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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Lot's of showers here today ,only 16.c/61F . Hard to believe that last week we were heading for a blistering hot 39.c + before the day was through. My heart ,thought and prayers go out to those who lost their homes due to it. Take care everyone
  2. I don't think you have had chance, less than a week to being home and there is your planned trip to Scunthorpe You get around
  3. and that's just the women ,especially pub chucking out time
  4. It's a bit like the Italian football team .Put the word "Chicken" before each players name and it sounds like your reading from a very nice menu
  5. We seem to have moved on for that very reason "Just a tiny scratch, nothing to worry about just relax" Said the nurse. "I'm not worried " was my reply "Sorry I'm talking to myself "... Said the nurse
  6. Makes very sad reading when you have paid out ,only to put up with so many problems. At least you are both home safe and sound . Take care
  7. Which takes us back to what Billish was saying . We all live on the same planet , we need to start looking after it . No easy answers though .
  8. Last night upstairs was far too warm, so we adapted our situation . Mrs K was a bit wary when I said "we should sleep on the living room floor " The living room had all windows/curtains closed and the highest temp had been around 21.c in there . We laid out a duvet to lay on and a thin sheet should we want to cover ourselves and had a 35W fan running . We had a great nights sleep and should there be a next time we will do the same again .
  9. We also hit 39.c and its now just 20:45pm and just falling to 30.c Going to be a warm night tonight .
  10. Glad your having a good time , looks a bit chilly to us lot back here
  11. Nowt up with your film ,we loved watching it .
  12. The ones that get me who tell you how great tasting the food is before they haven even tasted it ? I have noted one duo who's films have come so predictive. Regardless of which ship they embark it's "Right time for a drink " . Before the film ends ,one is merry but the other is drunk ,out of his tree ,slurring incoherent words and this is a review ?? As said, each to their own but if I wanted to get smashed I wouldn't need their help .
  13. Morning ,hope everyone's chilling out We had a couple of days at the coast again ,trying to avoid the heat . A nice cool room on the sea front ,even the car in undercover parking ,keeping it cool . When we went out, it was up to the air-conned pub with unlimited iced sodas that went down well. Then off to our favourite chippy restaurant that also has air-conn seating. which was just as good as the sea front was clipping the 30's. The worst part was having the room windows open and watching the "bean can "exhaust boys who seem to take delight in speeding for 30 yards in their backfiring ,spluttering machines . They became tiresome around midnight when your trying to sleep. We left this morning with 23.c and are now in the 34.c back home with more to come. The plants have been watered and plenty of cool water for the birds and we are now staying in with curtains drawn and the fan ticking over ,keeping us at a pleasant 21.c. Have a good day and keep safe
  14. In warm weather if you know where to go,pies are much cheaper to buy. Beef pie $2 in Cuba Chicken $1 in Barbados. These are just a couple of The Pie Rates of the Caribbean 🤣
  15. You can get a free NHS flu vaccine from a pharmacy if: you are 50 and over (including if you are 50 by 31 March 2022) https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/pharmacy-nhs-flu-vaccine-service
  16. Yes let them know everything, as you say you assume nothing is OK . A few weeks back a pensioner who was running a vlog on YouTube about his everyday life with his wife and their travels ,had been ill for a while . He took us viewers along with him to his tests at his medical centre and one day told us proudly he was going on a cruise . He told us he had a bank insurance and what a cheap bargain it was . Wanting to make sure he was safe ,I told him to OK it with his doctor and ensure his insurance was informed of everything ,which he said he would do. Sad to say he went but never came back, as he peacefully passed away whilst on his cruise. The family thanked us who had supported him and closed the site down . Never ,ever should we take anything for granted ,least of all our travel insurance .
  17. When I has to claim for my heart issue to start a claim I rang the number on my policy which was with a well known car breakdown company ,the number was for travel insurance claims. Once through to them I had to tell them everything and they said "Right we will post your paperwork out to you ." A few days later the paperwork came and the insurer was nothing to do with the breakdown company at all, they were just simply agents for this insurance company . I thought "here we go" I'm as weak as a kitten, head all over the place , I don't need this! Lucky for me after telling them what had gone off and sending them the relevant papers back . The lady phoned me back and said "All is now sorted and your money will be in the bank in the next few days . They were great with me . The thing I took away from this was ,if I think they are not a travel insurer ,chances are they are not and are just an agent . Now I stick with the well known Travel insurance brands who have their own 24 hour dedicated helpline. Sure it costs a bit more but one near miss was enough for me .
  18. We were looking at that a few weeks ago, looks reasonable ,thanks for the heads up
  19. I was same as you ,never knew the old EHIC once expired had a replacement with the GHIC card . Will be sending off for one soon using link below . https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/cra/start
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