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Posts posted by lindaler

  1. Good morning all. @JazzyVplease remove my DS from the prayer list.  There are so many more in need. Right now it is a waiting game and while we are still praying for a good outcome, he has made me promise to go on this trip. The outcome may not even come before my return. If I cancel and stay I will just wear out a path through my house from pacing so I might as well be cruising. Having the internet on board helps with staying in touch.  Prayers for all who need them, and celebrations for others. My bags are packed and I am ready to go, just a few more days and I will see some of you in person. 


    • Like 27
  2. Good morning. An emergency struck a few days ago and my youngest had to leave for the west coast. I now have responsibilities for a dog and four houses and so many other things. Hopefully he will be able to return soon, otherwise I will have to decide whether to go on the cruise and find people to cover responsibilities.  Please keep us in your prayers. My son made me promise to go on this trip no matter what but can’t a mother break a promise if motherhood over rides that promise? 

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  3. Good morning all. Thanks for all the information. When my sister called last night I had to confess that I had fallen victim to my sickness again. I just couldn't help myself. She then asked, did you book another cruise?  Yes, I moved my voyage of the vikings from 2025 to 2026 to be on board for the total eclipse of the sun. And I even got my same room and so many perks that it was a better deal. So my sister then says, I know you, what did you book to replace the moved cruise. And I had to admit I found a cruise on one of my favorite ships to the Amazon. I think swimming with the pink dolphins was a major highlight so wanted to do it again. I already have the excursion for the dolphins booked. My sister is very understanding. And my PCC found out that I could even get a Lanai so I am really happy. I told my boys yesterday too. They were very excepting of my sickness, so now I can just do my happy dance and just go with the only cure for this sickness and look forward to more cruises. I know, I'm weird. 

    • Like 21
    • Haha 12
  4. 2 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

    We decided today to book the Westerdam 53 day cruise, Seattle to Seattle beginning 1 September.  I think a couple of Dailyites had mentioned that they had booked it.  Great for us as we just take a ferry to Seattle and a taxi to the pier and the reverse in October.

    Saw my oncologist on Wednesday and not much change in my CLL.  Have an appointment in less than an hour to get my eye injection for AMD.  


    I will be on this cruise too. See everyone very soon. 

    • Like 12
  5. 6 hours ago, lindaler said:

    Good morning all. Thanks for all the information and great photos. My prayers are with you @marshhawk and Chuck. Today is a day where I celebrate myself and just relax. I have over extended my body and just next to take it easy for a bit. I can blame it on the weather, it was over 88 at 3am and heat warnings are everywhere. There is a Sea Shanty night this evening but we will see if I'm up to dressing up and driving downtown. Here is one of me and my son from last month. 




    Sorry about the photo.  It was there when I left the comment.  

    • Like 9
  6. Good morning all. Thanks for all the information and great photos. My prayers are with you @marshhawk and Chuck. Today is a day where I celebrate myself and just relax. I have over extended my body and just next to take it easy for a bit. I can blame it on the weather, it was over 88 at 3am and heat warnings are everywhere. There is a Sea Shanty night this evening but we will see if I'm up to dressing up and driving downtown. Here is one of me and my son from last month. 




    • Like 17
  7. Rabbit rabbit white rabbit. I am excited that the two empty houses in my neighborhood are getting people. Not as excited by the fact the dog population is doubling.  I like most animals but with nine dogs next door and a total of three others Already here, adding eight more to our Cul-de-sac is a lot.  I just hope they all get along and don't poop in my yard. I am heading back to Costco because I am such a tight wad I can't buy bread or milk that expires the next day. I'm hoping to get there closer to the restocking dates.  Prayers for all our family here on the FR & D.

    • Like 18
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  8. Wow, what a lot of information today, I had to stop and get another cup of coffee before I finished reading. Thanks for all the information, pictures and keeping us connected. My heart goes out to those having problems, and everyone is so busy. I have plans today to weed eat along my bulkhead and then spray to keep the weeds down. Doesn't sound like much and I have a long list if I get done early but I know it will take most of my day or at least most of my energy. It is already 90 degrees out and feels like 101 and is not even nine in the morning. Please know you are all in my prayers and I am very glad you are all here. 

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  9. I finished the back yard mowing. Tomorrow I’ll do more weed eating. Thanks for the concern about my nose. I’m fine. Neighbor called to see how I was. She said she was driving with her arm on the window and a big rock came up and hit her on the arm. She figured it was karma and wanted to check that I was ok. I’m fine. I was more worried about the cars near where she was mowing. She does offer to cut my lawns but I keep telling her I need to do it to stay young. 

    • Like 18
  10. Good morning all. Just a quick drop in the stay in touch before I head out back to mow my lawn.  It has been two weeks since I was mowing back there but part of it hasn't been mowed in four weeks. Last time I was out mowing, a thunder and lightning storm came through with massive rain.  Since I was using an electric mower I thought it was best to stop and now it's time to get back to it.  My neighbor was mowing by 7:30 this morning.  I went to say hi and was ten feet away when her riding mower sent a rock right up into my face.  I did not know they has so much power. I will stick to my little electric mower. 


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  11. Good morning all. Sunny and 90 degrees at 9am. But don't worry, thunderstorms with lightning and rain will be here again at 2 through 5.  We got the shed done yesterday and most of the stuff moved into it. We were also able to move the garden shed up to the back deck for lawn chairs and cushions and outside tables. It will be nice to have things covered and easy to bring out when the rain stops. My oldest is coming today for our weekly shopping trip and laundry.  People ask me why I don't just get him his own washer and dryer and I say, then I wouldn't see him once a week. It is hard to believe he will be 45 shortly.

