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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. One of my posts went "poof" Prayers to the Princess of Wales and His Majesty King Charles to zap cancer from their lives, becoming cancer free and in remission forever.
  2. @h20skibum Mark, congrats on your granddaughter's art award. That picture is amazing coming from a 3rd grader. An artist already in the making.
  3. I'm back. I've been forewarned. No major pain yet but that will come later today, tomorrow. I'm ready for it! Remember, I had open surgery, not laparoscopic. I forgot to ask the surgeon why he chose that route. Most pain is a sore throat from the tube stuck down my throat during surgery. I'm armed with hydrocodone and motrin to hopefully zap any pain that pops up. Again, thank you all for your good wishes. Dani created a wonderful community of caring friends. It's comforting to know we're here for each other to share our lives, good or bad.
  4. Getting ready to leave for my hernia surgery. Thank you all for your good luck wishes. Although I didn't post a thank you individually, please know each of your posts were read with deep appreciation. @firefly333 Jane, so glad your cateract surgery went well. Oh those drops were a challenge even with Jack helping. Good luck on your move. @Ozark_Kid Kenzie's Happy Birthday Dani video warmed my heart. Such a sweetie. @dani negreanu Dani, shuwarma is my all time favorite food to eat in Israel. Yours looked exceptionally tasty. So glad to see you enjoying a bit of normalcy. @Sea Dog Greg, how are you feeling post op? How is the knee doing? You have wonderful cruises to look forward to. @TravelGirlinDallas Bethany, your DC pictures are delightful. Andrew is growing up so handsome. I haven't seen @brillohead Debbi post in quite some time. Hope all is well.
  5. Yom Huledet Sameach, Dani, a very Happy Birthday. May all your birthday wishes come true. Dani shares a birthday with a very special young lady, my granddaughter who just turned 11. Time just seems to melt away. Here she is in her daddy's helmet all those years ago. He's a volunteer firefighter.
  6. Just joined the party. Your live reports are always a treat! Wishing you, Lisa and Owen continued smooth sails and good times.
  7. @George C Have a wonderful cruise. @jmh2006 Jennifer, continue to enjoy your cruise. @Ozark_Kid John, I never tire of seeing pictures of sweet Kenzie. What wonderful grandkids you and Sharon have!
  8. Today is my darling grandson Brody's 16th birthday. My, how 15 years flew! Glad to say his table manners have improved. I never heard of a "smash cake" until I had grandkids.
  9. I was so sorry to read of Steve Lawrence's passing at 88, due to Alzheimer's complications. Oh how I loved him and Edie Gorme singing together. His "Go Away Little Girl" was always a favorite of mine. I saw him on Broadway in "What Makes Sammy Run". He came out after the performance, took the time to speak to everyone who gathered at the stage door and signed my Playbill. Sweet memories. R.I.P. Steve.
  10. I had cataract surgery a year ago. Since as an adult, I've always worn glasses for distance, (none needed for reading, computer, etc.) I opted to continue with distance glasses, specifically for driving. Since I chose the lens Medicare plus my supplement covered, I paid nothing, except a small co-pay. I had the option of choosing the lens that would correct distance sight but then I would have to wear glasses for reading, computer which I do more than driving. I remember how clear everything was after the surgery. I too am glad I had it done. I had the choice of needing glasses for
  11. Feeling good, Maryann, thanks for asking. No pain or even discomfort in the hernia area. The surgeon prodded and poked pretty hard and I still felt no pain. Hopefully, a good sign.
  12. In addition to Mark, Happy Birthday to Maryann's Jim, Michael, Keith and @Ozark_Kid John's Caden. May all your birthday wishes come true.
  13. I wish there was a "hug" button, or at least "sorry to read". @h20skibum Mark, have a fabulous birthday. @Ozark_Kid John, @Lionesss Sue Kenzie and Miss Zoey are sweetheart girls! @Sunshine3601 Debbie, continue to have a great cruise. I too, wish Crystal would come back in here. Her wonderful trip reports set the bar high.
  14. Thank you so much, Maryann. Friday, March 22 is the date. I would prefer middle of the week but Friday is the only day he does surgery in the hospital as opposed to same day surgery facility. Just my preference. Someone will always be available if need be, on the week-end following surgery. I'm glad I'm back to posting. This is a great place to relax and forget worries for awhile. I thank you all for that!
  15. "Oh yeah, you blend" Funny bit was the discussion on what Vinny should wear going deer (deeuh) hunting. @firefly333 Jane, thanks for your kind words. I admire how you are muddling through all of your parents accounts, trust, etc., etc. I hope everything will be resolved soon. Good luck on your new condo. What a balcony!
  16. I'll have to look for it. And, every time I see a Penske truck (moving, I think), I think of the Penske file. If you know, you know. 😉 That comment made me feel darn good. My surgeon does hernia surgeries the invasive way, laparoscopic and robotic. Unfortunately, he feels an incision not laparoscopic would be the best option for my situation. Thank you @Sunshine3601 Debbie, @jmh2006 Jennifer have a fabulous cruise and @MJSailors for your kind words. @Ocean Boy OB, hard to let go for sure. 🤔
  17. Thanks for the your kind words regarding my daughter: @grapau27 Graham. @DaniDanielle Marietta, @ Arzeena, @lenquixote66 Lenny, @HBE4
  18. As a forever Seinfeld fan, I laughed just picturing the mayhem. I'll have to check you tube for "Comedians..." if available. Do the other Seinfeld cast ever make an appearance on that show?
  19. I'm OK, I'm OK. Thanks for the posts of concern. They meant a lot to me. @dani negreanu Dani, I never received your email and I even checked my spam folder. I just haven't been in the mood to post on CC. My daughter's MS (not sure I mentioned, she was diagnosed about a year ago) is not cooperating with her daily life. Flair ups, in-hospital infusions, eye sight getting worse. We wanted to go to NJ but she insisted she's doing "well" and is planning a trip here in a few weeks. She's "fine" now, back to work and feeling good. She is so upbeat, she calls to lift MY spirits up. I'm having umbilical hernia surgery in a few weeks. Not major surgery but scary enough. I've been to two surgeons for consultations and picked the one I felt most comfortable with, in bed side manner, in education, in experience with my type of surgery. @DaniDanielle Marietta, may your friend RIP, strength to his wife. May his memory bring blessings to all who knew and loved him. @Ozark_Kid John, I smiled when you posted you were having a good day. I wish so many more for you. I've been popping in here and enjoying everyone's wonderful pictures of vacations, AI, cruises, soccer, food, it's all good. Please continue to educate and entertain us.
  20. Smiling as I type congratulations to you, Marty and family on the birth of you sweet grandson. Best wishes on a quick and speedy delivery in April!
  21. Took the words right out of my mouth. I hope you're enjoying the cruise as well.
  22. Debbie, to add my 2 cents, I had deep cleaning, I think they call it "scaling" a few months ago. No pain at all since they numbed my mouth. Dentist did it in 2 appointments. No pain at all when the numbing wore off. I know my dentist wasn't upselling since Jack was not told he needed it done. It cost $$$ but thankfully my insurance covered it all. Smooth sails to all on cruises and about to embark in the near future. @Sea Dog Greg, hope your pain is lessening.
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