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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I just finished watching (on you tube) the sweetest movie starring Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman, 5 Flights Up, released in 2014. Poignant, heartwarming and funny. The lives of a couple looking to sell their apartment in Brooklyn. So wonderful to see the ending credits rolling over the Williamsburg bridge showing the exact building where I grew up in. AND to @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen and Marty, congratulations on your exciting double news!
  2. My post copied from Bella's thread on Floataway: @xpcdoojk So sorry to hear this news. I also enjoyed seeing pictures of your sweet Wellie who lived a long, loving life.
  3. Thanks. I went in and was sorry Renee's post was poofed. That is some war of words in there. I liked your last post. Glad I was able to read it before it was poofed although I see no reason that would happen. Lenny, Florida NY is in Orange County near Middletown NY and borders parts of Northern NJ. It's on the way to the Catskills. @ReneeFLL Renee, it looks like you made quite a dent in your drink list. Quite impressive and I also love your purses. Very artistic.
  4. Andrew, Lisa, Owen, have a great time in Cancun. Ken, Vicky (forgot your kids names) have a wonderful cruise. Happy cruising to all others at sea.
  5. Our friend stopped by the other day and brought some Bourbon Balls. I took one bite and the heat (not spicy heat, but bourbon heat) jumped out at me from my mouth to the tips of my toes. I think she overdid it with the Bourbon. I had to have another one to be sure. 😉
  6. I have no idea where to find it. It was served during a cruise to celebrate LaLa's birthday. Before it was cut into it looked great but the picture that will stay with me is the half devoured Bella cake. Gross. Maybe someone reading this can post a copy? LaLa maybe? Not sure I have to stomach to see it again. 🫢
  7. I find that most Texans especially Dallasites who follow football, either love or hate The Cowboys. Very little "in between". Those lighthouse cookies and John's Bella cake for Lala's birthday will live on as the most iconic food pictures introduced here on CC. 😮
  8. After the Dodgers left Brooklyn, Ebbetts Field seats were placed in NYC parks, one of which was in a housing development a few blocks from where I grew up. Kept them as is including seat #s. Be careful what you wish for: Times Square near 42nd St., circa 1965 Times Square today: My friend and I used to walk from Central Park down to Times Square often and have chocolate ice cream sodas at Howard Johnson's. I haven't been back, but I hear it turned into an urban Disneyland without the rides. I saw nothing wrong with how it was in my day.
  9. A bit of history for those not in the know: In the 1970s and 1980s Bryant Park earned the unwelcome title of 'Needle Park'. High crime rates and drug sales defined the park. It was poorly maintained, under-used and dangerous. In 1980 the Bryant Park Restoration Corporation was formed and was assigned with the task of revitalizing the park. Fast forward to Bryant Park today:
  10. Beautiful post and picture! I worked directly across the street from Bryant Park in the early 70's. It was disgusting at that time also. NOBODY I knew ever ventured in there. So many places have been "gentrified". @HBE4 Your posts and awesome pictures always bring out the essence of the NYC I love.
  11. It's the best one! I always loved going down to Rockefeller Center to view the tree and amazing decorations and of course the ice skaters, and an authentic NYC deli lunch! My Chanukah was great. Although we missed our daughter and grands ( in NJ), we got together with my sister, BIL, their married kids, their grands, some mutual friends and had the best time eating ourselves almost unconscious. For all those celebrating, a Merry Christmas to all on this wonderful thread. You've opened your hearts, shared tears and giggles. May Santa be good to all of you and may your holiday table be filled with the laughter and love of family and good friends.
  12. Love it! You're very talented and the pie and cake are perfect! Your granddaughter will absolutely love it because you made it especially for her. Words from the heart of a sensitive, loving girl.
  13. I have an android phone and bluetooth works perfectly with my aids. The only other place it's connected is my computer. It's an easy fix to turn it on or off especially with the computer thanks to you.. I often turn bluetooth off on my phone so that Jack and I can talk on speaker mode together when talking to friends/family members. I agree with @Sunshine3601 Debbie. Why not keep the appointment and see what the doctor has to say. You don't have to commit to anything but having aids for approx. 35 years has definitely enhanced the quality of my life for the better.
  14. John, it was working for over a year with no problems. I have no other connection. BUT see below, it's working now. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated. Joy, thank you so much. Now why didn't I think of that? I clicked on the link, followed instructions and got it working! This is the place to get problems solved! And speaking of this place, @dani negreanu Dani, how are you doing? @Luckynana Maryann, flocked or not your house is lovely and inviting.
  15. I need some bluetooth/computer tech help. I always listen to my computer audio via bluetooth through my hearing aids and it's wonderful and clear. Problem is it shows bluetooth is connected but can't have it connected to my hearing aids. It worked fine this morning, as it has been for the past 2 years, but something is all screwed up. I shut down, restarted my computer, I turned off bluetooth and turned it back on. No problem BUT hearing aids cannot be connected. I click "connect" when I get the phonak (hearing aids) listing but I get a red message that the hearing aids cannot be connected. I don't know what went wrong all of a sudden and I would appreciate any help I can get.
  16. We're having great weather here in the Dallas area. Mid 60s, bright, beautiful sunshine, no rain. Seems so much warmer here than when the temp was the same in NY. No jacket needed here, just a long sleeve shirt. @DaniDanielle Glad Charlie's bp has stabilized. @lenquixote66 Lenny, hope your bp has also stabilized.
  17. What a beautiful ballerina! @dani negreanu Dani, how was your train ride to see your friend? I hope you had a wonderful uneventful visit.
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