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Everything posted by Morecruisesplz

  1. Not live... too cheap to buy wifi. 45 + cruises on Royal. Booked an inexpensive 4 night MSC on Seaside May 7 to try it. Bella class. Booked an inside but they were full so gave us a balcony. 13190. Nice cabin. Small but effecient bathroom w/ a tub/shower. Our check-in was at 2:00 but arrived at 12. No one cared! We were in the buffet on deck 6 at 12:20. Love there buffet with big signs for each station. Also a buffet on deck 8 so no problem finding seats. We were assigned 5:30 dining without asking at a table for 2. Perfect. (Did not miss having to beg the headwaiter like on Royal. Its a big, beautiful ship but its odd not knowing our way around like on Royal. More later!
  2. Ladeda. We prefer to cruise 5 to 10 times for the same dollars you spend. Each to his own!
  3. What a joke. $10000 in food and privileges. So sad you can't stand a normal cabin.
  4. Table has the best steaks. Add a side of pasta, after the minestrone soup and shrimp cocktail! Could eat there every night.
  5. And not alike at all. Giovanni’s is fabulous. Better steaks than chops.
  6. The cuts in the experience will save them big $s. They might have to reverse the new menu but will stall as long as they can.
  7. No. It's poor training of cook staff letting food go out cold.
  8. Bella here later this week. Will let you know what this 50+ cruises on Royal customer thinks of MSC.
  9. Sure! Only now it's served cold by untrained wait staff who could care less! And I didn't need the video to tell me... experienced it 1st had on several Royal ships this year. Have you? Or just a cheerleader.
  10. Duh! But like the guys in the video, if I sent cold food back several times with no improvement I would give up. Unlike them I would eat elsewhere and give up on MDR.
  11. Exactly! And they stopped sending food back. No one asked why they didn’t eat.
  12. Metal railing vs the usual glass railing. You can't see through metal.
  13. Wow, I should have used one of our next cruises then. Thanks for the help!
  14. Or this could be another announced but still painful cut back by Royal.
  15. I'm not sure that being "much more likely." Example: our TA booked non-refundable deposit by mistake on our January B3B. We throw away $900 if we cancel. But that doesn't stop me from shopping for less expensive cruises on Royal and other cruise lines. If I can save more than $900 + on other 21 nights in January, I would jump at it.
  16. I do not believe there are apps or websites any longer that will do that research for you. Unless Bec knows something no one else knows about. Starfish was popular years ago, until it stopped working properly. My guess is that cruise lines were blocking it.
  17. I wasn't quoting an adjusted price. Booked rate less than the intial cruise rate. I do not know of any app that will do the checking for you.
  18. No way to know til you submit. There seems not to be any rhyme or reason to their matches.
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