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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions but usually, opinions on ships are given more credence when given through experience rather than he said/she said and unfortunately, quoting the phrase 'discerning customer' has led to merriment and jocular comments. It's interesting the rest of us do not recognise the ship in the opening post. That might say as much about the O/P as it does about the rest of us. I am more than happy to be considered below salt/hoi polloi/undiscerning as I think I might be in a great group of CC members who whilst not necessarily raving about QA [thinking Maiden and following cruise snags here], definitely have enjoyed the experience for the most part, so far. and finally one would think most, if not all contributors to this forum are discerning even if ideas on dress and tips vary. After all, this IS the Cunard board we're members of! 😄
  2. Annie is sailing full June onwards this summer so maybe we'll have some more hoi polloi to keep us company. Maybe they will be discerning hoi polloi too. What a treat for us non discerning hoi polloi. 😀
  3. No. QM2 is not for me but that's through actual experience and not second hand thoughts. But then I'm apparently not discerning and as we loved Bernie Flint probably very hoi polloi'ish too! Hey ho, I know my place! 😄
  4. Your research must have been undertaken with regards to the ship itself as opposed to any passenger profile. I must admit, as a non discerning Cunard regular, I don't like the QM2 as a ship. Passengers were lovely but that's after actual experience rather than media reports.
  5. I don't know exlondoner as many Cunard regulars who fit into the above[and I completely agree with the comment] and like us, don't want to travel on QM2, will be stuck if they don't book Annie. It will be interesting going forward.
  6. I'd just like a survey, pre or post cruise!!🙁
  7. Research based on the few cruises undertaken, none of which you experienced. Interesting. The only research we did was to find a Cunard ship for 24/25 and 26 which sails out of Southampton in the late Spring and summer months and isn't the QM2 so I guess we join the ranks of those who aren't discerning as we have five more cruises booked on her even though she isn't a Vista. Happy to be a paid up member of the less than discerning in the hopes Victoria comes home in '27. 🙂
  8. The passenger profile sure has changed in a month. I'm so sorry you had such an awful time but I honestly do not recognise the Queen Anne you describe. Sure she's different from her sisters and she will never be our choice of Cunard if either of her Vista sisters are Southampton based but we experienced kindness and consideration from staff AND passengers. I have no idea who the Blackpool comedian was but if it was Bernie Flint, he had the whole theatre in the palm of his hand with his gentle humour and music. The age profile was the highest we've ever come across on Cunard and we have a few more nights than 52 nights to our names. All I can say is...wow.
  9. Correct to question. It's Carnival PLC which is quoted on both the NYSE and LSE, and it's the umbrella company for the Carnival brands,
  10. No. It doesn't sound pretentious unless you wish it to appear so. My husband used to do the same albeit a singular tailor and not in London. What does smack a little of pretension is your #179 post. Really? The average Cunard passenger [me for starters] would look at your proposed list of possible lectures and snort with laughter. We want to encourage potential newbies, not put them off!
  11. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your posts. I have read many of them over the past two years and quite frankly, I am amazed you continue to sail with Cunard. You do so remind me of folk who rail against the line, then go and book a couple more cruises.
  12. Alaska season is short, generally June to September. No idea of QE itineraries but we have cruised the Inside Passage Van/Van [Sea/Sea now] and Van to Anchorage. Incredible holidays.
  13. The risk element was keeping the same cabin, but we have, so I guess we just stay put or enjoy a really empty ship! Double Diamond. Like it. We have a couple more cruises than you but getting on for 350 plus nights. You're very lucky to be able to spend so much time onboard and I guess we both could be termed 'regulars'! 🙂
  14. We have our first B2B booked on two separate bookings [took a bit of a risk to ensure two OBCs and Diamond credits! 👍] instead off the usual one booking reference so have found your info on your b2bs really helpful. Thx.
  15. And how do you know they're not? I haven't a clue so wouldn't presume to comment there. May I suggest on your next, if there is a next, Cunard cruise, you ask for a tour of the galley and ask about the recycling and waste management.
  16. Yes, useful having turkey for some meals!! 😁
  17. They are, as we found out on a galley tour.
  18. Our television quality was fine, apart from when there was no signal and then some programmes were blank, but then we weren't in the fjords.
  19. Over 65's might have a smart technology but judging by the queues for help around the ship, many don't know how to use them! Even I ended up helping a couple of passengers and I am known for being pretty useless with technology. 😃
  20. 'Over half' could be anything from 51% upwards. Hardly most but you're quite right, we will never know just as Cunard can't assume most their passengers are 'smart' so have to be able to accommodate the 'unsmart'! 🙂 Can't be doing with any Cunard 'app' onboard but thought the info on the [QA] television was very useful.
  21. Would have been interesting to do a quick poll of passengers on the second cruise to see the percentage of smart phone users. I suspect it wouldn't have been 'most'. 🙂
  22. My 'different strokes' was more addressed to insight lectures but could be addressed to the slightly 'outré' outfits which didn't offend us at all but which, when analysed, fitted the code of the day even if multi coloured evening suits were a departure from trad. black. 😀 The traditionalists will say Cunard is going down the pan, because of the 'looser' [for want of a better word] attitude to dress. Those like us who enjoy the complete package including dressing for dinner will say the company is moving with the times to keep up with the ever changing world of travel. Read it as you will and book accordingly.
  23. I'm pretty sure one day and maybe soon, electronics will take over, possibly as an item on the television along with other ship's information but until then, I, and many, many others will go with paper onboard Cunard.
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