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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. Extend the Glo is $300 bar tab, $600 OBC and a possible additional $100 OBC. Real money!
  2. Just got the $600 sailor loot today. It's alive and well.
  3. Sure, but you will have to leave it for the porters. MSC allows no beverages of any kind to be brought onboard. Sorry.
  4. There is that! Paying double if you leave auto grats in place.
  5. It's an imperfect system. We never received notice of our match. But when our TA put in our info our status and # came up. D+ on Royal matched to Gold. 😢
  6. We leave $20 for 2. But that's for above and beyond. I like minestrone ... ok, we will make it for you. Or if waiter says: try is new one on me. Paying attention to your kids, etc.
  7. You should have just said that. Cause if you are Bella and go to the MDR, they hand you a menu.
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