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Everything posted by Vict0riann

  1. I've only ever had the opportunity to "jump the queue" and get a piece of jewelry cleaned.
  2. Good morning, Dailyites. Another interesting day. I'm happy to hear about all the events and celebrations, and I pray for those undergoing hardships and losses. My cousin's caregiver feels Vicki will not last the month, she is home, but very weak . It is so sad, of all of us cousins when we were children, she was one of the youngest, we called her "the brat"; she was full of mischief. She had a full life, she painted, wrote books, she was a race walker in the LA Olympics, and very involved with Sheltie rescue. She showed many of her dogs and trained them all in agility. She has a huge china bowl in her study of ribbons she and her dogs won. Her husband visited, but now will not return until after she passes. They think his brother will then put him in a home near him in Monterey. Jacqui, I posted on your other thread, but that was an invitation to stay with us, we would love to have you any time you are making your way to SD. BTW, I used Air Miles to get us to SD on December 27th. The prices were horrendous otherwise - more than the cruise! We are pretty much in a disaster zone here. So dry, our reservoir is down to about 70% and if we don't have a really rainy winter, we will be in trouble next summer. The salmon are dying in the hundreds of thousands, they are unable to make it up their spawning streams as there is no water. DD is cooking today - it will be Mexican, but I'm not sure what it will be. I have not seen sweet potatoes in the fridge, though, so I don't think it will be today's recipe. But it will be spicy, I'm sure! Malaga is a lovely port, we have enjoyed it every time we've been there, especially doing "tapas tours"! We
  3. I imagine that, in the MDR, they will be taking reservations for the NYE dinner. I wonder what they will do in Club Orange. I'm hoping they will make exceptions and take reservations. Jacqui, you know, if you were to come here for a few days beforehand, it's easy enough to get to San Diego from here!
  4. I seem to remember that just recently, @Crew Newsposted a MDR NYE menu that looked very nice, now I can’t find it. Roger, where are you?
  5. Hi, Jacqui, Thanks for doing this! We have booked the Koningsdam 29 December 2022, 9-day Mexico and Sea of Cortez, b2b with January 7, 2023 Mexican Riviera. Just to shorten the winter!
  6. I meant to post a couple of pictures of some of the full time residents of Half Moon Cay.
  7. Lots of Daily news today - condolences to @Heartgrove, and I'm very sorry for others ailing, recovering from surgery or expecting it. Nice to have 2 little girls growing up with us, we'll want to see lots of pictures of Camilla and Ellie as time goes by! I hope the car/appliance gremlin will stay away now that he has visited Jacqui and @kochleffel. I keep waiting for our washing machine to kick the bucket - the other day DD overloaded it and it stopped mid cycle and she couldn't get it going again - as I have had many, many, years of dealing with washing machines !!, I fiddled with the soggy load and got it going again. One of these days she's going to kill it, though.
  8. Good morning, Dailyites. I. too, am amazed at how well Roy manages his Cares and Celebrations lists. Pat is going to test himself again today, and if he is still negative, we might go to church tomorrow. Bon voyage to those sailing today! DD in Gander and her BF have Rykers. I'm not sure I approve, but they are perhaps a little safer than motorcycles. They were planning a trip to Port aux Basques, but have decided to put it off because of all the damage there from Fiona.
  9. Now I have to correct was I said previously. It was the out-of-pocket expenses ashore that might take 4-6 weeks. This is the letter I got regarding FCC - no mention of timing.
  10. The paperwork they gave me is all filed away, but I think it said 4 to 6 weeks.
  11. I figured out the “turn off the emails” thing and it seems to be working. My cousin is home again , with 24- hour care and a hospice nurse visiting. I hope they can keep her comfortable. Her D H is returning on Monday. I’m sure she will be happiest at home, with her husband and doggies.
  12. I still see a 25% discount at Sel de Mer for 4 and 5 stars, when I log in. I plan to print the whole page of benefits and bring it with us, just to be sure!
  13. Thanks to Rich, Roy, and everyone for the news of the day! I've been to Dawson Creek, but not Dawson City. I love dried fish and used to eat it with the servants when we lived in Manila. In India there was a dried fish, called "Bombay duck" which was my favourite condiment with curry. Good source of salt... I am a little upset with CC these days. I haven't been able to get my notifications back to just a number on my little bell, and it is annoying to keep getting multiple emails again. The problem there is that I fill up my webmail storage quickly, and then I have to spend ages deleting things. Good news is that yesterday Pat tested negative for the first time. He'll do another test tomorrow, to be like the President! But, regardless, we won't be going to the family Thanksgiving celebration. Bad news is that my cousin with ALS is in the ICU with breathing difficulties, which I think are the final step in the disease. . They are trying to stabilize her and then she will probably have hospice. She got a feeding tube a few weeks ago and they hoped that would give her more time. Her DH, who has Alzheimer's, is in Monterey with his brother, and I'm sure she is missing him.
