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Everything posted by kalos

  1. A bit like those dangerous roads ,we could never blame those unfortunate drivers who don't understand "drive to the road conditions"🙂 .
  2. Morning a bit milder 11.c this morning . Thinking about speed when driving ,my Dad once told me ... . "Anyone can drive fast but it's stopping in time when things go wrong " The times we see cars racing at daft speeds on residential housing estates , or coming around blind bends on country lanes at stupid speeds ..Why ? Have a good day .
  3. And 9 out of ten working class people said they preferred a Mars Bar 😉
  4. Great read @TigerB apart from your Mrs being ill ,great photos as well . Felt like we were onboard with you which,when we parked up after you at Lisbon any closer and we would have been . 🙂
  5. Not off to a good start . . Black Friday that Starts on a Tuesday 😉
  6. Nice place to sit with a cuppa 🙂 Good luck with the retirement ,19 days will soon pass . Did I tell you about the local flasher ? Folk said at his age he should pack it in but he said he would like to stick it out for another year 🙃
  7. That plane has long gone ,better to try for one in January 2024 😉
  8. Came across this recent photo of Queen Victoria deck 9 . Goes by the name of Mr Snow
  9. Good morning it's a 8.c grey start to the day here . Like that photo @twotravellersLondon has posted 🙂 I thought I would have a crack at spotting them so got well wrapped up and shortly after 8pm I was rewarded to spectacle of light of many colours just over the hedges A truly rewarding sight but that's enough about Syd and him testing his Christmas lights in his back garden a few doors away from us .🙃 Have a nice day 🙂
  10. That was an example john could be a full file , but we didn't ask what was in the sealed box , not just a couple of flimsy bits of paper . They asked we took it .
  11. I hope your daughter gets well soon ,thought mine was a cold and went through boxes of tissues with it . As for the taxis when we had our private hire airport business that my wife ran ,we used to get a lot of NHS work ,running things like documents that the doctors and specialists needed from one hospital to another ,with what we charged worked out far cheaper . Than lets say using one of their own staff and vehicle costs ,that possibly was out on other important work anyway .
  12. Morning all a bright 4.c here today .Aint technology wonderful , thigs that can tell you how long you have been a sleep ? I still work to the old fashion way of squinting at a clock trying to work out what time I fell asleep.. I get to know if it's cool as Mrs K let me know my arm was freezing as I must have slept with it out of the bed this morning . I then reached for my phone and gave the heating a boost so I got up to a cosy house . Reading this back I cannot help but think what would our (people of my age ) grand parents make of all this techno stuff ? Some of us sleeping with a fit bit , our kids saying they only want an apple for Christmas,which they wont eat but spend many happy hours playing with it . Then there's me laid in bed turning our heating on with a phone ? Thats enough rambling from me ,have a good weekend folks .🙂
  13. Why wait until tomorrow 😉 A wise man once said:. . . . If you understand why pizza is made round, packed into a square box and eaten as a triangle Then my friends, you’ll understand why that thread gave Dobbers a headache .🙃
  14. Amazing how many people spend hours on their balcony's ,the simple answer is that they actually enjoy time spent there ,not always to avoid the crowds . We have even done this on port days and looking around plenty of other folk chose to do the same . We have the option to have a wander around the ship or maybe a nice meal if and when we feel like moving .We have never booked them to avoid the crowds but admit it does help sometimes .
  15. I do believe that under these changes people without internet will have a receiver box fitted to make your phone work as it does now .
  16. Good morning everyone ,an overcast 6.c here today . Great to have Graham @grapau27 back posting again with us mate .🙂 Glad your on the mend ,I remember my physio and I found it easy by following an article out of a news paper for the over 60's . I will dig it out and post it below for you to follow 🙂 Have a good day everyone !
  17. I thought they were describing the onboard shopping clothes dept ? 🙃
  18. Thanks that's why I checked as nothing went through yesterday even though set to do them auto .Think it does it just to annoy me as other times it does them .😉
  19. She's been fine since we re boarded the ship, thanks for asking says Mrs K. As Harry posted we get dumped with the upgrades next October and as this was an upgrade it warns me the system is not suitable for Win 11 but I did go out and buy a Samsung note book . That should help as I tend to run Chrome when using that one , so will see where I go from there . Sometimes the PC'S can be a pain ,only the other day we wanted to cast a program to our TV as we often do but the PC was reading "No devices found " Tried restarting the PC'S as Mrs K had the same issue with her PC. When we cast our phones to the TV ,not a problem worked perfect ,so we knew it was not the TV and chances of two PC's going daft was remote . Turns out it was Mr Norton 360 and some update causing issues when in "secure VPN" The workaround is turn off until the cast connects to the TV , only then can we turn it back on . Isn't computing wonderful ? 🤔😒
  20. Funnily enough after doing Avril's post I thought I would check for updates and have just downloaded November 14, 2023—KB5032189 ..also November 14, 2023-KB5032339 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.8 and 4.8.1 for Windows 10 Version 22H2 Using same as you but had to go and check for updates myself to get these two .
  21. If it aint broke don't try and mend it Avril . Over many years using various Microsoft new versions of windows ,I found they have a bad habit of releasing things half complete , needing endless patches to fix issues . Our works had high tech equipment and office systems that were running on windows 7 . I was told the NHS had done the same but upgraded where possible when they were hacked . It was only last year I dumped windows 8 due to them not doing updates anymore . If your happy with what you have stick with it Avril .
  22. My mate was bragging his new 3D printer can print a gun. I wasn’t that impressed really , I’ve had a Canon printer for years 🙃
  23. Good morning a bright sunny 8.c here this morning. Hope @grapau27 gets some news on his phone repair today . Take care and have a good day to all .
  24. What our neighbours got with the balcony smokers was no apology but his Mrs phone in hand filming herself hung over balcony with glass of wine in hand and saying in a loud slurred voice "Those mardy (to rude to repeat) have made us put our fags out " Which they would show their like minded family and friends no doubt at a later time . To be fair I suppose they were sorry ,sorry they got caught 😒
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