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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Questions for Masters level — traveling soon with Masters level sister. We are Pinnacle and enjoy eating breakfast — usually in Chops — on non Coastal Kitchen ships. Will Masters level allow sister to eat breakfast with us? She has in the past and hoping that perk has continued. Thanks for any responses.
  2. Good morning and happy Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Very rainy today and not sure I will get my walking in. Have worked myself up to 3 miles per day and don’t want to stop. Really have to start the packing process for next weeks trip on Thursday. Enchantment of the Seas with DH, sister Karen and friend Karen. I will bring up DH’s suitcase from the basement. It is already filled with cruise clothes that he just stores there. He is no fuss so packing should be easy. Me — I am another story. Taking former cleaning lady to lunch today. She was with me for over 40 years and I haven’t seen her since she stopped working last year. Best wishes and prayers for all in need. Hoping that Roy gets good results from his tests. Katherine
  3. Good morning. Happy February 15th. Hope all had a nice day yesterday. No chocolate for me — but did get flowers. Have to talk about my DH. He went shopping with his caretaker last night. He brought me home flowers - which he does every week. Yesterday he got me roses — but there were 2 bouquets in the grocery bags. Before I could question his caretaker told me that when they got in the car DH told her that one bouquet was for her (she is divorced). He told her everyone should have flowers on Valentines Day. She was very touched. My DH is a very kind and thoughtful man. Just had to brag a little bit. Prayers for all in need today. Roy — wishing only the best test results. Thanks to all who contribute to keeping this thread going. One of my first starts to my day. Katherine
  4. I really can talk today — see previous post. I started about 5 years after our marriage using my maiden name for my middle name instead of Anne for all documents. DH still insists that is not my “real name”. Katherine
  5. And I want you all to know that I was one of those fools who kissed the Blarney Stone. Think of the germs!! Katherine
  6. Good morning. Thanks to all who keep this thread going — especially in these unique times. Off to church a bit later and then to our monthly luncheon. I will be wearing my Eagles green. Sister Karen making our SuperBowl dinner. I asked her to be sure to have some low carb options. I will praying for safety for DGS who is spending the day/night in Philly. He likes to be in the center of the action! Prayers for our care list. Have a great day. Katherine
  7. Oasis was my first trip post the shut down and I loved it. Then I scheduled a B2B so DH could enjoy it too. Give us any ship and we are happy. Leaving on Enchantment in a few weeks. Best wishes for a continuing recovery, Roy. Katherine
  8. I agree, Bonine. I also take a pill every day beginning boarding day. No issues. I once asked my doctor about a daily pill when going on a 52 day trip. She said that it is an antihistamine — no issues taking daily. If seas get very rough I will take an extra pill just to be safe. Motion sickness on a ship is not fun!! Katherine
  9. Good morning everyone. Prayers for all in need. Special prayers for the people of Turkey effected by the earthquakes there. Dreadful time for them. Making it out today for lunch with girlfriends I have not seen since before the holidays. This will be the first group of people I will meet up with who do not know that I have gone low carb since 1/1. Want to see if they mention any change. (15 pounds down — my sister says she can see it in my face.) Hope to hear good reports today from Roy and others who are dealing with ailments. We all know “aging” brings its challenges but it sure beats the alternative! Weather is becoming more moderate and allowing for walks each day. Here’s hoping it continues. Gave a great day. Katherine
  10. Put me on the list of permanent drivers. Bill’s car is a giant, in my opinion, and I hate driving it. But it is the only car he can get in and out of comfortably. Katherine
  11. Good morning all. Prayers for our care list and good to see Roy posting this morning after a good nights sleep. The days today remind me to send a card to a church friend who temporarily had to move to South Carolina to stay with a daughter after an illness. And I can wear my “ballet flats” for Ballet Day. Gentlemen — do you know what ballet flats are?? Have a great day everyone. Katherine
  12. Good morning. Hope it is a good day for all. Otterhand7 — hope everything improves for you. From where did the water come? Did I miss something? Best wishes for the mess to be cleaned up quickly. Weather should be improving today (temps in the 40’s) and I hope to get in a nice long walk. Temperatures rising during the day and the rest of the week. Other than a couple of cold snaps we have not had much winter here in SE Pa. Oh, I know when it will snow — the morning of 2/23 when we are leaving for the Baltimore port!! There is Eagles fever in the air as we head to the Super Bowl next week. It will be interesting. Prayers for all in need. Hope we hear soon from Kathi. I have followed a few of her travel blogs in the past and pray that her treatments are going well. Katherine
  13. Thank you. Going to book the package because it’s a no brainer. We would purchase at least 3 specialty dinners anyway so it makes sense for us. Katherine