  14. Got my gift cards! For Canadians who buy their cruises in Canadian dollars, we can't pay off cruises, but I get enough to cover my on board expenses!
  15. Pat is going to email the credit union CC and tell them to stop being so nasty! (I very seldom use my US credit card, so I guess they are suspicious).
  16. i got issue 440, too. I'm on the line with an agent now. She says it was refused by my credit card. What a nuisance. I'll try again with Pat's card.
  17. I don't see any mention of the bonus card when I go to the site. Does it just show up as you are purchasing?
  18. Good morning, Dailyites, Happy Birthday, @JazzyV and Happy Anniversary @Cruzin Terri. Also, wishing a good Yom Kippur to our Jewish Dailyites! All is quiet here, we enjoy the Nobilo wine often, Pat laughs when I say I prefer an odd year to an even year (in any wine, I'm not sure why, I just do). We have visited Brisbane, but it was to see friends, and we didn't do much touring. View of Brisbane from our friends' home Sad about Loretta Lynn, the "coalminers daughter". Pat is getting very frustrated, testing positive every day. I am trying to get him to rest, sleep it off. He would like to be out golfing, having a coffee at Timmie's etc. I'm just as happy staying home. We did go for a walk yesterday, with masks in our pockets in case we saw someone, but just checked the mail. DD has started coming upstairs during the night to do her laundry. I would imagine we are not infectious, but we want to be careful. I've got some overripe bananas, so I want to make banana bread today. I think we will have lamb tonight, just not kebabs. The weather continues to be unusual for this time of year, we are still very dry and sunny, around 20 all week. We really need rain.
  19. We are having extremely dry weather here, too. Just hoping for rain soon, although it is lovely having the sun shining on us. Reservoir is down to 79%, so it needs topping up.
  20. Good morning, all! Cheers to everyone travelling today, I am envious. We will stay in a few more days, I think. But one of needs to go and check the mailbox. I did get an email this morning from the Butterfly Gardens, and evidently my strange creature hanging from a door frame is a Western Tiger Swallowtail butterfly, one of our largest native butterflies. I am sad that it has disappeared from the shed, I'm afraid a bird might have taken it. My only hope is that maybe it "hatched" and flew away. I posted some pictures from Perth and Fremantle last time, I'll add a few more. We also had a visit to Penguin Island from Perth, where there is a penguin rescue operation, and walkways around the island above the area where the penguins build their burrows. The fairy penguins there are I think the smallest penguins. At the botanical gardens in Perth - it had rained(October) and the wildflowers were in bloom. The shore in Fremantle At Penguin Island
  21. That happened to us, too. I tested positive on the Wednesday, DH, negative. I was moved to an isolation cabin and he was allowed to roam the ship. On the Saturday, he had a sore throat and called the Medical Centre and tested positive. So only then, he joined me in isolation. I know there were many who never contacted the Medical Centre and just treated themselves in their own cabins, and maybe did not isolate at all. In the "old days" with Noro, if one person got it, others in the cabin were allowed to go about normally on some ships (I think at the discretion of the Captain!) , until they got it. I think the isolation went on for 48 hours after the last "episode". It was basically a free-for-all, with a lot just not telling they were sick.
  22. Good morning, Dailyites. Thanks to Rich and Roy for the lists and to everyone who posts. Great news that the earring was found, Gerry. My bit of good news is that I tested negative for the second time, although I still am congested and coughing. I'm getting tired of this. Pat tested positive with a good, dark line, but doesn't seem to have anything but fatigue to complain about. We both feel our brains are not behaving as they should, we are having difficulty with the cryptic crosswords, and I'm not doing so well at sudoku. According to most sources, CDC, etc., we should not be infectious any more, and we are allowed out. Pat is not going to go to golf tomorrow though, perhaps Tuesday we will venture out. I had to laugh at the Chief's meme yesterday about colonoscopies - very sadly, I had to postpone mine, which was due on the 4th, to October 31st, so I'm wondering what they will offer me. We have been to Kerkira a couple of times. My pictures are much like the others posted. I remember the most brilliant bougainvillea I have ever seen. and cats in pots...
  23. There are pictures of 5231 on Halfacts.com which might be like 5200.
  24. I was isolated in 4025 on NA - and the whole section between the water-tight (fire) doors had tables outside the doors. I don't know if the other side of the ship was also closed off. I was told there were also rooms on deck 6 that were for isolation. However, I was also told that in the future things would change as they were trying to fill the ship with paying customers!
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