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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I read that Taylor Swift refuses to perform half-time. If there is one performer who does NOT need marketing, it's her. Let me add my and Jack's well wishes for a successful surgery and swift recovery. You've got this. No more pain!
  2. Congrats to the KC Chiefs on the win and I know @Sea Dog is very happy tonight. Jack and I aren't football fans but we kept the tv on just...because. Very exciting win. SF had it in their grasp until.......... Reba did a great job on our anthem. Although Usher is very talented, I didn't much care for halftime but wished Alicia Keys was on longer. Media was well trained on the long congratulatory hug OB's dear friend gave her bf. @lenquixote66 Lenny, does your granddog write or talk? How does he make predictions? ๐Ÿค”
  3. From me too!! Your pictures, comments made places I've only read about come alive. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories with us. Looking forward to Chapter 2 when you reboard!
  4. Andrew, as you know this is one of our favorite chicken dinners. However, I will never look at it the same way ever again. Glad Merv is ignoring you. Jack and I are fine, thanks for asking. We're enjoying our beautiful sunny, balmy Dallas area weather, mid 60s. I remember mid 60s weather seemed cold in NY. Here I don't need a jacket at all outside.
  5. So sad to hear of Toby Keith's passing and prayers go to King Charles lll, for a full recovery on his cancer battle.
  6. @dani negreanu Dani, here's hoping those dark clouds turn into bright sunshine for you and all of Israel. @Ocean Boy Thanks for posting great pictures. It seems with 2 ships at CC, you must have been either first off the ship or last to leave. Continue to enjoy. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, glad you and Marty weathered the storm without damage or loss of electricity. I hope Merv the Nerv is staying away!
  7. Your pictures, videos, comments were wonderful and very well received. I don't remember enjoying a group cruise report as much as this one. Thank you all for that! Congrats to Toby for his Best of the Best win. An achievement he'll remember always and congrats also to beaming papa @Ourusualbeach Ken. Hopefully, Vicki will be able to join you on Icon 2. Safe travels home to everyone.
  8. Oh, I remember those long January days. I thought Spring would never get here. One of the many endless January NY storms.
  9. Spoiler alert: The following has a happy ending. I havenโ€™t been posting much in the last week or two. Iโ€™ve been in a heavy โ€œfunkโ€ and didnโ€™t want to burden my Dani/Bella friends with personal stuff about someone close to me that isnโ€™t in your world. Now I can share. My NY BFF, Thea, friend of my heart, had not replied to my numerous phone calls, texts, emails for the past 2+ weeks. Her cell mail box was full so I couldnโ€™t leave a message. We talk at least 2x a month and this was so unlike her. Thea called today and said she was busy with some construction work and that she should have cleared her messages and gotten in touch with me. I always am relieved when I can share good news about the people I love. If you've been putting it off, or are busy, take a moment to call a friend! It'll make them smile. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  10. At least there is an inch or so between those chairs. The pictures I saw, wherever there were loungers, looked like they were all attached to each other. No arm rests. It's the only negative I see in all the videos I viewed. When Oasis came out, I never thought a ship could top it. Here it is!
  11. Like OB, I too am curious how she sounds today. She sounded like an angel during the height of her popularity. I saw her at the Newport Folk Festival in the mid 60s and to me, she was the highlight of the whole evening.
  12. So excited for everyone sailing on Icon in a few hours and wishing you all a fabulous cruise! Thinking especially of my Dani/Bella friends, @Ourusualbeach Ken,@ReneeFLL Renee and Mike @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen and Marty @Ozark_Kid John and Sharon. Enjoy every moment with smooth sails and sunny skies.
  13. @Sea Dog Greg, so sorry you hit a snag with your recovery. Experiencing pain is definitely depressing but please know you WILL get past this. Is rom range of motion? Hopefully, next week's sunshine will perk you up as you continue to improve. Good news that Linda is doing well with her recovery. Hoping the same for you.
  14. Matt of RCI Blog has a 1+ hour report on Icon. Just about every aspect is covered. $200 pp for Empire Supper Club. Wow. I was totally overwhelmed with what Icon has to offer. The Pearl, the Aquadome are amazing as is the extra wide Promenade. Your own personal impressions would be very welcome in here. This ship truly seems to be a destination in itself. Any Caribbean beach break pales in comparison. I just don't care for the colors. Maybe I have to be there to appreciate it?
  15. So wonderful to see you and DH spending much needed time with your family. How much those handsome grands of yours grew!
  16. You could be talking about the town we lived in when we first moved to Texas. Plano. There were (are) 3 Senior High Schools. Freshman and Sophs are in "regular" High School. Amazing on sight football practice fields, indoors and outdoors. My daughter graduated from one Senior High and there were over 1,000 seniors graduating with her. Very long roll call when they were presented with their diplomas!
  17. My husband and I can relate. We live in the Dallas area and are NOT football fans at all. Dallas, where football is a religion and HS pep rallies are held during school hours and attendance is mandatory much to the delight of the students. ๐Ÿ˜„
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