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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Or indeed, a desperate wimp! I'm not a brilliant sleeper and occasionally I can be found in the Lido around 5.30/6am, sustained by coffee [cabin made] and a book if the weather is too cool to sit out on the balcony I'd like to say 'best part of the day' but that's only because there are hardly any fellow passengers there.
  2. In days gone by I would have found find it to believe...but then sadly, having witnessed dreadful behaviour at breakfast over the shade of a couple of slices of toast, I can believe it. Disgusting. I look forward to the promised review.
  3. We're on holiday. The Cunard ambiance I enjoy might not be the same others experience. Each to their own. We want newbies to book, not be put off at the thought of the Style Police monitoring how we look. That is not the Cunard I know and experience. I have absolutely nothing against personal dress standards, whatever they may be as long as they are within the advisories of the daily programme/ t&cs. I do object to comments which come across as derogatory and at times, arrogant and are aimed at others' dress. This is the disservice to Cunard as far as I'm concerned as it's sending out signals or perpetuating the myth Cunard is pretentious. And it's not!
  4. Fries were OK but I had a very forgettable burger there with them, once. Maybe the hot dogs are better. I haven't tried it since.
  5. You are right. You'll not come across this on boarding or onboard. Have a wonderful time. 🙂
  6. Chill High C's Cunard is nothing like the picture you've shown concern about. Nothing. What. So. Ever. 😄
  7. You are so predictable Port Royal. 😁
  8. My hats get packed as do gloves. The only dresses I own are full length which I think a tad OTT to board a ship in, even Cunard!😊 Denim has changed over the decades. It's no long de rigueur to be Levi blue and if asked to pick a well dressed passenger in jeans of any colour or one who fits a 'smart' definition but looks like a Hyacinth, I know which I'd go for. Each to their own but going back to my original comment, I would no more be judgemental about others' dress, than fly to the moon. Not my style.
  9. I did not make and will not make any comment on the clothes worn in the photograph. Not my place to do so other than to say the wearers look fed up. Define 'smart'! I might wear my trainers [OK, only occasionally I have to admit 😀] and jeans to board a ship. but I know for a fact I look a darned sight more Cunard ready than many who consider themselves 'smartly' dressed. I'm not creased or crumpled for starters. My mother used to board a plane in the 50's and 60s and Cunard in the 70s and 80's in full 'Sunday Best' including a hat and gloves but then she never wore a pair of trousers and hated my jeans!😃 I can't think of anything more uncomfortable! Comfort for me doesn't mean a tracksuit or equivalent, but it does mean something in which I feel easy and for me, when travelling, that's not drinks do ready.
  10. I quite realise your comment is less than complimentary to those whom you consider don’t match up to your outdated sense of what’s 'right' but amazingly, you are right in this instance although not for the reason you might think. Decades ago, before we joined the dodge the embarkation photographer game [it's too tedious to pose for photos once you've got a few under your belt]] we could have been wearing wellington boots for all the photographic evidence showed. 😄 As for those who see a supermarket queue in Lissie's photo, I don’t see anything other than a room of probably fed up and possibly tired travellers and according to Lissie, probably pretty warm too. We don't all travel looking as if we are lunchtime drinks with the Captain ready! I certainly have travelled the world dressed appropriately, for comfort and not show. Thankfully, the judgemental attitude shown by a few on this thread isn't something I ever come across on my Cunard,. Thank goodness 🙂
  11. I'm so sorry you're out of pocket, even if it is a relatively 'small' amount, but your misfortune will be others' gain. Don't take the return date for granted and have a good emergency supply of medication for those unforeseen circumstances.
  12. I say historically as I have no idea if they are functioning in these times of possible staff shortages, the Lido has been home to small alternative, chargeable dining areas - Indian, Chinese, Mexican and I think Italian but I may be misremembering there. Hence my term 'pop up'. They used to run for a couple of nights each depending on the length of the cruise but not necessarily all functioned on a shorter cruise and unless we dined with friends there, I asked for and got a menu item to dine on in QG.
  13. That is a meal I order the day before which is why I sometimes ask to have a look at the following day's dinner menu to make sure I'm not missing a favourite if I have ordered 'off' menu. Can I also add, if you see anything on the pop up menus you fancy, it's worth asking if you can have it in the restaurant. I am partial to the Chinese alternative dining menu and always have the Mandarin sticky beef at least once.
  14. and just in case brucedodge is a newbie, or any potential newbie is reading this and gets spooked by the phrase 'proper tone', there is no 'proper tone', just personal preference. You can board a Cunard ship whether taking a TA or 'just' a cruise in full black tie attire if you wish to save packing woes, or like me dress for comfort in your jeans and trainers. 🙂
  15. Preferably ahead but for that kind of meal, breakfast would do for lunch, and lunch for dinner. I would imagine it would be possible to order when you turn up but I think it courteous to the staff to pre-order. Most definitely and with all the trimmings, I occasionally have a dinner plate in the evening. Ceviche is also available and appears on the menu occasionally if I remember correctly
  16. Don’t forget you can order the most amazing salads lunch or dinner. I always go for an iceberg base with olives, avocado and sun dried tomatoes then load up with raw veg and other salads and feta or lobster tail for protein. No dressing and that’s my lunch, or dinner if I need a food rest. Add the occasional sushi meal and I really have no need to go to the buffet.
  17. My husband will wear a jacket, with and without a tie depending on the shirt. However, that is his choice as a bit of a traditionalist and a man not really used to going casual of a Cunard evening. You will be perfectly correct if you don't wear your jacket and your attire would be applicable throughout the ship, whatever the restaurant you will dine in.
  18. exlondoner, there have been comments on this board over the years which would have made me think twice about trying Cunard for the first time. I joined CC after my first Cunard cruise so didn't come across any of them before hand which was lucky as I know, as do you, some of the more high hat thoughts displayed occasionally on one or two issues, don't actually exist onboard ship.
  19. I can resist and it's better for me as it's hard sometimes not to overload a plate in the buffet as I love a pick 'n mix buffet.
  20. May I butt in and say I have suspicion DaisyUK might be looking at a Grills cabin, which if QG [no experience of PG so can't comment there] on QE or QV, a salad to your own ingredients is just as good a bits and bobs healthy meal as the Lido pick'n mix salad bar. I frequently ask for a sushi lunch and alternate it with 'my' salad. Lunch in the restaurant does not have to be a two or three course meal.
  21. and without meaning to sound flippant, those of us who book time and time again love the intangible something Cunard offers which transcends any deliberations over the price.
  22. Snap, apart from our rare excursions are usually arranged for us once onboard. We have had a zero account on a couple of occasions thanks to very generous obc.
  23. or included excursions, thank goodness and as it's QG, there's no need for speciality restaurants as QG dining is pretty special. 🙂
  24. Having arrived very early with friends to claim a pitch at the Hatch Shell many years ago, I agree with you. I think this cruise will be a wonderful way to listen to, and watch the celebrations, especially this year after its absence.
  25. Although a very interesting post, why the irritation? I would imagine most contributors to this board are aware of the differences between the two cruise ships and the liner. DaisyUK asked for comparisons and not a marine architect perspective on the builds and that is what she is getting. The QM2's interior is, as you put it, quirky in comparison to her sisters and I for one prefer my travels to be with QE or QV and not QM2. A subjective opinion and one many will disagree with. All viewpoints add to the final picture for DaisyUK.
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