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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. We have been to Gunwharf a couple of times and liked the atmosphere. Not stayed there though so looking forward to that as there’s so many restaurants to choose from! We also had a harbour boat tour from there once and of course the Dockyard is an easy walk.
  2. Thank you and I shall bear that in mind re the traffic. It seems P&O have a strict policy again so it seemed a good idea to go a bit further away this time. We have a check out time of 11am so I hope we don’t have too late a time to check in.
  3. I eventually went back to sleep, straight to the alarm at 6-45 - ugh! Good thing I am working from home today, will be going to my home ‘office’ in a bit!
  4. We will be going by car but I’ve just had a quick look and from Portsmouth harbour it’s 45 minutes by train to Southampton.
  5. Is Iona still going there this year? I had a look at a few cruises the other day and I noticed the ones with Hellesylt on had a strange message on about not being able to book!
  6. When we go (hopefully ) on our short cruise in June we’ve booked the Holiday Inn at Gunwharf quays the night before. We were supposed to go last year for two nights but I cancelled it and it was also the Queen’s funeral. Haven’t been to Gunwharf for ages but I really like it , lots to do. Going up the Spinaker Tower is great! Thought it would be a change from staying in Southampton and as embarkation times are supposed to be strictly enforced now it ‘wastes’ a bit of time in the morning!
  7. A very early morning to you all, having another spell of not sleeping well at the moment 😒 Luckily I’m working from home today which means my alarm goes off an hour later, hopefully I’ll get back to sleep in a while. We had a lovely holiday on the IOW when our son was about 5. We had a heatwave. We had the ferry included as we were in some sort of chalet place. we did the Castle and Osbourne house. My son’s favourite was of course the dinosaurs at Black Gang Chine! When just the two of us went to Guernsey in 2008 we got a good deal including the ferry, when we went last year I found it cheaper to book our hotel and the ferry separately.
  8. When I used to pick my grandson up by bus it was a nightmare. The bus I use is supposed to be every 10 minutes but I often waited half an hour! I ended up downloading the app but even that didn’t have the right information. I had to get to the bus stop about half an hour earlier than I should have.
  9. Was there any response re the water soaking? That’s unbelievable! Must have been a shock! I must admit I was thinking of booking Arvia but your experiences aren’t convincing me….
  10. Thank goodness you’ve got your cabin MB, what a performance though! Hope you got a good sleep and have a better day today.
  11. I was awake too, it’s an amazing thing they do. Just a tiny scar in my wrist, incredible.
  12. Blimey I’ve been catching up in dribs and drabs today. So sorry this has happened to you MB , I really hope you get a decent cabin soon.
  13. Yes, I had this in mind but wasn’t sure if it was a bit early for the tulips, it’s somewhere I’ve wanted to go for ages. I see there’s already a trip on my Personaliser!
  14. I’m looking forward to this too as I’ve just booked a four night cruise to Amsterdam on Aurora for Easter 2024. Have a great time.
  15. Yes I was and another type of blood thinner tablet which I just had to take for a year.
  16. Yes we had one delivered every day but they were two days behind, I didn’t explain that properly! For example on the Tuesday we’d get the transactions from Friday and so on.
  17. Yes indeed, I was so glad I went to the GP that day.
  18. Looking forward to hear more about your trip megabear, hope your bag arrives soon and you have a great cruise.
  19. I wish I’d been offered statins earlier, all I had was 5 yearly ‘well woman’ checks. When they said my cholesterol was raised a bit I got it down by diet and had a checkup 3 months later. Then I was forgotten about until the next 5 years. Then I went to my GP with chest pains, was immediately put on statins and BP medication and I thought ‘this is a bit over the top I haven’t had any tests yet’ A week later (in 2018) I was sent to a ‘chest pain clinic’ at the hospital and she wrote in her notes ‘untreated cholesterol since 2010’ I was sent for an angiogram and from that had my stent. Luckily I was employed by Lloyds Bank at the time and we had Bupa cover through them for £5 a month. That meant I got my stent in two weeks instead of the at least 12 week wait at the hospital. I’ll be forever grateful for that Bupa cover.
  20. Have a fabulous cruise, look forward to hearing all about it.
  21. Do you remember looking them up on microfiche? If a customer had a query they had to wait two days for us to get the microfiche!
  22. Afternoon all, we did get out yesterday, went to Hole gardens near Rolvenden. The sun eventually came out but it wasn’t wall to wall sunshine as predicted. However we left home with grey skies and it was the same when we came home so we were glad we went.
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