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Everything posted by wallyj

  1. You might have missed this in the OP. I believe they have put in bids already for minis and suites, but asking since cruise is 35 days from sailing, what are the chances of success.
  2. This was my experience when my medallion did not arrive in time for my sailing out of San Pedro. In the check in terminal, I was issued a ‘cruise card’ which would allow me to board the ship. I was instructed to go to guest services to exchange for a ‘medallion’. On a previous sailing out of San Pedro, my sister did not have her medallion and they made one for her in the terminal that took only a few minutes. I think issuing a cruise card is easier than having an additional ‘medallion’ making machine in the terminal, since every ship has them on board to replace lost, defective or non working ones. This may vary by port and facilities available. As far as custom designs, it is my understanding these are ‘stickers’ and I do not know if the ships or terminals stock these items.
  3. I have had no problem via my TA to request a different cabin in the same category after being assigned from a guarantee booking, if one is available. Because guarantee cabin assignment timing varies, sometimes by the time you are assigned a cabin, no other cabins are available.
  4. Apologies to the OP, if she feels this is getting off track/topic. My understanding as relayed from the previous Circle hosts/Loyalty Managers, (yes, I know this event is now coordinated/managed by the Future cruise department) is the Captain decides if they want a cocktail party or luncheon for the MTG event. Cost is not always the primary factor. I have spoken to a few Captains regarding this subject and a few tell me they prefer the cocktail party so they can meet and mingle with more passengers/guests, opposed to only those seated at his table, which are usually the top 3, unless special requests/circumstances occur. Cost cutting may account for the execution of the party and what is served, but the Captains who told me they prefer the cocktail party did seem to want to mingle and engage with as many at the event as possible, which is not possible with the luncheon.
  5. I was on this ship for the June 28-July 12 fourteen day sailing and this Captain prefers to have an evening cocktail party in SkyWalkers and he makes sure he and his officers mingle and talk to as many passengers as possible. The Captain will make an effort to speak to each person, couple/group. I have done this itinerary before NB then SB from Vancouver and have had a luncheon, but it seems the last few Captains have opted for cocktail parties citing the itinerary constraints. Alaska the cutoff numbers are usually on the lower side, I believe for my sailings the cutoff was the low 200’s.
  6. @cruisemel, it also depends on when you purchased your ‘premier’ package as there were different price points before Dec 2022. Your travel summary will list which amenities are linked to your package opposed to seeing just what package your have purchased instead of just looking at the on board services link, as that page will list the current amenities which if you bought the ‘older’ version, may not apply to your booking.
  7. The photo package with 3 prints and the digital download of ALL of your photos taken is part of the ‘perks’ if you have purchased the Premier fare when booking your cruise or you upgraded to the premier package @$80/day if you initially booked standard fare. Also, some of the newer ships have gone all digital meaning they do not physically print any photos. You view on a monitor and request if you want any actually printed. See the Princess website for what ‘perks’ are included in the Premier package.
  8. Go into your booking on Princess.com. Click on Travel summary. Scroll down and your amenities will be listed.
  9. Hi just of the Emerald 7 day CA coastal, I had the premier pkg so I had the photo package. Also had it a month ago on same ship and will identify a change. Photos taken at the backdrops on ‘formal’ night are NOT considered ‘portrait’ and are available to pick just like any other photo taken on non formal nights or at the ports. You can select ‘any’ 3 pictures up to size 8x10, as the embarkation and dining room pictures are typically smaller. So if want different pictures or the same it is your choice. The photo department does NOT print every picture taken to display on the racks. But you can view all of your photos at the photo gallery on their screens or your own device and if a printed copy has not be made, you can request it as one of your included ‘free’ of 3. A month ago when I had the photo package, I asked does the photo department supply a complimentary USB drive to download all the digital photos and was told, yes. At the end of the cruise, I selected my 3 prints and they downloaded all of the digital photos to a ‘ship shaped’ thumb drive. Last Friday, the last night of my cruise, again I went to the photo gallery to select the 3 prints I wanted. I noticed many of the pictures I had taken were not there. Then I remembered hearing the photographer telling a passenger a few days ago that not all photos are printed. I had enough photos to choose 3 I might like, but if I had planned better, I would have reviewed ALL of my photos first on my tablet, and if I saw one I liked that was not already printed, I could have requested it to be printed. Suggest you do this the afternoon on last day. If it is a port day and they take port arrival pictures, wait till the mid afternoon when those morning pictures should have been uploaded into the system. The photo department probably will not print any of those taken that morning. When I requested the thumb drive, I was told ‘sorry’ we are out of the complimentary thumb drives but they had others I could ‘buy’ for I think $7? Was told if I did not want to purchase a thumb drive, I needed to download the digital pictures to my own device before disembarkation, else they would no longer be available. Fortunately, I still had enough ‘space’ on my IPad and was able to download them to my device. You do this via the Medallion APP. One link is View my photos, another has Download my photos and gives the option of ALL or you can ‘select’ individual photos. I think Princess should have still provided a complimentary thumb drive, as they know exactly how many passengers have the premier package and should have supply for that number as a minimum in addition to others without a package who might want a separate thumb drive instead of having the pictures on their phone or tablet.
