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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Yeah and we have the Stag and the Hind pubs in Rotherham so best not to mess with them if they've had a drink
  2. Good morning everyone, almost time for my breakfast, talking of which ....
  3. From my wmc club land days, the group used it between the performances .. Enjoy !
  4. With the requirement to get your own test and pay before your cruise after 29th April I have been reading through the forum and it seems to have a lot of people worried . Some because of lack of a smartphone and some who live remote and if doing an in person test are miles away from a centre/chemist. I thought it maybe a good idea for those who have used a service to let others know how easy it was use? What was the cost of the test? How long did it take for your certificate to be e-mailed to you ? Thank you
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