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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. Visited National Aviary this afternoon. Thought I’d share some pics. Got to feed the Lorikeets. (first pic) They really love that nectar! They fly right down & grab onto a finger to eat right out of your hand.
  2. Back to normal at my house. Winds have died down. Unfortunately my brother who is only 25-30 min north still doesn’t have power. Funny thing is my parents are 5 min from him and they had power back by 6pm yesterday. At least they can go there with the kids and hang out. My Uncle who is also near me had a 30 ft Cherry tree blown over. Luckily it wasn’t near the house and I’ll help clean up & get some free firewood for next year. Glass half full πŸ˜€
  3. Definitely a mess! I know a guy who works for the power company - unfortunately fixing that mess was his responsibility. Long day for him and many others in that line of work.
  4. It’s pretty crazy over in the Pittsburgh area too. My brothers and parents a bit north of me all lost power for several hours earlier. I was out at my sportmen’s club with my nephew target shooting this afternoon. There is an electric gate to get in and out. We went to leave and guess what… gate not working - power is out. We were the only ones there. OH Crap. Ended up calling the club President and found a manual release to open the gate after it was apparent the power was not coming back on anytime soon. Once we got out it was very clear - there were massive pine trees uprooted all over . Huge metal carports upside down. I live about 30 minutes west of there and no power lost so far but wind is trying real hard to blown down my pear tree.
  5. Agree… Those suite prices were eye popping. I would love to experience the suite area on Wonder too. Looks pretty awesome. We will be doing an OVB for the first time but like you said I am keeping an eye on the suite prices too.
  6. Dishwasher is on last leg I think. Went and ordered a new one after work today. πŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ There goes 1/2 a cruise! Is it normal to quantify big ticket purchases in #’s of cruises that purchase could have been??
  7. About the same here. I’m always happy to be home and see the dogs then a week of work happens and I’m ready cruise again.
  8. DW and I both got what I assume was covid after Explorer back in January. Didn’t bother to test since we worked from home and isolated. The brunt of it was over in a week but I didn’t feel right for a solid month at least, maybe more.
  9. Yeah location on 6 looked too good to pass up. That close to Schooner could be dangerous! we are used to mostly voyager class JS/GS which had usually been deck 9/10 for us. OVB on Wonder opened up a whole new world of decisions!
  10. Hope you enjoy Destin. very close to my favorite place on earth. In the rare instance I am vacationing on land it will be 30a. Rosemary Beach area. Happy place 😍
  11. We have a deck 9 on hold with Ken as well. Was considering deck 6 too due to proximity of schooner. Been so long since I’ve been on a ship that size. May need to see what else is available on 6. Great point re: the tips ☝🏼
  12. Did they finally replace that one pane of class in Dizzy’s that was totally fogged over? That looked horrible.
  13. Back just in time for the Super Bowl ! which will be in New Orleans 2/9/25 DW has given the green light for us. Need to snag one of those OVBs.
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