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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. @DaniDanielle I also skipped kindergarten as the parochial school that I attended did not have a kindergarten program in 1958. The principal put me into 1st grade so I wouldnโ€™t have to wait another year to go to school. So, I was always the youngest in my class. College freshman-I was 17. The drinking age was 18 in NY, but I somehow convinced the bouncers at the bars my friends went to that I had to be with my friends, flashed a smile and somehow I always got in with my friends. I have stayed in touch with a number of HS friends.class of 1970. Four of us are very close. I am godmother to one of my friendโ€™s daughters and we are aunt and uncle to another friendโ€™s two children. For 58 years we have remained tight. Through thick and thin (literally!). Old friends are the best! Actually, we are planning an overnight at a resort on LI in June. Four of us are looking forward to seeing each other in person. Phone calls and texts are okay, but visiting together is the best! On another note, my sympathy to your daughter and her children. Anniversaries when our loved ones passed are never easy. Maybe she and her children can do something that their Dad enjoyed doing will help them to commerate him. Take care MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  2. Thank you Lenny. I am sorry for your friend. Close friends and family know about Christopher John. Some friends and colleagues are not aware of our loss. People deal with grief in many ways. Our faith has seen us through. We believe we will see him again in heaven. I think of him as our guardian angel. Not that we no longer think of him and love him, but we are blessed with many children in our lives, especially our โ€œadoptedโ€ grandchildren who keep us young(er). Our GS was just initiated into the National Honor Society. Our GD plays the bass in the school orchestra and was given first chair in a recent concert given by a LI regional student orchestra. Beyond being good students , they are good people with kind and generous hearts! We are grateful. Take care MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  3. Not being a Debbie Downer, but maybe overthinking- AKA -Big Brain 2. We used to watch Survivor when it first aired on TV. But, I wondered how โ€œrealโ€ the situations really were. Maybe there were trailers or, possibly, a resort nearby and off camera where the contestants could get a break from filming. Just a thought. Not trying to spoil anyoneโ€™s viewing pleasure. Thinking some of these reality shows are not quite totally reality. MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  4. @SteelCityCruiser10 Very sad to read that handsome Oliver has passed. I liked the photo you posted of him in your yard the other day. He looked content and peaceful. MJ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป
  5. Dani- Thank you for your kind words. I hope that your cold improves quickly and that you feel better soon. Glad for you and your son that you could make the journey together to fulfill your Motherโ€™s wishes. It seems that when we return to our childhood homes, the houses seem smaller and the drive to the house seems shorter. My DH and I were invited to see my parentsโ€™ home a few years ago. Looking around, I wondered how my mother fit our furniture in some of the rooms as they looked smaller than I remembered. Shalom MJ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป
  6. Lenny- Thank you for the good thoughts about sailing to Quebec. The first Cunard ship that I was โ€œonโ€ was the Cunard Countess. I say โ€œonโ€the ship because a friend and I were vacationing at Frenchmenโ€™s Reef in St Thomas the same time as a work colleague and her hubby were passengers on the Countess. They arranged for us to come onboard when they were docked in St Thomas. We toured the ship,ate dinner with them in the MDR and saw a show in one if the lounges after dinner. I was very impressed with the ship,and at that time,I thought going on a cruise would be in my future. This was in 1978. Can you imagine anyone doing this today because of all the security involved in going on a cruise? Wishing you a pleasant afternoon. MJ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป
  7. Thank you , Graham. I have looked at their threads, but I will definitely give attention to those posted by Hattie the CC host!
