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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Sorry missed you post until now . Absolutely ! Not worried at all and have been taught by my cardio nurse what's good and bad with my HF . I can average systolic numbers ranging from 115 to 128 which are very good for me. The annoying part I was trying to get across is, I would have been well within that range before miss Lancerlot started on me and if she had done BP before then I would not be logging my readings for the next seven days . Glad to see yours is doing well for your age ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Go for it Sue , it isn't like you have not informed "a manager" of your problems causing you stress and lack of sleep . As we used to advise ,your just a number and the cogs keep turning without you or the manager come to that . Do what's right for you .
  3. Forgot to say after all that jabbing and stabbing for over ten minutes . She then said " Oh lets check your blood pressure " Which was 144/84 I wonder why ? ๐Ÿค” Now told it's higher than usual and will I fill in a BP form for next few days . This mornings reading is a very nice 117/74 ๐Ÿ™‚ and my H beat 59 and my oxygen is 97% Which proves I'm happier on here with you lot than being spiked to hell .
  4. Just been looking at the ferry cam that is now back up and running and the weather looks a tad nasty at the moment . Hope you have a great cruise sailing away from all this crap weather Bob ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. I think it's good to see the health service being pro active/preventative, reading the press you sadly never hear of this, as it does not sell papers . Yesterday I received a letter inviting me for a free lung check from a program the NHS is running . They also had posters all over the doctors surgery about this . It's aimed at smokers/ex smokers aged 55-74 .I fall into the latter group gave up many years ago but thank you NHS for doing this, in what is busy and difficult times for them .
  6. Been to the Doctors this afternoon as it's that wonderful time of the year when the practise nurse likes to check me out and try and get me to part with some blood.๐Ÿคฃ I did warn the nurse but she thought she could get away with a needle .I had advised even the hospital uses a butterfly needle . After two stabs and a root around veins she conceded and got a butterfly needle and opted for the back of my hand , Job done ! Just hope sample don't end up hemolyzed ?? Some would say I should never have booked the appointment on Friday the 13th . I just thank my lucky stars I'm not superstitious ๐Ÿ˜‰ To be fair Friday 13th never upset me but Monday 16th used to when I was working ๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. Sorry to read about Sarah mate lets hope the injections work as it sounds like she has enough problems with her back as it is . She is in good hands and has two lovely people , you and Pauline who we know will be there for her . ๐Ÿ™‚ Best wishes to the three of you
  8. I once took a survey of which shampoos women preferred to use whilst in the shower. 99% of women said " what the hell are you doing in my bathroom !! " ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Proposed changes to passport application fees Anyone thinking about a passport renewal in the next few months ? https://www.gov.uk/government/news/proposed-changes-to-passport-application-fees
  10. Now your giving me flashbacks ๐Ÿ˜ฎ My mother used to be obsessed with the blighters when I was a young kid. Every Sunday night she would scrap the hell out of my head with a metal tooth comb. " But mam I aint got nits " I would complain but it made no odds, every Sunday, the same. What made it worse she was mates with the district nurse who supplied her with loads of Derbac shampoo which stunk awful. "Can't I use Vosene like you and Dad ? " Not a chance ,no kid of hers was having nits ! God help you if she saw you even go near your head with anything that looked like you were scratching your head ! Out came the tooth comb like it or not ๐Ÿ˜ข
  11. We used to take our allowed booze in our hand luggage as well . We also used to take our allowed booze in our suitcase as well . Once getting back onboard we declared two bottles of coke which they checked very carefully even though I showed them the receipt. As you say not much of a queue at the table but no need as 99.9% are so honest .
  12. I have had dealings working with battery powered in the past . Battery powered train locomotives and more recent was the FLT loading lorries . It is amazing the power within these vehicles but they were never far from a re charging point . Non of these ran on sealed units and it was very time consuming topping up at least the equivalent of 20 odd car batteries .A load more for the loco. Charging could be a nightmare as they all had their own charge connections,if different models and I note that not all cars use a universal type to suit all cars either . So when it came to ships docking and having the right charger in the right place is not going to be easy as well as keeping the ship powered lights heating etc for people onboard use . Never say never but I think the day we see a cruise ship toddle off on a worldie on battery power is not going to be for a long while yet but that's just me .
  13. If it was down to wrong doing, hopefully the cameras around the point of sale till/point could be matched to time of transaction that should be recorded .
  14. Very sad to read .๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Makes you realise your getting old when over half the artistes in your record collection are no longer with us . R I P Jeff
  15. Each guest aged 18 years (21 years in United States of America ports) and older may bring up to 1 litre of wine, Champagne, beer, spirit, or liqueur on board as they embark the ship for the first time only. Alcohol over the 1 litre limit will be stored and returned to the guest prior to the end of the cruise. If this alcohol is consumed in the dining rooms, bars, restaurants or lounge areas, it will be subject to a corkage fee of ยฃ20* per bottle, per occasion which will be charged to the guestโ€™s on-board account.
  16. Same here . My dentist once asked me do I floss between meals ? I said "No just between my teeth " Those water pick gadgets look very handy for anyone who owns dirty corn cobs or for tormenting the cat with .๐Ÿ˜‰ Must try this flossing in the shower . Do I set the showerhead to monsoon or invigorating ๐Ÿคฃ
  17. Can you imagine the size of the sails needed on Iona ๐Ÿ˜ฎ and when the wind dropped I suppose we could give anyone on saver fares a set of oars ? Well it worked for the Viking long ships ๐Ÿค”
  18. I don't mind the dentist but since they have gone all modern they give you a tablet to sign the forms on . Have you ever tried doing your signature on one ? "Just scroll down ,sign bottom of each page " said the receptionist. As I signed the first one, I joked with her . . . "Does this mean that even if you pull my head completely off, I can't sue you?" "No, that's the next page . This one says you still have to pay us."๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  19. We had a go on the Red bus tour and that bus seemed to go up hill forever, brilliant views . We also tried the yellow route but preferred the red route. Nice way to kill about 90 minutes .
  20. Morning everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š A very crappy 4.c and wet around here . Hope you all manage to keep dry ,talking of which . . . .
  21. Paul should try it ,may help him come clean ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. I agree and I don't think P&O or Brit cruisers have the monopoly on the problem . A simple search on Google or YouTube will show that Carnival Princess and others have had their moments . The people fighting were not British in a lot of the scraps but had a fair few to drink . A small percentage causing a big problem for others onboard . Any cruise ship has got to get a grip and find a balance between high spirits and a zero tolerance to unacceptable behaviour that endangers others .
  23. After your good news with your test ( as your friends say ) I hope you have an amazing time on the Azura and your visit to Madeira . Once at the top with the cable car is a pretty little church. Our memory on one of our trips was a guy who crawled on his hands and knees up the church steps . Not exactly sure if it was a religious thing or a bit too much Madeira wine but he made it.๐Ÿ˜‰ You take care and enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚
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