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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. He will drown you in long speeches. Its his style. He expects everyone to give up. Just ignore him.
  2. Read the post: "and I will continue to post long rants replying to your post until you stop posting." A full time poster all day long, but rarely cruises who will argue about anything on and on and on.
  3. And the timing is in line with many other cost cutting efforts by Royal.
  4. You might get someone who cares. We can hope! But this has been our experience more times than not. Good luck.
  5. Agreed. We did B3B on Explorer. We were promised the same 2 top against the back wall as on wk 1 for wk 2 & 3. On turn around day we were at a 6 top. Explained the promise... can't do anything we are full. Get the headwaiter who promised table. Sorry, we forgot! But full now. Will call your cabin if we get a 2 top. They never called until the night we were packing but only to ask us to be sure to leave the best for them on the survey. From a waiter we never met.
  6. That's why I have always said it should be called "Their Time Dining." Everyone posts... just go to MDR upon boarding but that no longer works! We are D+ with nearly 50 cruises and have been denied early dining many times when trying to change MTD to main early. So Windjammer it is!
  7. This makes sense. Maybe they are finally enforcing the policy.
  8. Did your partner cruise to earn the points? If not I think the new policy will apply.
  9. Print the form online. Google 'transfer Royal cruise to a travel agent.'
  10. + we have a lot invested in our C & A level. Us with nearly 50 cruises just w_ Royal.
  11. I love that term: subjective. Look at the "subject" in the food photos. No one can deny the small portions that look like tv dinners.
  12. You can do both. Book direct and then transfer to a TA for extra free OBC. The poster probably suggested booking with a TA from the get go because they can see cabins you can not see online.
  13. Read the thread. Your problem has been addressed many times.
  14. But a real value nonetheless. $s saved over other cruise lines. Extend the Glo is a real $300 bar tab + $600 OBC.
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