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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Evening all, I had been wondering where Avril was too, hope her and Frank are ok. Yesterday there was a Summer Party at my Mum’s home. We all went- John and I, my sister and her husband and our son, partner and grandchild. It was good fun, they’d decorated the place and they had a singer and awards! My mum got the “Mrs Tumble” award 😆 There was a huge buffet, I only had a couple of sausage rolls and some crisps but the men (and our 5 year old grandson) had burgers and/or hot dogs! They said they were very good. They have a bar there and a glass of wine or beer was £2.50! We also sat in the very warm garden too.
  2. I haven’t seen it yet but my friend’s daughter is currently touring in ‘A Chorus Line’ I’m seeing it next month when it’s at Canterbury.
  3. Looks lovely Graham. Yes I love butter first in an ideal world but that wasn’t offered this time ☺️
  4. Hello all. Took mum to her appointments on Tuesday, she was called over an hour late. I went to enquire if they’d missed her because they’re normally pretty prompt there. Turns out she was seeing the actual consultant and not one of the underlings . She was lovely but I can see why she was overrunning , she chatted for ages about non related stuff! Then we zoomed over to our usual local hospital to get the X-ray done on her bent finger. Queue not too big so we hoped we’d have her back to the Home for a late lunch by 2pm. After the X-ray they said they wanted us to go to A&E! Nooo! We all said couldn’t we come back the next day because we were all hot and hungry and as she did it two weeks ago we didn’t think another day would matter. No, they’d rather we didn’t, gave us the impression we’d be sort of rushed through - no! We joined a queue just to book in that didn’t move for ages! 😞 Anyway they decided it wasn’t broken or dislocated so we took her back to the Home. Not the best day off for John and I - we picked her up at 9.30 and got her back at 4.30!! Mum was shattered too. Her speech was really poor by the end not surprisingly and they kept asking me how the fall happened - I wasn’t there so didn’t see it! As a result I had a banging migraine yesterday so didn’t go to work. Back at work today but when John got home from work we went to a local place for a coffee and cake - I had a scone .
  5. Very well done to them. You have every right to be proud.
  6. Hot hot here, too hot, suppose to be about 32! I felt a bit wobbly at work so had to go in search of biscuits! I got a taxi home as I finish at 1pm so it was a bit much walking in that. I’m now sitting calmly in shorts with the fan going!
  7. Glad you had a good time and Joey didn’t disappoint. I must admit most of the shows he’s on I don’t watch but I did see him on the Jungle I think? He absolutely isn’t as dumb as he used to make out - in the early days I think he did put it on. He’s grown up now and your experience shows he is a good guy. Always great when stars give time for their fans.
  8. Morning all, phew it’s a hot one for sure! I’ve had about 45 minutes in my garden but I’ve come in now as it’s so hot! And my garden faces North! Might go back out later when there’s more shade. Unlike Kalos our weather is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow- 31! 🥵 I’ve got to walk home in the heat of the day-eek! Stay cool everyone…
  9. Afternoon all. Pretty warm here but a nice breeze too. Just got back from visiting Mum. I’m a bit miffed with the Home as my mum has a Parkinson’s appointment at Maidstone hospital Tuesday. John and I happen to be both off so we said we’d take her. The home can arrange hospital transport but last time she waited for hours for her ride back and it’s about half hour journey. Anyway no problem. Mum has bent her finger on one of her falls so the GP has organised a form for an X-ray at the local hospital. I got a call Thursday afternoon from the home saying could we take her as we’re going to the hospital. It’s a different hospital! Anyway I said we’d go later that Tuesday as it’s a walk in clinic. Yesterday I get a call saying am I not taking her for her X-ray! Erm no you said Tuesday and I was at work as was John. Then I phoned my sister and they’d phoned her and asked if she was taking her - she lives two hours away! I’m not being funny but they are paid literally thousands a month to look after her! Grrr. They are lucky we don’t work 9-5.
  10. I don’t mind as I like raw onion, especially red. Also isn’t the phrase ‘salad vegetables’?
  11. Thank you Kalos, I definitely couldn’t find it the other day. I just looked did a dummy booking and after I picked my cabin it came up ‘sorry this page can not be found’ !! So goodness knows what’s going on 🤔
  12. Ooh that’s odd! The 5 night one I was looking at on Iona in March had disappeared too. And I checked the sold out ones!
  13. Evening all, still quite muggy here. Hope all are well. John and I had a nice time in Herne Bay Sunday, weather looked dodgy when we set off but I was sure it would cheer up! We went for a cheap lunch on the pier of chips and ice cream then went to a very nice restaurant for just a beer! Food was very expensive so we were pleased we could just have a drink. Looks like we were abroad!
  14. Interesting, I sent my grandson a card from Britannia mid June from Spain and he’s only just got it this week! They live in a flat so we thought it was this end as most of us in this area only get post once a week! The next port after was Spanish too. I’ve sent them in the past and they normally take a week.
  15. She’s ok thanks, I’ve had 3 or 4 calls this week re minor falls but no hospital admissions so fingers crossed that continues. The Home have a facebook page so it’s nice to see what she’s up to! Yesterday she was painting a tree decoration for their summer party next month! This was my view a little while ago but the blissful silence was broken by my neighbour playing music so I’ve come in!
  16. I’ve never had the pleasure of sailing with Captain Dunlop but have heard good things. Sounds a great loss to P&O.
  17. Morning all, looks like a hot one today. John’s weekend to work 😢 I didn’t feel great yesterday, can’t explain it, really really tired. Feel better today though so I’m planning to enjoy the garden and when John gets home we’re going to visit Mum. Have a good day all.
  18. Brittany is gorgeous! Enjoy. I keep saying we must go to Paris again!
  19. Thanks Vamps, another interesting read. Your girls are lovely.
  20. Thanks all, I don’t think I’ll book it but I was intrigued. I know they changed the date of her refit and therefore there’s now a new cruise in March which is 5 nights, I have been wondering about that one!
  21. Hello all, I’ve had an email from P&O today saying there’s a two day cruise just released on Iona in October next year. It doesn’t go anywhere, I’m sure how big it is you would need longer than two days to see/experience everything . Anyone know why this cruise has appeared? Just wondering!
  22. Afternoon all, sorry I haven’t been around, life has been busy running round after Mum, work and just catching up on chores! We had a little jaunt down to Dymchurch on Sunday, amazing big beach, we will have to visit in the future. Back to work today after two days off and I’m shattered!
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