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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. An influx of newbies would certainly help keep the bean counters happy, and me too if it means Cunard stays a going concern! 🙂
  2. Nice idea but you miss out on the spacious areas, the dining table, the bathroom big enough to hold its own soiree etc.🙂
  3. I think you have given an excellent flavour of QG. My only reservation would be the bed [bedroom, I haven't yet kicked my husband out for snoring or vice versa] and pillows. We find the beds [Carpathia this time] incredibly comfortable and have always managed to source decent pillows.
  4. They are our own bookings. I have the Booking Confirmation letters in front of me from Victoria's Future Voyage specialists. The confirmation letters refer to the booking conditions on the Cunard website. They specifically refer to the cancellation clauses 38 to 41. So unless the UK t&cs have changed since August 29th, which is when I made two more bookings, if the cruise is cancelled by the passenger, then cancellation charges apply and either the deposit is forfeited or insurance will kick in to cover the loss if applicable.
  5. swjumboand chemmo There will be no wrath heaped on anyone and the heavens will not fall. Personally, I would say a polo shirt will be pushing the dress code on non formal nights in the restaurants but an open necked shirt will be fine. Trousers of course would be an added advantage for entry into the venues, any actually! 🙂 Ladies, unless you intend to dine in jeans or your swimwear, I would imagine you'd dress within the very broad remit. QE/QV might lack the variety of dining venues Celebrity would appear to offer but don't forget, in QG you can order what you want with the usual mantra 'as long as the ingredients are on the ship' so variety of food will not be in question. QG might have the 'fine dining' rep but that does not mean stuffy or pretentious.. We find it all very relaxing. Steak and a salad? No problem. A great Italian meal or a basic spag bol? No problem. An Indian banquet? No problem. Just don't forget to ask and order in advance. I must add, my experiences are all on QE/QV. I don't particularly like QM2 as a ship so can't say how stuffy or not QG is as I haven't tried it and don't intend to.
  6. Qualify by adding 'hand wash' as that is the product unavailable in the UK, normally.
  7. We're not foodies either. I would hazard a guess most guests are like us, non experts who enjoy a variety of well cooked, well presented meals. We know what we like and we know we'll get it in QG. 🙂 I would add a rider that a shortie does not always 'show off' the true QG experience.
  8. Sorry Lissie, I booked two cruises whilst onboard in August and as a UK based cruiser, the deposits are most definitely not refundable
  9. Different booking conditions apply to the different countries. For the UK, which is where the OP seems to reside, the deposit can have a once, non chargeable transfer under present booking conditions to another cruise but it isn't refundable.
  10. I am speaking now about QE/QV. I have no knowledge of QM2's alternative dining. The Lido has what I call 'pop ups' most, but not all, evenings These are sectioned off parts of the Lido where the tables are 'dressed' and the ambiance is most definitely not buffet style. The dining is themed and the theme generally follows a three night period. It could be Asian, Chinese, Mexican, Italian and others. This is chargeable and I think, around $20/25 but Diamond category Cunard passengers can dine here 'free' one night as a perk . The other regular alternative is The Verandah. Again, a Diamond perk [perk is in the form of a voucher which can be utilised for an evening pop up or Verandah lunch] is a lunchtime dining experience , the evening is chargeable but I have no idea of the cost as we never bother, as we love the QG restaurant ambiance and service and we can order most of the alternative dining offerings, to be served up in QG. Then of course, there is The Lido buffet but apart from a very rare top up around midnight, we have never dined there of an evening. *Apart from the Lido, the evening codes are in all the dining venues. As we find QG dining relaxed, it's up to individuals to decide if one venue is more relaxed than others. Hope that helps for starters.
  11. To be honest, we've given up the main events and just occasionally attend the much smaller do's. As we know quite a few of the regulars, they come to us so saves a dance floor race. 🙂
  12. A warm bathroom; a chilly bedroom and an in between sitting room depending on how cold we feel but the bedroom and bathroom are definitely many degrees apart! Re your experience, Cunard is pretty special for us and I am so glad to read you'll book again as it shows you thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The only slight fly in the ointment is the 2's go quite quickly so early booking is recommended which means planning way ahead!
