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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. I'm not up on Disney talk... no interest in that company. And, where did I mention the Captain or officers?
  2. Yes. And table size also. Way more misses than hits.
  3. And you live in Florida and have a lot of meetings with cruise mgmt. Open your eyes on your 103rd cruise and watch the cash.
  4. Stop. You are just grasping at straws. Once again, do you cruise? Or is this Ai?
  5. Where is this rule written? Do you cruise? Cash tip a favorite bar tender? Where does the cash go? Yep, right in their pockets. Same with cabin stewards, head waiters and the guy cleaning the bathroom.
  6. I think its always been there but never works for us.
  7. Oh, you must understand sir, that it's a rule and staff must comply! Common knowledge and all that stuff. 😃
  8. Yes, but do you tip at Disney? That's the new silly question 🤣 😜
  9. Fairy dust thinking. Completely diff situation in a non tipped position. Every position on a cruise ship is a tipped position!
  10. Never happens. Oh, look boss I got $100... wanna take it and share it with others? "Supposed to..." and "Common Knowledge" are pretty words.
  11. Wrong about envelopes. See them being handed out at guest services. They are still available.
  12. Its the truth. Honest. 345 and never have been given 1st one.
  13. 46 cruises with Royal and no crystal blocks... ever!
  14. To make sure you buy soda pkg or use drink vouchers for sodas.
  15. About double being reported. Yes, the purpose is to reduce number of cabin stewards.
  16. Grats are for service. How could Royal possibly know better than the customer how the service was? How can you even think that thought process is valid. Do you let the restaurant owner decide who gets your tip, handing it to the owner and not the waiter?
  17. This over used threat is really a rude comment about hard working cabin attendants. Do you really think that an employee would act so inappropriately... or just being a smarty? Additionally, your half baked theory ignores that those who remove auto grats DO tip in cash at the point of service and often tip above the auto grats. Read the threads and learn.
  18. Op said: "I just booked a b-2-b on the Voyager today for April 6th & 9th, and my dining time was posted as Wait Listed for 6 PM." Maybe things have changed, but just saying are you sure isn't helpful.
  19. You can do it the app. (Need names and their res #.) But we always have our TA do it.
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