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Harry Peterson

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Everything posted by Harry Peterson

  1. Sometimes, it’s almost as if P&O are setting out to alienate customers and encourage them not to book, or to cancel existing bookings…………😳
  2. Maybe, but I think the other interpretation is more likely, because it’s usually older people who’ve been pushing for a continuation of compulsory formal wear across large areas of the ship. Nobody’s even remotely suggested T-shirts, shorts or flip-flops by the way. Pretty much every post has been against all 3!
  3. You’re right. Most people on here now seem much more relaxed about it. I suspect the ones who used to freak at the very mention of the two words smart and casual used together are no longer cruising.
  4. Your track record in this area speaks for itself. I’m not personally affected by this issue, but I do know how time consuming it is to argue points like this out logically, clearly and comprehensively - and to get clear answers devoid of weasel words. On behalf of everyone in these forums, thank you.
  5. Sir Les has been my role model for many years, Zap. I admire him greatly, and everything he stands for. I always dress the way he does, have always been welcomed into the Epicurean, and have always been shown to a quiet, secluded table well away from all the other diners so that they don’t disturb my sensibilities and those of my lovely dining partners.
  6. Likewise, but I don’t think it’s a small minority now. It was, a few years back, but the customer base has changed, times have changed, and P&O has changed almost beyond recognition. Everyone’s obviously entitled to their own view, and P&O will know what those views are, but my vote would be for smart casual throughout all dining areas apart from the buffet. With those who prefer formal obviously able to choose to do so. Others will have their own views.
  7. On the subject of frozen pizza, I noticed last night that Amazon will deliver frozen Dr Oetker pizzas for £2 with Prime. Not sure how they deliver frozen food though.
  8. Goodness, that's a surprising answer, Moley! Spot on, though.......😉
  9. You make some very good points there, and as these threads have returned over the years the views expressed have, bit by bit, evolved. Not that long ago, any suggestion of anything other than a DJ or - at a push - a dark suit would have been shot down in flames. Now there’s at least some acceptance that there are competing viewpoints. The age profile is changing, and even within the same age groups people have changed. I stick by the rules (suit, though, not DJ) because it’s simply good manners, but we may be reaching the point long ago reached in onshore restaurants where customers will wear pretty much whatever they want to wear. Once P&O have established that the dress rules are losing more customers than they’re gaining, that will be that - and it may not be far off.
  10. Many still doing Wordle? Wife and I still doing it every morning. We use the same start word, and ‘compete’. Her approach is different from mine, in that while I just look at the logical possibilities for words without anything extraneous, she links words with what’s going on around her. She’s frequently more successful. This morning, her chosen start word was based on something I’d just said - and she got it in one go! First time ever, but now no gameplay. Seemed impossible, but actually it’s only a 1 in around 2315 chance, because there are apparently only around that number of possibilities within Wordle. She wants to do the lottery now, feeling lucky, but that’s around 1 in 140,000,000 for the jackpot. Rather lower chances!
  11. Is it really worth arguing over? 🙁
  12. Nice to see you posting again, Emma, and sorry about your health issues and having to leave Holt, particularly after all the work you had done. Health is everything though, and good that you have such a great relationship with your brother. Harry
  13. All done for you. A very simple,straightforward, efficient process. Turn up, porters take the suitcases, a driver takes the car, and you just drift happily into the terminal.
  14. Bang on, Brian. Brand new VW Beetle (bright orange) August 1973 £950. Had it for 16 years and still going strong. Less than an iPhone now. 3 bed semi Bromley (Bromley, Kent then!) around the same time £14,000 - £600,000 now.
  15. Unfortunately, drugs have changed everything. Very few people back then were physically dependent on much more than cigarettes, alcohol and Maynards wine gums, and none of those usually involved criminals. Criminal gangs have taken over now, there aren’t enough police, and they’re out of control. Time for some form of legalisation, as with cigarettes and alcohol, to get it out of the hands of criminals. Also some potential for tax raising to ease the burdens elsewhere.
  16. Not a lot of choice though, was there. And yet people still go on about the ‘good old days’. At least house prices were a lot more affordable though.
  17. The odd thing with key fobs is that if the battery’s apparently failed and won’t operate unlock the car, it will often work if you hold it against your head. It amplifies the signal (and probably fries your brain).
  18. Good start, then - and thanks for the posts. A trip we’d always hoped to do. Have a great time.
  19. Same here. Both of us, last Saturday at the surgery. Very efficient process, and no side effects of any consequence. You must be preparing for winter up there now. Or maybe already finished?
  20. Released here this morning too. Surprisingly, still plenty of slots left.
  21. That’s a really tough situation for you all to handle. I do hope there’s a positive outcome.
  22. Good idea - good system! My wife exchanges emails two or three times a day with a really nice lady we met on a cruise a few years back. She’s an early riser for her dogs, and if there’s no email by 0700 we start to worry about her. She was married when we met, but her husband, sadly, ran off with another woman. Not quite the usual story - she was in her eighties and he was in his early sixties. Adapting to living without a partner must be an enormous adjustment to make, particularly when it’s the result of a deliberate act.
  23. Amsterdam is absolutely amazing at any time of the year! We used to spend a few days there every New Year for years, with our children. Cold in February, much like London, and possibly some snow. Masses to do and see. Museums, art galleries, shops, theatres, cinemas, much like any other major city. Everything will be open - the Dutch are very good at making money! But nicely. Just wander - and don’t miss the chips with mayo near Rokin.* *Vlaams Friteshuis Vleminckx
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