  8. Graham-Question for you-have you and Pauline cruised with Cunard out of Southampton? If so recently could you give us some tips to enjoy the cruise? Thank you! MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  9. Thank you to all who posted kind thoughts. @Arzeena Thank you for your input. I wish you Bon Voyage! Hoping you post your thoughts here about the Beyond as it is one of the relatively new ships in the Celebrity fleet. Just sharing some cruise news too ! DH and I have been wanting to take a cruise from NYC to Quebec this Fall. I searched most of the usual cruise lines including RCL and found that most are going out of Boston which required round trip airfare to Boston and an overnight hotel stay. Then, I found that Cunard has a round trip NYC to Quebec with an overnight in Quebec! We booked the cruise on the QM2 early this AM. So looking forward to this! We did a transatlantic on the QE2 in 2001. We are familiar with the Cunard way of cruising, although they have made changes in the cruise style since 23 (!) years ago. The ship stops in Portland ME, so we can visit our niece who lives there. Now I need to look at my "fancy" dresses and see if my DH would like to wear a dinner jacket at least for one of the gala nights. The cruise is set for September. ๐Ÿคžthat we stay well and in somewhat good shape until then.๐Ÿ˜Š MJ ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  10. @BonTexasNYYou wrote a lovely post! From one NY gal to another-wishing you a very enjoyable day.๐Ÿ˜‰ MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  11. @Tree_skier I feel the need to respond to your post concerning an informal survey re: husbands giving wives gifts for Mothersโ€™Day. It seemed to me a bit sarcastic,hopefully that was not your intent.Perhaps you were just curious if other husbands mark the occasion for their wives. I am not certain of your motivation,of course. I will give you a little backstory as to my husband giving me flowers for the occasion. On my first โ€œrealโ€Mothersโ€™Day, my DH gave me a bouquet from our infant son,Christopher John. Sadly, we lost our infant boy shortly after to SIDS. This was in 1987. Christopher John would have been thirty-seven this past February. We had no other children, but my DH would always give me flowers for Mothersโ€™ Day .My husband is a loving and generous man. He always wants me to know that I am a very caring and loving person.We have been fortunate all theses years to be surrounded by loving and supportive family and friends. I am an aunt and a godmother to a number of children. In 2004,I hired a teacher for our department. She and I became close friends. So close that she and her husband have โ€œadoptedโ€ us as the parents she never truly had. We are considered grandparents to her two children. Miracles can happen. We lost our baby son,and it took some time,but we have gained a family that we truly love and they truly love us. As others have posted,we do not exchange gifts any longer. We celebrate with experiences rather than giving things. At this stage if life,we are trying to dispose of some of our things, not collect them. My DH has always marked occasions with flowers. It is something he does from his heart. I may suggest that you think of surprising your wife with some flowers tomorrow. She may be quite glad if you do. MJ
  12. These are my Mothersโ€™Day flowers from DH this morning. He always remembers. Wishing all the ladies here who are Moms,Grandmas,Godmothers, Aunts, Daughters,Wives and all those with loving hearts an enjoyable Mothersโ€™Day tomorrow. MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  13. Thank you for your postings and Pattiโ€™s photos. It looks like there were few people at Amber Cove the day you visited. Was it because you were early arrivals there? MJ
  14. My DH and I are looking for a cruise leaving NY and arriving in Quebec. As I did see one listed on the Cunard website, I would like to know about such a cruise from other posters who have been on the QM2. Also, I saw a sheltered balcony being offered as one of the cabin choices. Has anyone stayed in such a cabin? If so, what was your experience with the accommodations? Thank you- MJ
  15. A question for @Ocean Boy and others who have visited Bermuda and have so enjoyed it there. My DH and I have traveled to Bermuda at least thirteen times beginning in 1983. We loved Bermuda on our first trip there and,obviously, made it a frequent vacation destination both with cruises and resort stays. Before our last visit there last June, we took a cruise on the Summit there in 2018. On the 2018 visit, we found Bermuda to be the wonderful place we knew. Fast forward to 2023 and we found many changes there, not for the good. The changes may have been a result of the pandemic , or a a change in the Bermuda society. We found many resorts closed, including the Fairmont Southampton Princess-the large pink hotel on the hill. Many of the stores based in Hamilton have also closed-Blucks, Trimimghams and the Irish Linen Shop to name a few. The beaches remain beautiful as well as the