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Everything posted by kalos

  1. It's so easy to get confused in Supermarkets . The checkout girl said 'strip down facing me'. How was I supposed to know she was on about my credit card ???🙃
  2. That's a standard size but they do a small plate (as well as extra large) 🙂
  3. Glad you did not ask me as I don't wear pyjamas ,not a nice sight 🙁 Your right though the weather is awful and we needed cheering up , so we went for a happy meal by driving past McDonald's until we got to our Carvery pub . Had a practice run ready for the real meal deal in just under 3 weeks ,very tasty it was too. Our Happy meal ..
  4. It's like a disease that happens anywhere ,airports, check your own cases in and scan your own passports ,download your own tickets ,even at railway stations . They like to blame folk with online shopping for this automation but how does that work when your stood in the supermarket ? I don't remember saying get rid of the checkout girl and replace with a machine . You put through a bottle of wine and it says "wait until a human comes" and checks your over 18 . A few minutes go by and it says "wait until a human comes" to check you are not a glue sniffer when you buy some wood glue . A few minutes later "Unexpected item in bagging area " All because you wanted to buy a bottle of Blue Nun . Fair enough, I normally wouldn't buy it but you need something for guests who overstay their welcome . Besides it is NOT a unexpected item as I put it there so I could buy it . If I was buying for the kids a "my little pony " and I had picked up by mistake .... Then fair enough ! 🙃
  5. Better than putting it up yourself 🙂 Never sounds right that 🤣
  6. Good morning and the heating's kicked in ...Nuff said 😉🙃 @Eddie99 We have folk who go round tarting up our post boxes as well ,brightens the place up ,kind of them who do it . Talking of postage £7,50 for ten second class stamps !!! Can you believe it ? I was going to send a letter of complaint but didn't due to to the cost .🙃 Anyone seen the TV listings for Christmas day ? What a lot of old crock ,get in there if you like Bargain Hunt .How festive can you get 🤔 Here we are with high tech TV's and I think the 70's Tv with just 3 channels was better ,even if my telly was black and white. I loved that old telly , a note on it said "Built in antenna " . I haven't got a clue where that is but they built good tellys 😉 Well thats my festive gripe over . Have a good day everyone .🙂
  7. Morning it's -2.c and frosty for us this morning .must remember to put the birds fresh water out as it maybe frozen ,the bird feeders seem ok as they are still feeding off them . Take care everyone .🙂
  8. I walked into The Ring Shop and asked "Do you sell chip butty's ?" I was rudely told, "No, we don't You should've gone to Specsavers." So I went to Specsavers and they said the didn't sell them either .🙃
  9. My take on this is ,we know the tips are included ,so if you want to tip more then that is a private matter between you and the person being tipped .
  10. So sad for some towns . I watched a film on YouTube called "Rotherham At Christmas 2022 " (Gimbal TV ) the high street in the middle of December is totally dead . That was filmed in the middle of December 🙁
  11. What strange times we live in ? This time of year up and down the UK we have got towns and city's hoping and praying that their Christmas markets bring in much needed revenue for their businesses. What's Lincoln decide to do? Scrap theirs as too many people go to their Christmas market 🤔
  12. Great to read your on the mend Phil ,best foot forward and all that 🙂
  13. Could be worse ,just look at the South Yorkshire teams . Hope you get the man your looking for 🙂
  14. We enjoyed our time on the Vic ,one very pretty ship and look forward to your thoughts onboard .
  15. Hope all went well for your family at such a horrendous time for you all. Not an easy time ahead but as others have said you will remember them all but sometimes your happy times ,shared with them ,can be painful memories but they are memories you will treasure Josy Best wishes and take care 🙂
  16. 3.c here today and the rain is clearing the snow for us . Have a good day everyone 🙂
  17. Credit where it's due ,EMA was closed due to snow on runway at 10 am this morning . Just watched on flight radar a jet 2 take off at 11.29 am .
  18. Lapland's the same, my sis in law goes out there often and the airports are open . Rule of thumb they get snow often ,those countries have more equipment to deal with that . We simply don't have enough bad weather to have the same set up as other countries . I had a late uncle who lived in Canada and remember him saying they could get snowed in for a week, so even though the airport was open ,he was going nowhere .
  19. Mrs K reads them out to me .I think the favourite is "other countries don't stop for snow" Err yes they do and planes get tipped because of it (see 44 seconds ) into film below .
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