  14. Got it. Is the boarding day lunch always included based on anyone’s past experience?
  15. Anyone take recently the Ultimate Dining Package? Tips included? Seeing a good price on a trip but not so good if a gratuity is added to each meal. Thanks. Katherine
  16. Don’t think about it! I say my Pinnacle pin on Royal is the most expensive piece of jewelry I own. 😀
  17. Prayers for all in need. Glad to hear from Roy with what seems to be some improvement. Very cold here today (16 degrees right now) but rising temps during the day. Not supposed to be single digits tonight and up to 44 tomorrow. I don’t like not getting my walk in as I was steadily increasing my daily time. Don’t want a set back. HAL Sailer — very sorry to hear of your family’s loss. Prayers for all of you. DS will be taking the leftover ham from Christmas out of the freezer today. Sounds like the next couple of meals are planned. (She lives under a 20 second walk away from me. We eat together often.) But somewhat difficult these days because we are feeding one diabetic and four who are trying to lose weight! However, it was a godsend to be so close during those first few months of the pandemic. We shared almost every meal back then. Have a great weekend everyone. Katherine
  18. Missing luggage story - one suitcase never arrived on Celebrity for one in our group. When leaving another in our group noticed the suitcase being rolled off by a women. Our group woman said “That’s our suitcase.” And the reply was no it’s not. Our group woman said “I made all those pom poms personally for our group!” and went and grabbed the suitcase. At least the suitcase was returned — on the last day! Katherine
  19. Yes, Wegmans in Downingtown. I can drive to September Farms in less than 10 minutes. Though on the expensive side (What isn’t these days?) I go to get their pickled eggs, cheeses, cucumber salad, ravioli, etc. etc. 😀 It’s a great place along with Shady Maple.
  20. Good morning everyone! So glad to read Roy is home. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Roy. Very cold here and don’t think I will be going out for my walk. DD visiting today and bringing take out from Cheesecake Factory. But Salmon Tartare would be a winner for me. Very low carb and good for any low carb diet. (DH Bill makes a trip to Wegmans each week with his caretaker and always brings me salmon shishimi - sp. I know). Hope everyone living in these very cold temperatures this weekend stays inside if possible. Katherine
  21. Good morning all. Getting colder here and we will be back to overnight single digits over the weekend. Makes it a bit harder to get in a walk when temps drop that much. Prayers for all in need. Roy — we are all anxiously awaiting the news that you have left the hospital and are home. Get well! Starting to think about next voyage at the end of February. Twin sister making her first trip since Covid. I had forgotten how much fun it is to plan with someone — clothes, walks off the ship, dinner plans, etc — other than DH. He’s not much into those things — just goes with the flow. DS Karen is going through clothes she hasn’t worn in at least 3 years and I am searching for clothes that I haven’t worn in a while since the low carb plan is working for me. Such fun we are having. Thanks to all who post. You are all wonderful. I never thought I would have a must read daily blog — but here I am! Have a great day. Katherine
  22. Question for solo cruisers. My sister is masters level and recently booked two cabins — one for 2 family members and a solo for herself. The price for both cabins is the same. She questioned why she did not get the 150% rate for her cabin (she is DP over 340 points) and was told if getting a casino rate she could not use her solo supplement. Anyone else have experience with this? Thanks.
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