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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. As I usually look at the following day's menu, the night before, I know when nothing floats my boat and pre order. The only time we use the Diamond vouchers is if we dine with friends and although I might not have experience of Verandah meals in QG, I do of Bamboo. I pre order either Mandarin chilli beef or Mandarin sticky chicken depending what's on the menu, I'm easy either way as both yummy. Just like the duck and pancakes, the Head Waiter tells me which night the Bamboo meal will be served to me. If I can do that from Bamboo, then the other pop ups will be accommodated. Hopefully, Verandah will be too although I'm not sure of the items which are an additional charge to the set price. We need a brave bunny to test the system. I'm willing to volunteer my services to the cause but that won't be until next year. Sadly.
  2. I don’t call either of the Vistas inferior. In anything. Different from QM2 yes but I would no more book QM2 for anything other than a short jolly, than fly to the moon. As I don’t like the ship, an extra bathroom would not make up for an overall inferior cruise experience. Prospective newbies should do their homework, read the plans and layout so no surprises in store and as always, each to their own.
  3. Not having asked for a Verandah offering, in the QG restaurant, I would work on 'most' rather than 'anything', but using the old 'if you don’t ask, you don’t get' phrase, it’s worth asking. You might not get exactly the same but pretty near it.
  4. Ours too but as one who often eats dinner 'off', I request the following day's dinner menu when having after dinner coffee, to have a quick glance at to decide if the following dinner is an 'on' day, or an 'off' day. After a day or two, the menu is brought automatically for me to look at.
  5. A slight difference in temperature from Singapore! 😀 Looks a tad nippy. An extra suitcase for the winter essentials and boots must have been on the packing agenda. Thank you again for your photographs.
  6. If we ever want a quick lunch due to timings of an excursion, a tuna melt, with fries of course is our cabin 'go to'. Yummy 🙂
  7. and replaced before wilting. A nice added touch to the dining table.
  8. My lunches, -: Sushi, sashimi, tuna tartare, caprese salad, carpaccio, wonderful salads [to my own dictate of constituents] with lobster tail and prawns, seared tuna, blackened tuna...salads with dressings on the side Light, delicious and most certainly doable when ordered the night before or at breakfast. Enjoy
  9. Or maybe anyone with limited English but enough about them to book a cruise on a foreign language ship, would understand the numbers and deduce which meals are taken within the times shown. Really, does it matter either way?
  10. You've hit the nail on the head. Q.G. is discreet and attentive, not stuffy or pretentious. I am so glad you are obviously having a great time. 🙂
  11. Staggeringly wonderful night photographs. Worthy of any commercial advertising blurb, and your others are super, too. Thank you
  12. A girl after my own heart! I don't do ironing if I can help it at the best of times and definitely not onboard. Judicious packing and lots of steam from the shower usually does the trick for us although husbands cotton/dress shirts do go to laundry.
  13. Fabulous photography and wonderful lights. Jealous? Moi? You bet! 🙂
  14. I don't find it shocking but definitely surprising a G.M. bottle isn't, G.M. I wonder if finding out the G. M., isn't G.M., the Crepes are less tasty in hindsight!🙂
  15. Old fashioned maybe but the only photo we'd take inside the restaurant would be of our table companions on the last Gala evening. A human memento of the cruise. Other than that, a camera, with us when dining will be if the outdoor might warrant a snap. We would have missed whales, dolphins, turtles and flying fish if we hadn't been camera ready.
  16. Thank you for taking us with you and thank you for the photographs. I'm not clever enough to upload photos [I don't do food ones at all] so your scenic ones are much appreciated.
  17. We were onboard 21st August and the system will not have changed. It's not perfect as 24/7 should mean all the time eg, no need to keep logging in so in that respect, it is clunky but once log in is saved, as Hattie indicated, a ten second job to reconnect. You'll get there. 🙂
  18. It's OK. We should have been with you this time, by the window and so would have been able to say Hi in person but as I'd have to have you remember us to your butler and Joachim and Raul and Aziz [they would all definitely have remembered us] and... it's not fair to single out one staff member as they were all beyond brilliant. Hopefully, we'll see them next time if they haven't been moved around or on leave. Continue to have a wonderful time.
  19. Although my husband would go bonkers if I used the camera to film our food, I have to say your photos are wonderful. Is that Jane serving you in one of them?
  20. The internet on the Norwegian cruises has always had a Norwegian mode. Something to do with deep cuttings, otherwise known as fjords, between high cliffs, otherwise known as mountains! You would think their tourist industry would flatten these out a bit so cruise passengers could access the internet on a less ad hoc basis! 🙂 I got caught out on the first day or so of usage when I didn't realise 24/7 didn't actually mean that and assumed I'd got a problem. Well I did but it was user error 50/50 with lack of usage info from Cunard. It's no great shakes to log in again, a ten second job if fingers are nimble. I have no idea what the app thingy is as it didn't feature on our list of things to use so shows how useful it was for us. Zero! We can definitely live without it.
  21. Regular restaurant coffee's OK but nothing to write home about unless you ask for an extra shot/stronger. When we make deck 11 for breakfast, I always have tea. Lunch and dinner I usually ask for a latte, decaf after dinner.
  22. Lovely to see al the photos but that bar set up. I'd never be sober! 😄
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