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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I bet you had more than one. Love those kids! So sorry you had to go through that with the first couple. Not very nice people. I hope they pay the electrician and return your items that they never should have taken in the first place. I hope things work out better with the current couple under contract.
  2. Have a fabulous cruise. @h20skibum Best wishes to Susan for a clean report. I somehow missed your original post but caught the responses. @dani negreanuDani, hope your husband gets a clean report as well. You're always on my mind.
  3. Majority of hotels that have shuttles for a fee, have rates more expensive than taking Uber, Lyft, etc. Terminal is not very far at all from most hotels.
  4. OOOO I love me some NY black and whites! I've seen them in Walmart also but didn't want to be disappointed. Are they yummy?
  5. It seems like most Dodger fans switched to the Mets when the Dodgers "abandoned" Brooklyn for Los Angeles. Jack told me about the raise maybe 5 mins. before I read your post. 😃 Not a windfall but every penny counts. You sure do like your spirits. 😉
  6. Thanks for your take on food, entertainment. I'm sorry the ice show wasn't up to its usual standard. To me that would be a major disappointment. The larger ships definitely have more food/entertainment options. I'll miss Solarium Bistro and water show. We cruise April 20 and 25. 5 night then 6 nights. THEN we're diamond on Bella 02. Cruising out of Galveston is the best. 6 hours and 3 Buc'ees along the way! I'll give a shout out if I need more info!
  7. I responded a few seconds ago and my post went poof! I told Jack and showed him some of the caring posts in here. We're a great bunch, aren't we??
  8. John, can you tell me a bit about Voyager? We aren't doing specialty restaurants, just MDR/Windjammer. Is there a Solarium Bistro? How was the entertainment? Were you given a choice of AM or PM room clean-up? I apologize if you already addressed this when you posted about your cruise.
  9. Thank you, MJ. I have no info about helping Israel but I'm sure my synagogue will be in touch with definite info. @Sea Dog Greg, this year's scaled back Christmas will soon be a distant memory as you start to plan for Christmas 2024 and your fully, beautifully decorated house. Have a super pain free fabulous cruise, a successful knee surgery and rehab. You can do this!
  10. GS cabins are sold out on that 11/1 cruise but if they were listed, I'm sure the rate would be more than your 7 night cruise AND it seems that the only cabins available on 11/1 are balcony cabins.
  11. On RCI website: 4 night cruise on Harmony 11/1-11/5, ocean view balcony is $3,366 for 2. Just sounds crazy, crazy, expensive to me.
  12. Jack asked his sister the same thing knowing there are going to be shortages. So far since yesterday, her place is well stocked. Not sure how long that will last. And thank you for popping in and updating us. I know your mind is elsewhere. 😢 Greg, here's hoping things work out for you and Linda in time for your cruise. So sorry to hear about Linda's brother. Marietta, thank you very much! I'm sorry he's going through such a difficult time. I hope his family is well.
  13. I'm trying to keep things light in here for Dani. It's hard because I don't want to seem insensitive. But Dani knows where my heart is. Where all of our hearts are.
  14. I don't remember how many days last winter we turned on the heat. Probably 5 days or less but then this is Texas. 😉 However, AC is another story!
  15. I remember Trainman and enjoyed not only his cruise adventures but life at home with his animals.
  16. Sounds like you're recovering. Each day seems to get better and better. Just in time for your cruise. Will you be doing a live report?
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