  13. I'm not bothered either but in the past we have had great chats with officers if they happen to be in our vicinity. It's far from sucking up to anyone, it's called being sociable. 🙂
  14. I can't say we've had any problems with interior doors or storage space doors but then we keep interior doors closed in the cabin as we like different levels of air-con in the living, bathroom and bedroom areas.
  15. For UK based T&Cs we booked two trips whilst onboard, for '24. The deposit was GBP350 per trip [£175 ea] and we got the $400 ea plus whatever the offered OBC was. The ridiculously low deposit is a great inducement in case we change our mind, especially when booking an expensive cabin,
  16. Oh darn it. I didn't see The Captain when I gave the shops the once over. He would have been a great reminder of happy days. Grrrr, or grrrrrrowl! That Ursus looks more Canis Familiaris to my mind too. Still cute though. *Luckily, I have just remembered I have friends who have still to sail on Victoria this year. I will arrange a purchase. Phew. 🙂
  17. No World Club events but we did have a glass of something fizzy, Pol Aker/Prosecco 'ish, given to us as we sat down for dinner on the first Gala night with a sort of 'compliments of the Captain' card.
  18. It's great when in port and there aren't many passengers staying on board. Your scenario is even better, Looking forward to further posts from you.
  19. Late show used to be at 10.30pm so 10pm is a definite improvement for us.
  20. This is what I mean. If accommodation is of the premier importance, them QM2 seems to be the ship to plump for, eg I get the impression the PG cabins are superior in size or layout to the Vistas *and some QG cabins have extra bathroom facilities. For general dining ambiance and 'Grills' areas, not that I've cruised QG on QM2, I get the impression the Vistas are better. Depends what folk want out of their overall experience so naming ships and differentiating between PG/QG would help form a more accurate picture.
  21. and as has been said many many many times, you were so unlucky with your experience. Never has a member of staff appeared to us, expecting a gratuity, never. I have always thought the [QG] staff on QV are better attuned to needs than QE but that's because we're known and completely biased. QE loyalists will disagree with me as they will be biased to QE. 🙂 I love sailing with our American cousins. They are always such delightful fellow companions and we were always delighted when Americans shared our tables for eight so yet again, you were so unlucky.
  22. Maybe when we're talking 'Grills', we should be more specific when giving of our own experiences. QG or PG; QM2 or QE/QV as I am getting the impression it depends which ship is sailed on as to which part of the experience is better than others.
  23. We have had lunch twice now, in the Steak House/Verandah. Both times we utilised our Diamond freebie. The only reason to do so was to join friends, one occasion being a farewell luncheon 'do' with six other lovely people we'd met on the last three segments of a world cruise. On both occasions, we were one of the very few occupied table/s in the restaurant. I can't say it was stuffy or pretentious as we were so busy enjoying ourselves with friends, and a little wine had been consumed on both occasions, we wouldn't have noticed or cared if it was. When we dined as a fivesome, the lack of other tables certainly didn't add to any atmosphere. Ignoring the seafood platter on the evening menu and which I shall investigate for QG consumption on our next cruise, as QG diners [that's an objective comment and not meant to be uppity] I can't say the lunchtime meals themselves were particularly memorable however grand the menu might appear and the lack of atmosphere at lunchtime would not entice us back to dine as a twosome.
  24. Crispy/Peking Duck with pancakes and all the trimmings needs to be ordered three days in advance [shoot it, hang it, roast it etc 🙂 ] and has nothing to do with any pop up in case it might be thought a Bamboo offering. We don't cruise for less than ten/twelve days now so I usually order it three or four days into the itinerary. The pop ups are sectioned off in the evening and an effort is made to make it a pleasant experience with the table settings. ambiance etc. Definitely not Lido buffet style.
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