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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. I think the choice of ship has a lot to do with any experience in 'The Grills'. First you have to decide if it's QG or PG. When folk say they travel in the Grills, they often don't specify which one so it can be hard to get the correct impression. I haven't seen any cabins on QM2 but I have seen the QG dining room and I wasn't impressed but then I'm not a fan of that ship. I have heard however, the cabins are very spacious and that includes PG. On the Vistas, the PG cabins aren't that much more spacious than Britannia but they have a huge added bonus. Decks 11 and 12. These two decks are deemed 'The Grills'. Deck 11 has both restaurants and having taken afternoon tea in PG, the restaurant is almost a t2win of QG. Bright and spacious. The lounge is there, not huge and can get very busy at certain times[ usually pre lunch and pre dinner but a lovely place for your complimentary teas and coffees when the bar is staffed. The concierge has their desk there too. Outside you have a sun deck and between 11 and 12, i have never yet not managed to get a sunbed or chair if needed. Then we have QG. The main differences being the cabins and the choice of food in the restaurant. We love the restaurant but it's the spacious cabins which draw us time and time again, The Butler is a nice touch and is always at the end of a pager when on duty for anything you need but one can survive without that. Same for a 'free' bar set up. Is QG worth the extra over PG? A very personal decision just as is PG worth the extra over BC etc. We have gone from a Q5 over the years to a Q2 and a Q1 purely because we want the space. It's up to the individual to decide if PG/QG is right for them.
  2. Sounds like an overall positive experience. Good and I'm very interested in your all inclusive thoughts. We are totally against it preferring to pay the base price and PAYG for the rest. I do think Quercus Gate needs investigating although our viscosity was just right. Question. Will you book QE [or QV as they're basically the same] again? 🙂
  3. I think the larger bottles [300ml] are more useable as they're pump action and no, they're not fixed on the wall travelersjoy. or they weren't in our cabin.
  4. Oh a bit of 'Phew' as far as might be impressed cabin wise. We always are every time we step through those double doors. It's a good start. 🙂
  5. Very strange. The products I used [liquid soap and shampoo] were of first class consistency. Maybe stewards need to do a viscosity check on all bathroom products! 🙂
  6. Sadly no . techteach but thanks for looking.
  7. Interesting. None of ours were watered down. Thank you for the idea but I think the product I like onboard must now be peculiar to Cunard as it's not featured anywhere else. Not even on ebay! 🙂
  8. Oh I don't know. Bit of casual oneupmanship? 😀 Seriously, she might have been thinking of Body and Hand Wash or the soap bar. Liquid Hand Wash/Soap is a different product. Edit Might be a great addition to Cunard's Perfumery, Lotions and Potions shop. I'd buy.
  9. Nope, sorry. Your SIL cannot buy Quercus liquid soap from Selfridges.
  10. We're two topping it again for our next outing and have selected 'our' table but have high hopes of 'the bubble' for eight again one day as it's in a wonderful position. Enjoy. 🙂
  11. I guess that presupposes all guests have insurance and the insurance carries Covid related cover. We are never asked to show proof of insurance and we think we'd be daft to cruise without any but I know for an absolute fact some passengers have taken that risk on Round Britain trips so who's to say that doesn't happen on other itineraries.
  12. That's the one. It didn't exist pre Covid on two of our last three cruises otherwise, we'd have been seated there. It wasn't there in August either but that wasn't an issue as we were two topping.
  13. I'd gladly buy one of the big liquid hand soaps for guests to use. The Quercus soap fragrance is divine and I haven't been able to source it in the UK.
  14. Bon Voyage Have a wonderful time and here's hoping the Lights will come out to play for you all.
  15. Slightly misleading here, implying Vic2 isn't looking forward to reports on this trip. Vic2 is looking forward to reading the reports and actually said she will read with interest and also, hopefully learn something. She did say she’s wasn't interested in Celebrity comparisons but qualified that by saying because they will not impact her as she has no interest in that line at all. That does not mean she isn’t interested in the overall picture, she is, just as she is in all posts concerning her favourite ship and being a bit of a Q.Grill'er, she has an added interest when QG is concerned.
  16. Ah, that explains all the cases. Not the kitchen sink but in fact, the bar! Seriously, I really hope you have a great time.
  17. Probably a wise decision. Rockin and rollin in an aft cabin on a Norwegian North Atlantic Sea swell would be unimaginable! 😀
  18. I'm not interested in comparisons as Celebrity isn't on our radar at all and I know just about everything there is to know about the cabin in focus. I am interested in the cruise. Hopefully, I'll learn something.
  19. Table 4, when it exists, in the 'bubble' is our go to. Maybe next year once we feel confident with a large table again and of course, if it's configured.
  20. True, but we valiantly try and leave unopened Pol Aker in the cabin. The Gin comes with us if there's a decent amount left in the bottle. 🙂
  21. Bearing in mind we should also be in Southampton ready to join this trip tomorrow and you are in one of our favoured cabins, although we have jumped cabin to an aft one for one of our trips next year, I will read with interest.
  22. You beat me to it. 🙂 Being a fan of large tables we've always been happy to try and fit in with fellow guests as sociability is what the large table is about and we have found the favoured time to sit down for dinner for the majority is between 7.30pm and 8pm. The best arrangement is if the table as a whole turns up within fifteen/twenty minutes of each other and when that happens, it's usually because we're all happy to dine with each other and the table as a whole is found to be very congenial and so we wait for the others to join us, chatting and perusing the menu etc. That doesn't always happen of course and that's fine but sometimes, we do wonder why some folk choose to sit at a large table, more often than not because they dine when the restaurant opens and so are on their pud when the rest of us sit down. Only once in hundreds of nights have we asked to move tables due to 'incompatibility' with a couple of fellow guests, but then another couple moved as well so the table of eight became a table of four and they were welcome to each other.
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