landmarks-Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, the worldโ€™s smallest drawbridge and the Cathdral in Hamilton. I have to admit that we felt sadness in seeing all the changes. I think it is true that โ€œyou canโ€™t go home againโ€ because a familiar and loved place is so different from when you first discovered it. Now, to my question. For those who have enjoyed trips to Bermuda, did you notice the changes I have described if you have visited in the past few years? We would hope that recent upswing in the tourism economy would help restore Bermuda to the lovely and welcoming country it once was for so many appreciative visitors. MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  16. @Seadog Chiming in here with what Sue @Lionesssand Bonnie @BonTexasNY have posted re: swollen ankles on vacation. I had experienced them in past cruises, but found that copious amounts of water and walking helped the issue on later cruises. Plus cruise/restaurant food can be loaded with salt and preservatives. At home, we stay away from processed food and try to make good choices while in restaurants. Some lifestyle changes can make a person feel so much better. Hoping your Drโ€™s can give you good advice and guidance for improved health. MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  17. Please post what you think of Liberty and perhaps include some photos. Bon voyage! MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  18. Thank you to all who responded to my question about Liberty of the Seas. The balcony of 7408 is great with the round cutout to give extra views. The cruise is in the talking stage now. MJ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป
  19. Good thing that we didnโ€™t bet on the Kentucky Derby. Sierra Leone and Fierceness were favored and there was much talk about them on the pre race show. Hardly a mention of Mystik Dan. None of the horses we chose made a great showing. Just a Touch finished last. Well, there is the Preakness next. And, maybe the Yankees will win today. On another note, we were at a friendsโ€™ house last night for the Derby and dinner. One of the couples just returned from a cruise on the Anthem. While onboard,they booked another cruise for next May on Liberty of the Seas. I have not read much about that ship on CC. Has anyone sailed on that ship ? We are think8ng of joining them along with some other friends. The itinerary looks good- Bermuda and Puerto Rico are a few of the ports,plus it is a nine day cruise. Any info would be appreciated. MJ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป
  20. We plan to watch the Kentucky Derby race, not all the pre race coverage. We looked over the horses slated to run. DH picked Fierceness as Velazquez is the jockey and he usually roots for him. I picked Track Phantom. Weโ€™ll see! Seems the favorite is Sierra Leone.We donโ€™t bet on much, but we have placed bets on the KD at a local OTB in the past. Are there any OTB places anymore? A number of years ago, we attended a family wedding near Louisville KY. Since it was a late afternoon wedding, we used the morning time to take a tour of Churchill Downs. It is a beautiful place. We have also gone to Belmont Park for both the big race and other times for regular races. My DHโ€™s grandfather was a member of the Track and Field club there and he would lend us his pass to have lunch at the club and watch the races. Belmont has been changed to a casino and entertainment venue, although the race track remains. Wishing you all a winning day! MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  21. @jmh2006 Sending you and your family my sympathy for the loss of your father. ๐Ÿ’ MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  22. Something strange-I went to write a new post and the post about the cactus was still in the reply spot. I thought once a post appeared on the thread, it was gone from the reply area. Not sure about this? Anyway- @Momof3gurlz A friend of mine had both hips replaced at the same time. She was early sixties then. She had a great recovery. She will tell anyone that asks the reason for the recovery was that she followed all the Drโ€™s and PTโ€™s directions thoroughly. It has been over ten years since the surgery and she is doing great-plays pickleball and golf. Wishing your DH great success with the surgery and aftercare. Wishing you good days too as his caregiver- hoping DH follows all your directions too!๐Ÿ˜‰ @Sea Dog Just remembered about the dosage of Turmeric. Dr recommended 2,000 MGs I have read that it should not be taken in conjunction with BP medication but 2-3 hours after. I think someone else answered your question. My response is a day late and a dollar short, but hope it helps. MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
  23. Going back to posts about Christmas and Easter cactus. My cactus has had buds for days and is finally starting to bloom. I am thinking that it may even be a Motherโ€™s Day cactus as it will soon be May! MJ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
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