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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Luckily, in our one and only case, four of us came to the same conclusion. No thanks! Cheerio. If for some, politics or anything remotely connected becomes a staple constituent of dinner table conversation with relative strangers, I think we might be sticking to two tops. 😟
  2. and if any of those don't work, move tables, as we [for the very first and only time] and another couple did. We left the obnoxious loudmouth, his companion and their two travel friends to their own devices. Looked rather obvious when spaced out on a table for eight! 🤣 Other than that, polite listening for a bit then turn to another table mate and start a completely new, non contentious conversation.
  3. Meant to say 'is what we, and many of those who choose to continue sailing with Cunard will do'
  4. Your Butler is a more proactive, higher level version of a room attendant. He/she is, as ours informed us in August when I said he didn't need/have to do a certain function for us, is there to make us feel at home in our temporary home at sea and if was in his power to 'do it', then he would. He did despite my ineffectual protestations. 🙂 He was a wonderful Butler! He/she is there to smooth your way through the holiday. Any questions, ask. Nothing is too simple or basic a question. He/she will be at the end of a pager during working hours and will answer you pretty darned quickly. They will arrange a bit of a do in the cabin for you if you wish to entertain fellow passenger; discuss the [wonderful] platters of nibbles [included in your fare], order the drinks [not included in your fare] and serve the drinks if required. We wouldn't dream of using the un/packing service and I don't know anyone who has but it's there for you I guess if you want. We don't require much from a Butler and we're just happy to be lucky enough to have someone to give us a bit extra help now and then.
  5. Which is what we and most of those who choose to sail with Cunard will do, and those who continually moan about droppings standards can do the same or find another mode of cruise line/ mode of holiday.
  6. Moot really because the corporate decision will be abide by T&Cs.
  7. They can be very helpful and also understanding, in my experience
  8. I think Victoria 2 is right would need a back up to ostrich approach. Firstly keep asking why they have changed rules, quoting previous letter. If no luck hire the wheel chair they advise as a backstop. Assuming OP is arriving in their own car. Take their prefered mini scooter with them and previous letter authorising it. Try and use this letter to get on on ship with preferred mini scooter. If they till say no , put mini scooter back in car and take the wheel chair. Not really an option if using CPS etc as anyone with the authority to say yea or nay will be nowhere near kerbside.
  9. It might not for you, but it does for many. In fact, the change of requirements might mean more passengers decide to travel with Cunard. We will be jacketed every evening and even 'tie'd occasionally. What others wear will have no effect on us whatsoever and I think that will apply to the majority of passengers. Those who don't like it, well...
  10. If you had been sailing with us on the occasions the aircon didn't deliver sufficiently, you would be aware of the need to remove jackets for some chaps. That's not a dilution of any dress code, that is a practical, almost medical, necessity for some and if you weren't on our trips, you cannot dispute my comment. Luckily, as jackets are no longer expected every night, it will only be the Gala evenings where the aircon or lack of efficiency, might affect those in danger of heat problems. Again, luckily, there's a simple solution for those who feel 'standards have dropped' and it's no longer the Cunard of yore. Find another cruise line or a different mode of travel.
  11. Devil's advocate here, there are areas of a ship [QM2 and QV in my experience] where the air con can't cope. Even pre Covid, diners were allowed and on QV, encouraged to remove jackets on rare occasions. Rare, but it happened.
  12. and to be fair, like for like, do we know if it would have been allowed on the other Vista at that time? Timing might be a factor because let's face it '21 was a slow day at the office! 🙂 Who knows? I certainly don't.
  13. I think my anomaly covers yours!! 🤣 I don't think any of us know the thoughts and processes Cunard have for allowing variations on a theme but it is what it is now so any passenger query re their T&Cs should be, queried before assumptions are made. That's my take anyway. I have learnt, never assume anything. Always ask in life.
  14. Having had a relative who required mobility aids, I think you came across an anomaly when allowed a scooter, however small, in a non designated cabin. I agree that many powered aids can be small, discreet and take up little space but for a company to be aware of the dimensions of all the equipment on the market and to be sure the passenger isn't telling porkies about their own stuff just isn't feasible and so hence the blanket ban. Go and enjoy and learn how to do wheelies in a chair as opposed to your scooter. 🙂
  15. One also had sceptical thoughts on P&O but one went with friends for a shortie and one had a marvellous time. One wouldn't go again on P&O unless it was for a short break and with a crowd but it shows one can enjoy something one had reservations about.
  16. A tad facetious comment, but as the library on QV is slightly smaller than the Queens room and I would say has atrocious acoustics for a concert, it’s quite busy throughout its opening hours.
  17. No idea as I didn't forensically make a note. Definitely at least one evening of the Irish duo and yes, chairs on the dance floor but my over riding impression is of dancing, and ball room dancing at that. What I was pleased to see, was the room being used by many people and not just the few. Enjoyment for all.
  18. All a bit doom and gloomish. Plenty of ballroom dancing on Victoria in August. Most dressed to the 'code' of the day. All rather lovely really!
  19. or be sensible and hire a chair which will fit the bill and gives no chance of boarding denied. Then complain afterwards.
  20. I know they are, but the speed of Amex, picking up a possible fraudulent [it was] transaction, phoning us, blocking the card and couriering a new one to us, whilst we were on holiday in the US, all under 24hrs was very impressive. We will stick with Amex.
  21. In room canapes The default is very underwhelming. I have had sushi, satay, fruit platter, not all on the same plate obviously, so again, just ask the butler. In fact, ask the butler anything you're not sure of. That's what he/she is there for.
  22. The range of fridge sodas are quite wide, from 7 up to mixers. Can't attest to sweeteners as I've never looked. Prime Rib If it doesn't appear on the menus and withdrawal symptoms are beginning to hit, just ask the Head Waiter the night before the full blown need will arise. Seriously, just ask. Same on here, nothing is too silly a question although if it really is silly, you might get some interesting answers. 😁
  23. Maybe for some and maybe others' like us, will be giving the new ship a try if Victoria is relocated to the Med for fly cruises. As much as I'm sceptical, I won't damn the product until I've tried it.
  24. Are you thinking of picking it up any time? If so, weight will matter. If not, it won't. Can't vouch for the chair personally but better a folding heavier electric chair than no cruise?
  25. We use Amex. Dead easy, no hassle and marvellous in letting you know if your card has been cloned/misused where ever you are in the world and great at holding challenges off the account until settled one way or the other.
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