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Everything posted by Jan_In_Maine

  1. Sorry all, I didn't post - Hope everyone had a nice New Year and that everyone is staying on track in the new year. Jan
  2. I'm so glad you posted Izena - I was going to send an email today to make sure you were ok. Congratulations on getting back on the scales - that's a big first move. Your plan sounds doable - 10# by March works - I should do the same thing (we have a cruise March 3rd). Please remember that we are all here if you need encouragement!!!! Jan
  3. Good Morning - Belle is on a cruise and I'm sure that Izena will be posting soon, but thought I would start the thread. I am happy to report that I stayed the same - thought I would be up do to ice cream (again!). Hope everyone had a wonderful week. Jan
  4. Thanks for starting the thread Belle - where are you going on your cruise this time? Nice that you stayed the same. I stayed the same also, but it also means that this month I am up 2.0# over last month - we will see what next week brings. Hope all two celebrate have a wonderful Christmas. Jan
  5. We had been without power for 2 1/2 days ... It is back now - It wasn't too bad it was high 40's- low 50's out, so the house didn't cool down too much. Not taking showers wasn't fun. So many people still do not have power - my daughter and family might be staying here tonight. There was over 400,000 people who lost power and it isn't excepted to be completely restored until after Christmas. Hope everyone is having a good week. Jan
  6. Belle, glad you had a good Christmas with your "kids" ... love family time. DH had a work office party on Friday .... we had a good time. Sunday we took the whole family to see the play "A Christmas Carol" and then out to dinner .... everyone was there and it was a great time! I believe that I have gained some weight .... but, will weigh in next week. Izena - glad you are doing better! Terri - Nice that you stayed the same! Hope everyone has/had a wonderful weekend
  7. Lovely poem Belle! I will wait until tomorrow to weigh myself - I am pretty sure that I am up this week (again). Jan
  8. Oh Belle, wish I was going on your cruise - I love Hawaii! Nice that there will be people that you have met before that always adds to the fun. I still need to do some shopping - we are going to be playing games, having breakfast together - this will be after Christmas as we do a every other year so that the "in-laws" have the same amount of time with their families .... On Saturday as many people who are available will go to Walmart where the local police department have a toys for tots .... the grandkids can pick out items they think that kids will like - we've done it before and we had a great time and it was good for the kids to understand about giving (and not always getting). On Sunday we are going to do the theater "A Christmas Carol" with all our kids and grandkids (except for one daughter-in-law) who is going to the play with her mom. After the play everyone will be meeting for dinner at a local restaurant. (My daughter-in-law will be there also). Christmas Eve we are inviting everyone to join us for Chinese food (its a tradition) - Not everyone will be here - then we will all be together toward the end of the month. Christmas day we are going to my son-in-laws mom's for dinner - that will be fun. This time of the year is always interesting - my dad's birthday is the 16th and my mom passed away on the 20th ... we will also be celebrating them too. Hope everyone is having a good week. Jan
  9. Belle, congratulations on losing this week!!! I will try to ignore ice cream the rest of this week!! Jan
  10. Belle, thanks for the poem! Well ... the ice cream has been my downfall ... I seem to be up 2.0# this week. Hope everyone had a good week. Jan
  11. Welcome back RobinCruiser! These boards are good at keeping us accountable Sounds as if you have had a lot going on. There are others also that have battled breast cancer and we are always here to support others. I am now on an anti-estrogen pill that is a pain - At 71 I am having hot flashes and night sweats again! Jan
  12. Hi Belle - We had a lovely weekend - went down to the Bar Harbor area and walked around town and did some shopping (for Christmas). It was a nice weekend! Didn't eat too much either! Jan
  13. SoloAlaska - I hope you have a total blast on your cruise - Enjoy every minute!! Jan
  14. Good Morning all - Thanks for starting the posting Belle - sorry your ear is still bothering you. I know that missing people is very difficult, but I'm sure he is looking down and is enjoying seeing all the cruises!!! Izena sorry that you are still having health issues. Glad Jazzper is ok - hate dreams that are scary, they always seem so real. I understand about eating stress ... I seem to have a problem with that also. Yesterday I got out a container of ice cream and ate 1/2 of it. Not a good thing. Wasn't even hungry. I stayed the same this week .... but last week I gained 0.8#. I would love to lose 10# before our March cruise .... but, somehow I have to stop eating ice cream. Hope everyone has a wonderful week. Jan
  15. Belle welcome home, sorry your ear hurts. We are having Thanksgiving at my house this year with all the kids and grandkids. I am so looking forward to just sitting and listening to everyone talking. Hope that everyone has a wonderful day! I will post tomorrow! Jan
  16. Terri - We will be on Celebrity! Jan
  17. I weighed myself this morning and I am up 1.0# this week. I'm not surprised ... I would like to lose at least 7# by our March cruise ... I know it's doable .... I just need to do it. Terri - We also have a cruise October 2024 - what cruise line are you going on?
  18. Izena - How nice that you walked today! Glad you are feeling it better. When do you leave on your cruise? Will you be gone on Thanksgiving? As usual I forgot to weigh myself this morning .. I will weigh tomorrow ... I am probably up this week as I was down last week. Jan
  19. Izena - I am so very glad that you are doing well with your health. Jan
  20. Thanks for starting the thread Izena - Please let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow - I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything will be ok. Sorry you got the jury summons - I got one last year while I was doing radiation, so summons was canceled. I finally realized that today was Thursday when I woke up this morning - so I actually weighed myself. I am down 1.6# ... I would love to lose 16# more, before March, but will be satisfied with whatever I manage to lose. Realized the other day that I am 36# more than at my lowest weight, but am also 41# less than my highest weight. I find that I'm more comfortable having a little extra weight being (a little) older than I did in my 20's. Hope everyone has a good week. Jan
  21. Erby2283 - Welcome to the group - I find that if I log everything that I've eaten and the number of calories that usually works (a little) - plus the exercise. Sometimes we don't lose weight much, but we end up losing inches. Keep coming back each week ... we are all here to support each other. Jan
  22. SoloAlaska - congrats on being back to your pre travel weight! Where is your transatlantic cruise going? We are doing one (for the first time) in 2025. Our last cruise (b2b) we did not get a drink package - although we get 4 free drinks for being diamond. Most days I drank 2 drinks only had a few days with 3-4 drinks. Don't believe I would get the drink package again. (if it cost extra). Jan
  23. Weighed myself this morning and I am up 0.6# --- not bad for being away for 15 days on a cruise - Jan
  24. Good Afternoon - Well, didn't weigh myself today. After spending 2 weeks on a cruise I don't know what they will read!!!! Although we did take the stairs a lot (down not up) and we did walk the track quite a few days. Good luck to all! Jan
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