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Everything posted by asalligo

  1. Apologize to your parents because you were a bad child. I, nor any of my friends ever did anything like that and if we did the punishment would have been severe.
  2. I hate that Disney does it and am so happy no other cruise line has taken up the habit.
  3. This is the problem with the internet. Back in 1975 when a person had a some sick proclivity like drinking Pepsi. They hid that fact from the world, knowing they needed help. Now these people reach out to other people via the internets and start to think drinking Pepsi is normal. Now we have Pepsi on a cruise ship people! See where this got us.
  4. Well yes, a very small bag should be held out. I carry this super compact foldable backpack from Amazon. Only half a pound. And PJ's are for children. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DNGEHP6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  5. I understand where this concern comes from though. If I put you on a cruise from 2000, you would be amazed at the long slide of cutbacks in the Carnival experience. Reasonable for people to think that this is just another shave off the experience that may never come back. I am happy to see that this was not the case for afternoon tea.
  6. I was so excited when John Heald announced this today. Sea Day Afternoon Tea is definitely in my top three favorite events on a cruise. I hope that it really happens though and it is not just talk. Before the Covid hiatus afternoon tea was often being dropped from sea day schedules with no explanation.
  7. There will be about five different trivia events a day. Unfortunately cheating by looking up the answers and return customers who just remember all the answers has become a big problem. I wish Carnival would work a little at changing up the questions, but they are literally asking the same questions at events like Friends Trivia and Harry Potter trivia that they were asking like 8 years ago.
  8. The secret is be first or last. Self debark if you are prepared can be fine. If you pack light and can carry off what you have easily. Most people who self debark though have decided at the end to take that option due to necessity and now they are really carrying off more than then can handle. Add to that the stairs that are often required because the elevators are packed with people waiting on every floor and the luggage crew using half of them for getting luggage debarked. Makes for long lines of unhappy people. Then you get off and wait in a long line to get through customs and then find your luggage. When you get off at last call, there are no lines anywhere, no lines at customs, your luggage is sitting in the middle of a warehouse all by itself. You just cannot have anywhere you need to be quickly and you do have to be ok with a long wait after breakfast. We play cards.
  9. I know I have seen video of self debark on YouTube, that was a total mess. Let me see if I can find it. Not sure if you have cruised Carnival before, but Self Assist debark means you carry all your own luggage off the ship. All of it. If you cannot or do not want to self debark, there will be luggage tags out on the last full day of the cruise. Get there early if you have a preference. We almost always take the last number. Remember you can check everything if you want when debarking. Even things you carried on. We do this so that we can just relax at breakfast. You will see many people hefting their carry-ons around for breakfast waiting for their number to be called.
  10. Yes, it can be very much so. Self assist early debark can be hundreds of people all lugging their own luggage off the ship down stairwells, through the atrium and then the gangplank and through customs. Completely different experience from the last people getting off. When we have done early self assist debark we had no choice. Early flight or Long drive with a time constraint.
  11. In all our cruises we have never seen debark go past 10am.
  12. Oh my, later is so much better if you have the time. We live in Florida, so we take the last checked luggage number and just relax until our number is called. Have a long breakfast, find a nice place with a view and watch everyone else clamor off the ship, then walk off the ship and there is our luggage easily located since almost everyone else is gone.
  13. I think this is not just an issue of kids getting worse. We are dealing with a lost generation right now. This years incoming 9th graders in the US just scored the lowest on Reading and Math in the history of recording those statistics. Those kids did not just miss out on reading and math. They missed out on three years of all the social conditions that make you a better functioning person in society. We are just going to be in for a rough few years of behavior in kids that missed learning vital social skills.
  14. This used to happen all the time on Carnival ships years ago when they had more staff per person. Your a big guy, I am going to bring you several lobster tails.
  15. Yes, I personally saw someone win a stack of cash from this machine. It only pays out after a certain number of people have tried though. Like most game machines, it is unwinnable until it has taken in it's required level of profit, then it will allow a win, so you want to play after many other people have. They reset it every so often and before each cruise.
  16. There are still some deals to be had, especially last minute cruises if you are not picky about the room, but yes, opening cruising up to everyone has certainly allowed an increase in prices. Carnival desperately needed it too.
  17. Yes, they will appear on the 2nd to last day of the cruise. If you are paying attention, you will know when they hit. Many people freak out. For some reason the auto gratuity is missed by a lot of people when they book.
  18. No, Norwegian switched. Carnival was coke products until about 5 years ago.
  19. Always do since the change. 12 per person. That's a carryon with two 24 packs in it every cruise.
  20. I know. When it was Coke I bought the Bottomless Bubbles for the whole family every cruise. My Kids really hate that they switched to Pepsi.
  21. And before people start saying I love Pepsi! That is sick people, get help and there may be kids on this forum that can be influenced by your sick choices. Rethink your life!
  22. Is this new or has it just never been enforced? Someone has posted this on a facebook page as a new rule. I think I remember this being in place before Covid. I think it is just not enforced. Minor Guest Policy | Carnival Cruise Line Youth CurfewGuests 17 years of age and under who are not accompanied by an adult in their traveling party, 21 years of age or older, must be clear of all public areas by 1:00am each evening unless involved in a Club 02 or Circle C teen activity.
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