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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Both Jack and I used up our $2,000 annual allowance each for this year. That's $4,000 we didn't have to pay out of pocket. Like you, Jack is waiting until Jan. for further dental work. We're grateful that the Dental benefit doesn't change in 2024. Thanks Maryann, Debbie, Bethany. My Oral Surgeon called early evening to see how I was feeling. That never happened before with any doctor/dentist. I've had someone from the office call during business hours, but this personal call was much appreciated. Regarding elevators, I have slight mobility issues and mostly rely on elevators. Long wait for them on Oasis Bella cruise. I walked with a cane and there were very rude people who pushed past me when the elevator arrived even though we were in front of the elevator. I've seen people do that to folks in wheelchairs. Someone I met on a cruise told me when you press the elevator button, only one elevator is programmed to stop on your floor. I was told it's why elevators pass your floor without stopping. Does anyone know if this is true?
  2. When I was a kid in NYC, I remember our local pharmacist always took splinters out of our fingers. Can you imagine that happening now? I never heard of Tylenol with Codeine. I've only encountered prescription Tylenol 3. More times than I care to remember.
  3. Unfortunately, I had a bad experience at the dentist today. He gave me a gallon of numbing agent (needle) but one tooth is very problematic and I felt extreme pain as he was trying to pull it. He wants me to come back tomorrow to be put under. He said he feels sorry and that I shouldn't have to experience pain like I did. So, to be continued tomorrow. He's a top rated oral surgeon so I am sure he knows what he's doing.
  4. @dani negreanu Dani are you still in Amsterdam? I hope all is well with your family there (I forget if he is DS1 or DS2) and that they're settling in nicely.
  5. Debbie, at least now you know what work and what doesn't. My problem with painkillers is that they hardly work on me, honest! I took hydrocodone after my ankle surgery and it hardly made a dent. I was given morphine when I cracked my femur bone and hardly felt any relief. Tramadol? Like eating M&Ms. I'm leaving soon to have 2 teeth extracted. Not looking forward to the after pain. I can't take Motrin, Aleve etc. because of my kidney issue. Oy!!!
  6. Sounds like they're taking good care of you until you depart. At least you were able to enjoy most of your cruise. Smart you took a hotel a few hours from Cape Liberty to rest up before the long drive home. Feel better soon. Covid is on the rise again in the Dallas area. 😷
  7. Greg, I was happy to read you're feeling better. I don't like clicking the Like button in cases like this. Wish there were other options. If you two do have covid, I hope you both have mild cases although it sounds like you feel miserable now. ☹️ Feel better soon and remember to drink lots of fluids.
  8. OB close your eyes...I do the same. My Italian friend was outraged when she saw me take a knife to those long strands. She grabbed my arm and declared "you're killing the spaghetti"!! Now I only order penne pasta. Oh my Greg I am so sorry for your pain, I had the same, so I know what you're going through. This too shall pass, hopefully soon. I hope you get relief soon. Nobody should lose weight that way.
  9. OB close your eyes ...I do the same. My Italian friend was outraged when she saw me take a knife to those long strands. She grabbed my arm and declared "you're killing the spaghetti"!! Now I only order penne pasta. Oh my Greg I am so sorry for your pain, I had the same, so I know exactly what you're going through. This too shall pass, hopefully very soon. I hope you get relief soon. Nobody should lose weight that way.
  10. Crystal, you set the bar very high with this one. The sites, the sounds, the food porn, unique hotels, the links you provide, the background comments, the history, etc., etc. are a trademark of your amazing trip reports. One comment. That hard boiled egg looked weird on your pizza. 🤔
  11. We went to a local Movie Grill to see My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3. I saw all 3 and the only one worth seeing IMHO was the first one. I found it amazing that every single main character from the 1st movie released 21 years ago was in the 3rd movie except Michael Constantine, RIP. I found some of the food prices to be a bit much. $8 for a coke, $8 for a bag of popcorn, which I did not buy. My $15.95 chicken quesadillas were actually quite good. All in all, a pleasant afternoon.
  12. I once was in the middle seat, Jack on the aisle. Man sitting next to me at the window decided half of my legroom belonged to him. His legs were spread wide open and took half of my space. I couldn't stand it any more so I told him nicely to please remove his leg from my space. He complied with a nasty "grunt". He tried once more and all I said to him was PLEASE. He got the message. AND we had bulkhead seats with more leg room. I hope Ava had a fabulous birthday!
  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with family! And sitting in aisle seats sounds like a great idea. I'm glad you two finally met and had a lovely time chatting. Safe travels home to the four of you. @Momof3gurlz Deb, have a safe flight and a wonderful smooth cruise.
  14. It has happened to me on more than one occasion. Root canal and a crown or extraction which is a fraction of the cost. I had the best dentist in the world in Rockland County, NY. until he retired. He sent out a heartfelt letter to all of his patients explaining how retiring "early" was a difficult decision and how wonderful it was getting to know us, having the privilege of taking care of our dental needs, considering us family. He was old school, didn't even have a hygienist. He did it all and did it well. His wife was the front desk lady checking patients in. It took him quite a while to sell his practice to someone he felt would continue in his footsteps. I used him a few times until I moved to TX but it just wasn't the same.
  15. Goodness!! That had to include restoration work like an implant! The new dentist I will be seeing Tuesday is in Plano, is an oral surgeon and does "regular" extractions as well as problematic ones. I'll let you know how it goes and will get you his info if you want it.
  16. @Sunshine3601 @Jimbo I think @Arzeenaand anyone else sailing, continue to enjoy your cruises. Great pictures especially the Northern Lights, something I doubt I will ever see in person. @dani negreanu Dani, I'm sure you're having (or had if you're back home) a wonderful time in Amsterdam with your beautiful family. I know it will be (was) so hard saying goodbye. I have a painful tooth saga. My regular dentist referred me to an Endodontist for root canal on 2 teeth. Long story short, both really have to be extracted. Regular dentist doesn't pull teeth and gave me a few referrals. The one I chose, looked 21 and when asked, informed me she was practicing dentistry for 1 year. I told her I would think about it and asked if she could prescribe a pain killer for now. Imagine my surprise when she told me she wasn't certified to prescribe meds. Huh? How is it possible for her to pull teeth and not prescribe antibiotics or pain meds? I heard enough, didn't ask questions, just thanked her, walked out and found a dentist on referral who has been practicing more than a year and is certified to prescribes meds. It should have been a wake up call when I checked the young dentist bio on the group website and she wasn't listed. I asked the front desk and was told she worked out of a different location and was filling in while one of their dentists was out on maternity leave. Sorry for such a long story for two such little teeth!🦷🦷
  17. I was wondering what could possibly come close or surpass your amazing Greek travel report. Here it is! Awesome, beautiful, magical.
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