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Starry Eyes

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Everything posted by Starry Eyes

  1. Yes, you can. They want you to check in, but not everyone will remember to it. Some cannot do it. Sometimes Royal is still trying to sell last minute bookings on ships within 3 days of sailing. At that point on line check in has closed, so anyone who books that late cannot check in. Been there, worked out fine.
  2. The OP indicated they let his mother disembark without signing a letter for the charge, though the cruiseline has the cruise contract and the credit card. If she had a cash account, I wonder if they would have allowed her disembark with luggage without signing a promissory letter/note.
  3. I appreciate your sense of fairness and that it us your hubby’s turn; that’s admirable. Still can you set those thoughts aside for a moment. I want to ask about the big picture. Right now you are reaching for D, but you seem to be avid Florida cruisers, so there will be more point goals ahead (D+, crystal blocks, 340, pc). Which one of you is more likely to want to take cruises without the spouse in the future (solo cruise or cruise with kids, or friend, or parent)? If that person is you, then you should be continue to be the “point leader” for your linked C&A account. You take this cruise to get to D because this is good strategy as a couple and this is a cruise for strategic reasons. He benefits as you collect points. If that person is DH, then he should now take over the role of “point leader” on your account by taking the cruise. He would go not simply because it is his turn but because it is good point strategy.
  4. The OP said mom did not sign the letter agreeing to pay the charge. From the OP it sounds like there was a verbal agreement that Royal Caribbean would seek a waiver.
  5. We have gotten extra keys from guest services on previous cruises. Having extra keys for the rooms might be convenient for your group. The OP is from Scotland, so perhaps this is a UK booking rules experience that may not be encountered by people booking under North American rules.
  6. From the many reports on this board, a significant number of gty assignments are coded in the barcode or officially assigned when check in opens. There are also a considerable number reports of gty bookings that do not have an assignment coded in the barcode by then. I personally have experienced both since the restart. I have waited for an assignment, even in the barcode, until shortly before the cruise. It varies.
  7. I hope the passport office fixes the issue promptly and properly. Getting the passport is the real issue. Doing electronic check in is optional. We have booked cruises within 3 days of departure (on line check in had already closed), so we obviously hot not checked in. Though it may take a few extra minutes at port, it works out just fine.
  8. Here’s what I suggest (assuming this is a US citizen going on closed loop US cruise): 1. On the app, select an arrival time. One can do this without doing any of the other check in steps. 2. Order another official copy of her both certificate now (just in case). If the passport comes correct and back in a timely fashion, she will have an extra copy tucked away. If the passport is delayed or is, heaven forbid, still messed up, she will be very glad to have BC and photo ID. 3. If the passport still has not come about 5 days before the cruise, just check in as BC and photo ID so you have the set sail pass. (Or perhaps you don’t need photo ID if daughter is young)
  9. The minimum bids from OV balcony to those suites are the same for my 11/5 Wonder cruise offers. No suites are currently available for my sailing, so upgrades will only occur if someone must cancel.
  10. Have you tried the bar code trick on your set sail pass? Is one of those six cabin number hidden in the barcode?
  11. A really great assignment is in the eyes of the beholder. For example, on a recent thread a poster specifically did not want a cabin on deck 6 Oasis class (too low in his opinion); deck 6 is my favorite deck on Oasis class😀. Given the same cabin assignment, I’d have said I got a great assignment and he’d have said he got a bad assignment. That said, I always expect the worst (for me) cabin in that class; I consider anything better than that worst cabin a free bonus. That way I sail happy. There is no point looking at the very best cabins; those are not likely to be available at this point (new ship, old ship, off peak or not…ships are sailing full)
  12. As you probably know, the cruiselines do not have to tell gty bookings their cabin assignment until boarding day. If they wish to keep the flexibility, the cruiseline is allowed to quietly make (and re-make, if necessary) their plans for the gty booking assignments in their company computer without telling the passenger until boarding. Of course, we often do know our assignments sooner. When the muster station and deck are on the set sail pass, you should expect to find an unofficial cabin assignment hidden in the set sail barcode if you use the “bar code trick.” At this stage, the system seems to have pre-selected and held a cabin for that gty booking, though the company has not yet made the assignment official. People routinely report eventually being assigned those cabins; I have been. Why is the company waiting? I would guess perhaps they are retaining some flexibility in case a very unusual situation arises and some guests just have to be re-arranged, but that’s just my guess.
  13. Disappointment is different from whining. Adults should manage disappointment without whining.
  14. I hate it when people who elect to book a cruise near the peak of hurricane season whine when their trip is altered by a hurricane.
  15. Stick with your initial instinct; don’t be that person.
  16. I understand your concern. There is Lee, of course. The nhc is also watching invest 98; some of the spaghetti models suggest it might head in Bermuda’s direction. So much weather to watch…
  17. We really enjoyed the CL on Allure a few years ago. DH now has some knee issues, so it might not be as easy for him now. On newer ships, I’d be disappointed to have a tub upstairs instead of the rain shower.
  18. If you plan to continue cruising regularly, you are apt to see both St Thomas and San Juan on future cruises as they both make frequent appearances. For my first few cruises I spent a disproportionate amount of time think about specific Caribbean port stops. An itinerary change or a missed port could be disappointing. Then I realized we were addicted to cruising and without special planning we would soon know all usual Caribbean ports (and plenty of less common ones, too) So if you foresee many cruises in your future, pick either one for any reason. Both ports have their charms. You might even be swayed by other considerations (more convenient week, flights, hotels, price, cabin availability, whatever).
  19. Hard to guess your odds, especially since you did not tell us how high you bid. Though you say there are a “ton” of GS’s available, because so many people are eligible to bid there are apt to be many tons (to use your terminology😉) of bids for upgrades, including bids from people already in higher categories than yours.
  20. If you arrive at T5 before terminal doors open, there are two rope lines outside. Tell the workers you are a suite guest and you will be directed to the line closer to the door. From our recent experience if you do not speak up, they are apt to send you to the main line.
  21. I understand that watching these long track storms can be nerve wracking. Still watching the track and hoping for the best pretty much is all you can do now. I think it is a bit early to speculate about itinerary changes for the 9/15 sailing.
  22. CruiseCritic rules will not prevent you from googling the screen name.
  23. No doubt they will be monitoring the speed, size and trajectory of the storm. If conditions are decent, your cruise keeps your day in CoCo Cay. If conditions are suboptimal on Monday, the Captain can cancel or shorten the day in a CoCo Cay as appropriate.
  24. My margarita at 5pm on Mariner was so watery. I doubt Jimmy would have been impressed. Let’s hope it’s the thought that counts. RIP.
  25. Chat on board says Mariner will use the above itinerary, conditions permitting. They will evaluate the position of the storms, etc while we are in CoCoCay on 9/3, making a decision whether Bermuda is a go. Rumor has it there is a back up plan, though I do not know the details.
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