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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Morning we have 5.c with a chill of 2.c today . Just checked my heart medication and no need to order extra to get me over the festive weeks ..Which reminds me a timely reminder below of what could happen if we don't keep them away from our children and pets ... Have a good day 🙂
  2. We were on Ventura and used the Glasshouse many lunch times even when in port . I can tell you some of those days the waiters were taking names and making up a wait list .We were told to return on one occasion 15-20 minutes later to be seated in the restaurant area, So they could be shooting themselves in the foot if this spreads to other ships . This was less than two weeks ago .
  3. Moved to this link due to poor picture https://www.youtube.com/live/HsZTqFXEpew?si=nqXqB9ogXNade4sR
  4. Todays USA Thanks Giving parade . Watched it last year so will give another go . Due to start soon . https://www.youtube.com/live/TzboGZxr52M?si=hi0QkPfOfptIOFGj
  5. Strange to think some folk in the world buy a refrigerator to not only keep food fresh but stop it getting too cold ?
  6. I think it's fair to say it does concern them and all who work onboard ,it's their home . We used to come out of the MDR in the morning and their were two guys without fail with their buckets and rags ,cleaning all the atrium rails and the Red Bar where we would sit for a while ,they would come and clean all tables and bar surface in there . A officer would come along and check their work . That shows me they do care and all they ask in return is cover those coughs and sneezes up and keep washing your hands and use the gels provided .
  7. Morning 12.c and just getting light , they say colder weather is on it's way . Some of the trees are now finally dropping their leaves ready for winter . The other night Mrs K served up a nice bowl of beef stew she had made ,first one in ages and last night's was even better (they always taste better a day older ) A large bowl steaming hot with Yorkshire pud made into croutons, I was one happy person sat watching a You Tube film about a young guy who lives in Yakutia, Siberia where temps have been down to-71.c. If you want a drink you get a big ice cube out of the cupboard ! They go to school after breakfast , where the teachers then cook another breakfast for them (are you reading this @Presto2 😅 ) and playtime is indoors ) Made for nice viewing with my hot comfort food , whatever the temp where you are ,have a good day .🙂
  8. Which one isn't ?? Well they're all wearing fur coats 🤔
  9. According to my new chocolate advent calendar,there are only two days until Christmas 🙃😉
  10. We stuck to to both your safeguards as well ,also even though the captain advises "Use the handrails whilst moving around the ship ." We try to avoid unless the ship is very rocky . A few times we would sit in the Red Bar people watching and were amazed how many people would cough/sneeze into their hands then use the Atrium hand rails without a thought of what they had just done .Some ships staff too . They had two guys giving the rails a rub down but not worth the risk .
  11. That brings back memories , Dad would always buy us kids one of those eggs at Easter. People would be queueing out of the shop door for them .
  12. The other week when we were onboard Ventura , I think it was around day ten that they put in the Horizon mag reminders about washing hands . To me, this could have been the heads up warning of things to come. So from there on in the buffet was only used first thing in the morning but mainly we used the MDR for breakfast . Meals later were in the Glasshouse or even room service as they do a tasty beef ale pie . Stay safe Dave and have a good cruise .
  13. Morning 7.c , overcast this morning .. Have a good one everyone .🙂
  14. I remember once when the Mrs went all moody and left a note on the door fridge for me to read when I came home . It read . . .. "Sorry but this isn't working so gone to my Mums " Pleased to say the fridge lit up when I opened the door and the beer was chilled .🙃
  15. Add my thoughts to that @Splice the mainbrace I know you will enjoy your time on the ship . Have a great time .
  16. Was up there a few months ago with the Mrs out buying a few bits for our recent cruise and it was very busy then .I'm sure you will have fun being part of the "in crowd " 😉
  17. Morning ,it was a dark drizzly 9.c start today . I thought I would slip out to our large Tesco extra ,I was there for 5.50 ,it used to be 24 hrs but didn't open until 6 am . I was just getting a few goodies tubs of chocks etc for family at Christmas. Just like the buffet on cruise ships I like to be through early before the crowds . Now what struck me going back to the banks etc ,discussion ,use it or lose it .... Once I had got all my shopping from this town centre supermarket ,I made for the tills only to find every one closed ! There was just one lady up in the self check out area , who to be fair helped me put my goods through . I have never gone through a large supermarket to find all the tills closed ,more so at this time of year ,in the run up to Christmas .She said a few will be opened later in the morning . Must admit that was a first for me , always at least one open in the past 🤔 Have a good day !
  18. Congrats Phil 🙂 It is a strange feeling to get your head around . We have just got back from visiting our Granddaughter and whilst chatting to her, were sat holding our Great Granddaughter . Such a privilege as some people never live to see them .🙂
  19. A nice bright morning here but only 7.c Mrs K tends to make our currys as to keep an eye on our salt intake within them . @twotravellersLondon If your mate used to do rashers of streaky bacon each morning.... basic policy... when it catches light... it is cooked and crispy! Good news is I think I've found him ,he now works on the P&O Ventura -Yorkshire pud Dept . They look a bit like Yorkies but trying to cut them you have two types they make ,first being like leather and need a carving knife or the other version,show them a knife and they will disintegrate, shattering like glass .😒 I once made a curry for our kids as a surprise when they got home from school . They told me it was very nice but set off crying once I told them I had put Ginger in it . They really loved that cat 🙃 Have a good day everyone ! 🙂
  20. Right it's that time of year again .. Santa cam is back ! Something to amuse the kids (and me ) Enjoy 🙂
  21. We were told that as we disembarked Ventura in Southampton the festive decorators were going to deck it out for Christmas once in port .
  22. Fully understand and as Phil said "he's lucky they still have the banks ". A couple of years ago I used to like to use my bank up in the next village but they closed it . Then we get a letter telling us our town centre bank is closing and our new local branch is Sheffield or nip over to Doncaster and when you get there ,there is two ladies "happy helpers " stood should you need assistance . The ironic thing is one of the ladies used to work behind the counter in our local bank . "Hello can I pay this bill at the counter ?" "No but we have a machine that takes your payments, I will show you how it works if you want." I used to pay in at the bank but even the credit card payment is now standing order. We used to like a romp around Wilko in town but .. Same fate as the others . So to sum up Barring Specsavers ,unless we like Bet Fred a few charity shops our town has very little to offer in the way of shopping these days . The council are actually buying up disused shops and flattening them and building residential flats folk can live in . Still I have the choice I can go to our surrounding City's, go into the bank just to do payments into a machine . Maybe other towns are lucky to still have banks with bank tellers or even a machine ? Our bank tells us "if your stuck go to your local post office" which we do use .
  23. Good point Zapp ,we are guilty of having the main shopping delivered but use our local supermarkets and shops. They say "use it or lose it" and I suppose the same goes for the delivery vans and shops. We tend to avoid take away deliveries. Should we decide to have a chippy meal ,we order and pay online and always collect ,no waiting about . Our town shot itself in the foot many years ago, with moving our top shops out of town centre and leaving little independent shops ,with high running costs and fewer customers as they were now shopping out of town . It could be said that we also slept walked into the same thing with our banking ,as most now opt for online banking and lo and behold most of the banks are now closing for good in our towns . If I need my own bank I have to go to the nearby city's that have one .
  24. You mean speed humps and the like ? I had a fear of speed humps but I'm slowly getting over them now 🙃
  25. A bit like those dangerous roads ,we could never blame those unfortunate drivers who don't understand "drive to the road conditions"🙂 .
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