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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. It certainly was and the Iberian Ham was carved at the table too.
  2. What a fabulous little grandson you have Harry, and your granddaughter too. Great credit to their parents.
  3. I think perhaps this is what we did, I don’t really understand it all 🤷‍♀️
  4. Funnily enough I booked the first night in Epicurean because of people such as yourself saying how hit and miss the first night in the MDR is!
  5. Blimey Presto, you gave me a shock seeing this thread - I couldn’t remember posting it 😂
  6. It was delicious! We were both surprised how lovely it was
  7. Ahh - biscuitgate! We had one packet when we boarded on Ventura, didn’t get any more. John saw a steward after a couple of days (not ours) and she had biscuits on her trolley so he asked her if he could have some and she gave him a couple of packets!
  8. I hate to keep saying it but we got maps on Ventura without asking 😉
  9. He is indeed, can’t believe it! He went to see his classroom the other day and ‘the staff’ they don’t find out the exact teacher until nearer the time, the reception and nursery mix a lot so he knows the staff a bit. I shall miss seeing so much of him. I’m looking forward to hearing about your time on Ventura, I hope you have as much fun as we did!
  10. I can’t remember what the cost was for our son for the insurance ( he was 18/19 when he passed and is 33 now) but it was awful in our opinion ( not as much as your granddaughter though) so John put our son’s car in his name and added our son as a named driver which made it more palatable. Poor John’s insurance went up as well! The insurance did go down each year after that though. Shocking really.
  11. Afternoon all, a good time was had by all yesterday for my Dad’s birthday celebration. I didn’t sleep much the night before as my Dad was a bit off colour for a couple of days, luckily he rallied yesterday and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My grandson has really taken to my sister, it must be the ex teacher in her! Slept much better last night and woke early. The weather forecast isn’t good for the next two days so managed to get a wash on and hanging outside by 7am! Went to work and we were keeping up with the phones well, steady for a Monday THEN the internet went off! Our work is useless for that - 11-30 it went off and they sent us all home to work at 12.40! The poor two girls working from home today had a lot to do! As I finish at 1pm no more work for me! Yes I could have worked extra but I did that last time and got no thanks. Now I’m chilling in the garden, it’s really warm.
  12. That song was out when I first met John, he’d got a new car too 😆😆
  13. Thanks again for your continuing reports Selbourne.
  14. Thanks for such a detailed report Selbourne, glad your experience is mostly positive. Such a shame about the Crepe Suzette, can’t understand why it can be prepared at the table on Ventura and not on other ships 🤷‍♀️ Enjoy the rest of your cruise, looks a great itinerary.
  15. Afternoon all, very muggy here. It was sunny first thing but is now cloudy and very warm. Lots of birthdays around - my Dad was 86 yesterday. We’re having a get together tomorrow, my sister and hubby are coming up from Worthing and our son and family. We’re going to a local pub but I’m half expecting them to come here afterwards so I’ve just been having a good old tidy up. It’s our son’s partner’s birthday today so celebrations all round!
  16. Again on Ventura we had the tray to choose from and got 4 each! I put one in my handbag, found it when we got home and ate it then 😁
  17. We got to choose on Ventura and I was going to have 2 but he gave me 4 😂
  18. Fantastic news, hope all continues to go well.
  19. So sorry to hear this Bazrat, sending love.
  20. On Ventura last week they scrapped the app for the MDR’s we only used it to check our balance! I thought the big 3 still had the app though.
  21. Yes I agree I like the new style one but I do worry if new cruisers take much notice!
  22. Very strange. We did the new style one on Ventura just over a week ago!
  23. Glad to hear you had a great time / thanks for your reports and I hope Selbourne has a lovely time too. Andy, will you be booking another one now?
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