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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Those are my ankles at times! Compression socks, drinking water, raising my feet higher than my heart and trying to move around to get circulation going helps me. Of course, staying away from sodium laden foods would benefit but I love those foods and unfortunately, there seems to be sodium in most foods acting as a flavor enhancement and preservative. On another note, I'm glad your knee recuperation is doing better than the first. I hope your other medical issue gets resolved. How is Linda and has she scheduled surgery?
  2. What???? Mah Jongg was cancelled?????? I never went to a cruise happy hour but aren't the tables first come first served no matter the status once you're allowed in the lounge? Continue to have a yummy, wonderful cruise. @Arzeena your pictures are gorgeous! Continue to enjoy as well!
  3. Greg, I'm so sorry to read this. As the saying goes, don't borrow trouble. Hoping all goes well for you and Linda so that you can keep on cruising.
  4. Maryann what a beautiful picture! Your granddaughter on your far left in dark jeans looks just like you! Lucky gal. Sue, I hit the wrong key and the space for me to respond to your post went in cyber space. What I wanted to post was that I do use my air fryer on occasion for burgers, chicken, fries. I use my slow cooker for stews, casseroles.
  5. Do what I do after every cruise. Don't get on a scale. πŸ˜‡ Wishing all a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving. May your holiday table always be filled with the love of family and friends. And a special wish for Dani and family to see the light at the end of this nightmare. Hoping to see the hostages freed soon!
  6. Good to read. Thanks. I do, however, worry about his lack of appetite. Of course. Jack's endocrinologist insisted it's the best drug for him. I'm happy we can get medical info in here from medical professionals. Uh oh, not good. Of course I'm not a doctor but perhaps this should have been addressed with her doctor before she became skin and bones and sounds like total loss of appetite. I hope her new meds work for her.
  7. Sounds like losing weight when you don't have to, might be a problem on Ozempic. Jack doesn't need to lose any more weight and I notice his loss of appetite makes him eat less than he should.
  8. Jack has been on Ozempic for quite awhile. He has type 2 diabetes and his numbers have never been better, plus he lost approx. 30 pounds and looks and feels great. First time ever. So far, no problems getting his prescription filled.
  9. Perfection! I never cared for beaver nuggets, but their brisket sandwiches are a must! @Arzeena Have a fabulous cruise @Sea Dog Greg, I'm so glad that your 2nd knee replacement is doing much better than the first. I hope you get your other issue taken care of soon. I must mention our delightful weather. Today a balmy, sunny, 72 and tomorrow high of 50s. Such is our weather and I am not complaining.
  10. Our first cell phone approx 1992, looked like yours and came in a hard side attachΓ© case. My, how times have changed!
  11. @HBE4 More hugs from me too. So sorry to read this and sorry I hit the "like" button. Nothing to like about it. Should be a hug button or maybe a "sorry" button.
  12. @taznremmy Oh no, Pat, so sorry this happened. I hope you aren't in much pain and can enjoy the rest of your trip. @brillohead Debi, as long as people are willing to pay those prices, the cruiselines will continue to charge those high rates. I can't imagine paying over $70 per day/pp for a drink package, yet it seems to be a very popular option. @Sea DogGreg, how are you doing today? Jack ordered your knee brace on Amazon. It's scheduled for delivery on Wednesday and hope it's as beneficial for him as it was for you.
  13. Debi, whenever I see "Battle Creek" I think of Rice Krispies! I love the original song "never gonna give you up" Dani, my heart is with you. Stuffed cabbage is one of my and Jack's favorite dishes. I make "un"stuffed cabbage. Less work since I know I couldn't make the rolls work for me. I tried once. Oy!
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