Good morning. Prayers for all in need. Mr Boston - so sorry for your loss. Cloudy here today. I would like to do some walking and general housekeeping. My baseball team game is not played until 10 tonight. I am seeing not a lot of sleep in my future. Have a great day. Katherine
  18. Good morning all. Should be a great day here weather wise in SE PA. Prayers for all in need. Happy to see the rain has stopped in Florida. Yesterday was interesting. Repair men here to repair a toilet, a dishwasher and an ice maker. When did appliances less than four years old start to need repairs?Frustrating! Quiet day here. Going to start knitting wool socks for DS and me for our Greenland trip in September. It will be cold! Have a great day, everyone. Katherine
  19. Loving your review. Vision coming to Baltimore soon so am very interested. We sail out of Baltimore about 50% of the time. Can you tell us your cabin number? Looks great and your family is adorable. How your daughters have grown! Katherine
  20. For a 14 day trip coming up this fall, my sister’s master level got us a $500 discount. Don’t know if that was a fluke or not but I will take it!!
  21. We would have a hard time being kind to lawyers. We were sued for supposed undisclosed defects to our house when sold. Our take — buyers wanted to do major renovations to the home but wanted us to pay for it. After 3 years the case was dismissed by the judge as having no evidence to support the lawsuit. But . . . Cost us over $30,000. I have a problem with lawyers who take a contingency case, lose and then no consequence for lawyer or client. That’s my rant for the day. Prayers for all in need. Should be lovely weather for the rest of the week. Katherine
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