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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. I believe they just scan your cruise card and charge you that way .
  2. Hi, It’s just there outside the ship. If you’ve paid select fare it’s free with P&O.
  3. Morning all, more rain forecast today, are we sure this is July? I had planned to walk to my Mum’s flat this afternoon (about half hour) to be there for a water meter change but I may get a bus now!
  4. Yes I’m afraid it is. I hadn’t been for ages then went with some friends last year and had a really nice evening! It felt very grown up when I went there on a ‘date’ with my future husband back in the 80’s.
  5. In my job I take calls by patients with long term conditions. I spoke to one lady the other day whose BP was very similar to yours. I sent a message to the cardiac nurse and when the nurse called her back she told her to go to A&E!
  6. Great read thanks. We finally got on Aurora in March (after having our cruise cancelled in 2014) and really enjoyed it.we've previously enjoyed Oriana and Oceana so thought we would love her.
  7. And sport wise, I was so pleased Trent scored his pen last night, I was very nervous for him! I have the tennis on at the moment.
  8. Afternoon all. I’m sick of this weather, lots of very heavy rain today but now it’s sunny! It would have been my Dad’s 87th birthday today so I’ve been thinking of him a lot today. We actually went to their flat today and had a bit more of a clear out. Our local Beefeater is closing soon, was a bit of a shock as it’s been there years, long before they stuck a Premier Inn next to it. Hope your low mood improves soon Avril, I can’t believe we’re in July.
  9. Good morning Graham. Perhaps people had a late night watching the news! Just going up to my home ‘office’ absolutely chucking it down here! 😔 Are we sure this is July?
  10. Yes Jane, sounds very familiar. Silly us thought her going into the home would cause us less worry. As she can’t always articulate herself well it’s a real worry for us when she goes into the hospital. She’s so much better in the Home where they know her well already. I also keep changing my mind who to vote for, off in about half an hour to vote, at least it’s sunny for the walk!
  11. Good luck Eddie, is it for varicose veins? John has a huge one, years ago a GP told him it wasn’t worth getting it taken out but it’s huge now and he’s rather nervous!
  12. Absolutely! The two ladies who arrange the entertainment are the ones who see my mum the most . I told them yesterday my mum calls the residents’inmates’!! One of them replied ‘oh I love her even more!’ 😁
  13. I do indeed have an LPA! Anyway the nurse at the Home suggested to me yesterday if all they do is give her antibiotics they can do that there. She said to talk to mum and get back to her but it sounds good to me. They have their own GP so she said they could get him to prescribe it. I couldn’t confirm with mum yesterday as when I came out from talking to the nurse the carers were taking her for a shower and she looked shattered so we went home. John and I think it sounds much better. This is instead of just sending her to hospital each time.
  14. Morning all, things here have gone downhill weather wise and otherwise! On Monday John was on his day off so he picked me up from work and we went to Bluewater for a late lunch and a bit of shopping. Got home about 4.30pm (after leaving the house at 7.30am) Five minutes later got a call from mum’s home, she was having trouble with her breathing and they’d sent her to hospital! So … got to see her in resus , they’d stabilised her and got her on fluids and oxygen. Said they’d look to get her onto a ward the next day. Tuesday they’d moved her to ‘majors’ which is sort of an overspill to A&E, it’s like hell on earth! It’s packed and noisy. We couldn’t get any info out of anyone - I fed her a yogurt which was the only thing she’d eaten all day 😡 No sign of space in a ward. Yesterday I phoned at 6am (seems best time to get through!) and they said she was ok but still not on a ward. Walking home from work I get a call from the Home telling me she’d arrived back to the home on hospital transport!! They had not called me to tell me! If the home had not called me we’d have being going to the hospital to visit! Obviously pleased she was back we rushed up there to find her sitting in her chair in the lounge treated like visiting royalty! The staff thought she looked a bit rough but we said she looked so much better than when she was in the hospital. What a performance!!
  15. Thanks Graham. She’s ok thanks, I did get a phone call from the nurse yesterday to say she’d ’had a small choking episode’ but was ok. My mum huffs when I tell her I’ve had a call!
  16. I keep getting emails from P&O offering me incentives to book again! I wish they wouldn’t, we agreed we’d wait a while before booking again we found the pre cruise weeks so stressful with my mum 😞
  17. That’s what I was going to say- only my friends can see my posts and photos so someone on cruise critic wouldn’t be able to see them - or know my exact address.
  18. Morning all, sunny here but much fresher. Was extremely hot the last two days, I don’t mind it being a bit cooler but not happy we’ve got rain expected next week! Happy belated anniversary to @Caullkhead for Wednesday. @Beckett Jane I completely agree with you re Ronaldo. I’ve got Spain in a sweep so pleased with how they’re doing so far 🤞 A couple of evenings ago we sat in our garden in the evening and started our lovely Albariño wine we bought from our vineyard tour.
  19. I’ve just thought of something I wanted to mention after our cruise. I lost half a stone after my awful stomach bug a few weeks ago. I’m very pleased to say I didn’t put on a pound after our cruise! We eat more than at home of course but I always choose salad for lunch and we don’t go mad and hardly ever have snacks as we’re so full from our bigger meals! One advantage of a bigger ship - so much walking! No one has noticed my weight loss ( it’s only half a stone) but I’m really chuffed 😁
  20. I was on Britannia last week and Glasshouse was our favourite venue on there. I wasn’t overly keen on it before as I don’t like it being in the atrium but we must have got better seats this time! We had one lunch and one evening meal there. We shared the cheese plate which was lovely- and the waiter persuaded me to have a glass of Madeira with it - was great! Also had very attentive service.
  21. We’ve recently come off Britannia and three times we were sat in a table for two but in a group with two others. They did seem to serve us all at the same time although we were all seated about the same time.
  22. Thank you Graham for your wonderful review. I was going to ask if it was your first time on Arvia but I see you have answered this. I definitely want to try Arvia but don’t want to leave my mum for that long at the moment.
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