    • Like 24
  12. Good morning, all. Thanks for all the information. Weather forecast predicts no rain for us today until later tonight.  I have to many chores to do as well as help my son finish my shed roof and move stuff into it. With all the rain it is always time to mow.  No one told me that inn Alabama you have to mow your yard every five days. It is also time to think about packing.  I have been stalling to not get it done too soon but it is less then 30 days before I start my journey.  Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

    • Like 25
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  13. Good morning all. Yesterday we got the floor of the new shed done and all the walls are standing. It was so hot that after five hours and the threat of thunder storms we decided to complete the roof today. I am so disappointed in myself. One of my jobs was to put the plastic washers on the little screws. My OLD hands had a horrible time doing that.  Maybe I can blame it on having a finger cut off and sewed back, and having my hand crushed from a fire hose. No, it's probably just old age.  I will snap a picture of the finished produce today. I am so blessed to have two sons that help their Mom. 

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  14. Good morning to all. It will be a busy day here.  One son is coming over to start work on a shed to go behind my new fence. He is building the floor today. My neighbor is getting a new AC unit installed so the space going to our back yards will be at a premium, I will have to park out of the way to allow son to use the carport for sawing and eventually he will break open the two giant boxes of parts for the shed.  The boxes must weight close to 70 pounds each so I can only imagine all the parts inside. At least under the carport it will be out of the unpredictable rain storms and will be easier to keep track of everything.  While that is going on I get to do some mowing, assuming it dries out a little. 

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  15. Hello everyone, thanks for all the information Rich and dailities. We have had rain for almost seven days straight.  I thought I knew what rain was, growing up on Puget Sound and raising my kids in Oregon, but nothing can compare to the sudden lightning, thunder and downpours. In Seattle it sprinkles like a shower but down here it is like a full force garden hose is spraying you straight in the face.  Then the sun comes out while it is still raining hard.  I can only imagine what the rainbow must have been like but since I was at the end of the rainbow, I never saw it. The river looks like someone poured too much cream in their coffee. And the heat is steaming up the outside of the doors and windows. It is wildly beautiful. 

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  16. Good morning all. Happy birthday Dixie @summer slope. Thanks everyone for the morning conversations.  I had to run back to Costco this morning. Two weeks in a row when my son and I shopped, there was no bananas. Went back this morning and they were putting out the bananas. Manager said that they get bananas three times a week. On Saturdays they only got 500 cases instead of the normal 750. He is trying to get back on track. Over two thousand cases a week.  Well the song in my head is I got my bananas today.  I love zucchini bread and loved making it from over flow in the gardens. I remember people begging their neighbors to take more zucchini but now it is so expensive that it is hard to justify making bread out of the supply I get now. 

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  17. Good morning all, thanks for the information and laughter. Today I want to try out a backpack by loading some weight in it to see if it works better than a roller suitcase. It sounds easier and I am jealous of the young strong backs that don't have to use a cane and a roller suitcase every time they have to use the ladies room or hurry to a different terminal to catch the next leg of the trip. Oh, the joys of getting old. But I can still do it so I am trying to see if there is an easier solution. 

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  18. I truly enjoyed my Lanai cabin, however it would have been nice to know certain things before I sailed in one.  First is the lifeboats above your cabin. When the ship tenders, your cabin is blocked off as they lower the boats into the water. They will usually stop and leave them at the deck so that crew can climb aboard and make repairs or stock the boat.  This will usually happen about 6:30 in the morning with a very loud crane that will lower the boat.  In the evenings this process is repeated but with a wet and dripping boat.  They will also do this during a port call on the opposite side for crew drills and drivers training for the crew.  When this happens, a rope is put through all the door handles and the deck is roped off. Interesting to watch and everyone is nice about it. Chair pads do tend to get wet and while the boats are out all shade is lost. 

    While it is true that it is hard to see inside your room, the windows are full length mirrors. Many will stand in front of your room and make clothing adjustments or look at their teeth or just admire themselves.  It is a surprise to open your curtains to a crew member tucking in his shirt thinking no one can see him if he faces the window. 

    The doors are heavy and the key to the door can stop working so many found themselves running into the ship and down the hall looking for a room steward to let them in through the hall, as they had left their other key inside. Just a warning. 

    It was easy to greet people as they walked by and friendships could develope as they stop to chat. That was a nice bonus for someone who is shy and tends to isolate. I found that you could carry the little round table out onto the deck between the chairs and using room service you could enjoy lunch or a snack with a glass of wine. Chair pads were taken up about 8 each night and brought back about 7:30, however if you asked the stewards they would let you keep the pads in your room to use during the evening. 

    There are so many plus and minuses that as long as you know what to expect you will enjoy them. 

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  19. Good morning all. I am trying to prioritize getting back in the habit of commenting here before starting my day.  It has been raining so unpredictably that I don't dare go out in the kayak and get caught in it. But there is always so much else to do around here.  I just now spent an hour looking for a shovel that I usually leave in my car. I had used it and thought I had replaced it.  I looked everywhere, in the boat, in the car, in the shed; which meant that I had to reorganize the stuff in the shed before I could put the ice chest back in it. Then I kept looking for the shovel. I finally found it in the kitchen on a stack of water bottles.  How or why it got there I will never know but I now have several other jobs done due to my loosing the shovel. I have always lost things but as I get older I seem to misplace things even more. Hope all my dailite family has a great weekend. Talk tomorrow.

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