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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Years ago when we sailed out of Boston unused OBC turned into rum. Now it goes to sparkly items.
  2. Thank you for the tip. I didn’t know that was an option. I’ll keep it in mind for future reference. Although, DH has a habit of claiming my unused OBC😆.
  3. One time I actually went the opposite direction and increased my daily gratuity. It felt like I was being asked all the questions of why I was reducing the amount when I wasn’t. It almost made me feel bad for making the request. It became too much trouble that I’ll not do that again.
  4. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today promises to be a beautiful day with temperatures expected to get into the 60’s. I’m still planning on going to the travel event, HAL will have a booth. I’d like today’s meal suggestion as a side. Today I’m not sure what I’m doing for dinner, I’m leaning towards takeout. The kids had me up in plenty of time to watch the NA arrive this morning. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  5. Good Morning, @kazu thank you for today’s daily fleet report. @superoma thank you for filling in for @dfish. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me, especially if someone else is cooking. Today promises to be a nice sunny day. While I have no work meetings scheduled I expect a busy day as I do some catch up work. DH is reporting that the hotel he is staying at should not be repeated. Even though rooms were ready they wouldn’t let him check in until 2pm. The hotel had a strong scent of pot. The room is very outdated. Guess that’s what he gets for booking by price. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  6. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a beautiful sunny day, too bad I have to stay inside and work. DH is on his way to Lancaster and he appreciates everyone’s kind thoughts. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me. The next few days I’ll be working on using up leftovers from the freezer, cooking for one is not fun. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It should be a nice day with temperatures in the the low 40’s. One of DH’s uncles passed last week and he is heading to Lancaster tomorrow to attend the viewing and funeral. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion, instead we are roasting a chicken. It will be another busy work day. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  8. I can’t leave a plate unattended with Tucker and Zander around.
  9. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today is an in office day and it promises to be busy. The meal suggestion sounds interesting and I think I’d like it. Last night I signed up for our auto clubs travel event. It’s this Saturday and free. HAL will have a booth. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  10. Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a beautiful sunny afternoon. Sorry to hear about those missing ports due to weather. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good if I use the crockpot. A big yes to anything chocolate. @seagarsmoker best wishes starting your new job. It’s been a very busy work day and another meeting in a few minutes. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  11. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today I have nothing on the agenda, all errands were run yesterday. We did settle on two excursions for March and of course the website said there was an issue with my card until I switched browsers. I’m looking forward to pictures and recipes for today’s meal suggestion, it sounds good and I’m sure I’d like it. During the shutdown I removed a lot of information, including “friends”, from Facebook and turned it into more of a newsfeed, cruise information and cat memes. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  12. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today should be a nice day and there’s a chance we’ll see the sun. This morning’s plans include a Target run and a trip to the bread outlet. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good, I suspect that we will dine out today. I plan on booking excursions for our March cruise to use our HIA credits and getting a start on our taxes. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  13. Good Afternoon, the girls trip to the vet went well. Both got their distemper shots. They behaved much better for them than me. The doctor and I discussed Amelia’s passing. She let me know that death is usually the first sign of heart disease in cats. A friend of hers had two cats from the same litter pass the same way just a few weeks apart.
  14. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today promises to be a nice day. It’ll be a short but bust work day. I’m done at noon so that I can take Mona and River for their annual checkup. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good, I have no idea what’s for dinner tonight. I hope everyone has a good day today. Happy Groundhog Day!
  15. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Well the kids made up for yesterday, they created a commotion to get me up at 4. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good for lunch. It’s going to be a busy work day with several meetings and getting up to speed on more accounts that I took over yesterday when a team member retired. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  16. Good Afternoon, thanks for the daily fleet report. I’m late today since somehow the kids let me sleep until 6 and then work kept me busy all day. I’m hoping that Social Security is there for me in a few years. @smitty34877 that is a beautiful cat. @1ANGELCAT thank you for the news, I hope they can reopen soon. I missed yesterday and wanted to wish everyone heading to Hawaii a fun and safe cruise. Wishing everyone a good rest of the day.
  17. I second the recommendation. We did this tour a few years ago and the guide was fantastic and she seemed really interested what we saw.
  18. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. The snow storm fizzled out and we only have a light dusting, the afternoon sun will melt it away. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good to me, today I’m cleaning out the freezer a bit and making chicken barley soup. @HAL Sailer Happy Birthday I hope everyone has a good day today.
  19. Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report. Today we are expecting some morning snow and then a bunch more overnight, I think in total we are expecting about 3” by lunchtime tomorrow. Not a big deal but I’ll prepare the snowblower in a bit. Today’s meal suggestion sounds interesting and I look forward to pictures and recipes from @dfish. Yesterday after the morning shopping I laid down in bed for a few hours and Jasper curled up beside me and purred away. Most of the day I felt tired but not nearly as bad as the first dose. Today all is good. I hope everyone has a good day today.
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