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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Good Morning, thanks for the daily report. It’s been a very busy morning. The project that was supposed to go live tomorrow has been postponed. I checked in for tomorrow’s flight only to have the printer die while trying to print the boarding pass. A load of laundry was done to lighten the load when we get home. A few more meetings and then I shut work off. I hope everyone has a good day today. Zander when he was younger and innocent.
  2. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today should be a nice day if a bit chilly. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion, instead we will have some leftover roast beef. It’s an in office day and I’m heading in soon. I hope everyone has a good day today. 2013 San Juan
  3. Happy Anniversary. We booked Tamarind for first and last night. Hope to see you on board!
  4. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a very rainy day today, we are expecting over 2” of rain when it’s over this afternoon. Thankfully it isn’t snow! Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good to me, it does sound familiar. Over the weekend I rechecked my suitcase. It seems like there is more room than usual but I don’t think I missed anything. The food drive for pets reminds me to pack some treats for the cats of San Juan. While the work week will be short it will be very busy. I’m looking forward to the time out of the office. I hope everyone has a good day today. 2013 San Juan.
  5. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today’s temperatures should get into the 60’s before the cold front comes through and drops a lot of rain with strong winds. A Target run is in order this morning, just waiting for the email letting me know the order is ready for pickup. On the way home a Kohl’s stop is in order since we both have a 40% off coupon. I’m pretty sure I’d like today’s meal suggestion but most likely would only get it on a BHB. I hope everyone has a good day today. 2019 San Juan
  6. While getting the house ready for the sitter I pulled out the wine fridge to clean behind it. I found lost treasures and the kids are happy.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today should be a mild day and tomorrow even warmer. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me and I’m curious about making it in a skillet. This weekend’s big task is to make the house look presentable for the pet sitter. A few spiders have been trying to replace the Halloween decorations that I removed. I do need to set up the printer on the new laptop, hopefully it’ll go smoothly. I hope everyone has a good day today. 2019 San Juan with DH.
  8. I tried to check pricing a little bit ago on our March cruise and it just kept spinning.
  9. Good Morning Jacqui, could you please add us to the March 16, 2024 Eurodam 11 Day Eastern Caribbean Wayfarer? When we first booked this itinerary it was called Southern Wayfarer not sure why the name changed. The HAL website is not cooperating on checking the current name. We made final payment, confirmed the sitter and booked air this week so I think we are good to go. Thank you!
  10. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today is a nice day although a bit chilly. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion but would enjoy a brownie. Today promises to be another busy work day. A big project is nearing completion with a go live as I fly to FLL. I hope everyone has a good day today. This is one of my favorite pictures from the 2019 visit to San Juan. The Veendam is in the background. It was our last cruise before the shutdown and the cruise that we earned 5* status.
  11. Good Afternoon, Jasper’s trip to the vet went well. He gained 6oz. His medication is now reduced to every other day. Now to remember the right day, this month it’ll be even days.
  12. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. It’s a cold start to the day with warmer temperatures coming over the weekend. Today is a half work day, I’m taking Jasper to the vet for a weight check. Hopefully we can reduce his meds. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good as a side dish, although hopefully the no wine means in the dish and not as a drink to go along with it. Let’s never forget Pearl Harbor. I hope everyone has a good day today. 2019 San Juan
  13. Today’s birthday is Cat in my Lap’s. Mine was last month.
  14. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Flurries are in the air this morning. DH encountered heavier snow going to work. Yesterday was a very busy work day and today will be the same. While in the office yesterday I printed our boarding passes. Today’s meal suggestion sounds very good to me. I hope everyone has a good day. 2019 San Juan with DH.
  15. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today’s meal suggestion sounds interesting and one I think I’d like. Over the weekend we made final payment on our March cruise. DH finally packed for next week’s cruise. For some reason he was packing for an 11 day cruise. I think he counted the holiday weekend once we are home. I hope everyone has a good day. 2013 San Juan.
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