  10. @LDVinNC, are you looking at your Travel Summary or other and seeing that the amenities of the ‘plus’ package say ‘compliments of XXX’ which is your travel agency? This is unfortunately how Princess lists these amenities as they are not ‘gifts’ from your Travel agency. You paid to upgrade or the plus/premier fare when you booked. I am thinking you upgraded to plus then looked at your travel summary and see the wording saying ‘compliments from XXX’ and think you were gifted from your travel agent? Call your TA and verify.
  11. @LDVinNC, for all my cruises where I have a ‘pkg’ when I go to the upgrade page to add it or upgrade from plus to premier, it will show that I have ‘purchased’ that package, thus it will not allow you to double book or buy again. Are you sure your TA has provided the ‘plus package’ which includes tips and WiFi or just the stand alone beverage package which unfortunately has the same names.
  12. The 4 devices is for a maximum 4 different devices active/logged in at a time. There is a cruise line(not princess) where you are logged into that particular device only and are not able to switch to a different device, say from a phone to a tablet or laptop. The login credentials are the cabin # and the birthdate of the person with the 4 device plan. Does not matter if the persons logging in are in that same cabin or are related. Once 4 devices are ‘activated’, if you try to login on another device, it will show the 4 devices and ask which one would you like to ‘swap’. So you are not tied to a particular device and can switch among your devices.
  13. It will depend on the itinerary. Just off 7 day California coastal with only 2 sea days. They did NOT do movies in the Theatre but did show some in Explorers lounge and of course on the Movies under the Stars screen.
  14. The ‘game’ /prizes is active only when the casino is open. When the casino is closed, your door will say ‘game is closed’ if you are participating in prizes.
  15. So I think your situation is trying to apply a FCD that has an acquired date ‘after’ your booking date, which I posted earlier, Princess seems to no longer willing to ‘back date’. In my cases, I am applying a FCD that has an acquire date ‘before’ the cruise booking date, like when I use my TA’s booking engine that does not allow me to apply a FCD and or their office is closed on the weekend or after hours.
  16. @ldtr, I am US and have been able to get the FCD OBC even if I already have a deposit or have made final payment. Before final, the TA does not need to call Princess, they should be able to do with the ‘polar’ booking tool. After final, they need to call Princess, Recently, for a booking after final and paid in full, my TA got a Princess rep that said ‘No’, you cannot do, she called again and got a rep who said ‘yes’ I know how to do and will do for you. Are your FCD acquired dates ‘before’ your cruise booking date? @PMGS247, Princess a long time ago(over 8yrs?) would backdate FCD acquisition date so you could use if you booked a sailing then bought FCD’s on a later sailing. I know of 2 recents situations where a passenger had a booking and tried to then apply FCD’s and Princess denied because the FCD acquired date was AFTER the cruise booking date. Maybe your PVP is willing to ‘backdate’ your new FCD’s, but I got the impression Princess is not allowing this anymore. My suggestion would be to ask someone you know who is currently or will be on a Princess ship soon to purchase FCD’s for you. They will have to pay, but they can buy for you, supply your Captain circle number, birthdate, name, address and phone number for additional identity verification. I just did this for my sisters friend and have done for family members many times as I sail more often. Once they have purchased your FCD, then book your 2024 sailing.
  17. @cr8tiv1, I believe the current 50% off on board promo is not available for Reserve mini and above categories , which is why that reserve class quote is not a bargain.
  18. When I have booked with my travel agency and used their online booking engine, it does not have the ability to apply a FCD. I pay the deposit with my credit card and then when the office is open, I call and the agent is able to apply a FCD and I receive the associated OBC. So, yes I will have $200 in total paid as deposit. @ldtr, you have been misinformed. I have even been able to apply a FCD to a sailing after I have made final payment, it results in an overpayment and I get it back as a credit to my credit card AND I receive the OBC for using a FCD.
  19. I have seen Naathan Phan on another Princess sailing previously. I believe he did not make it to the ship, so this cruise, his show was cancelled. I will be back on the Ship for the Aug 5 2023, Hawaii sailing and if he is scheduled to perform, I will report back.
  20. I am not sure you understood my question. I already stated the benefit probably would be split, if both ‘qualified’ in my first paragraph, as it is one benefit per cabin. I traveled with someone who did not own shares(not qualified )in the same cabin, and felt I should share my shareholders benefit, that was what I was asking, and my opinion was it is the person who owns the shares choice if they want to share, but it should not be assumed the benefit will be split.
  21. @quadsplus1, would like to confirm, did you book onboard but did not add plus? Or are you trying to book now realizing ‘plus’ is also being discounted? If you did book, but did not add plus, you should still be able to add it at the 50% off, see my reply in the previous post. If you did not book, but regret it now, I would not think you could book the 50% off now off ship, since the 50% off promo was for an on board booking only.
  22. @quadsplus1, go into your cruise Personalizer and check. In May, while on Crown, I booked 2, 50% off sailings. I normally do not get the packages, but happen to check after I booked. I went into my cruise Personalizer and both ‘plus’ and ‘premier’ were showing my upgrade fare was only 50%. When I initially tried to upgrade to plus, it would not let me enter my credit card info, but showed a total that came out to be $30/day. I was still on board and the future cruise person called shoreside and they said , no it is not supposed to be discounted. The future cruise person did a mock booking with plus and it verified ‘plus’ pkg was also being discounted. She sent a screenshot to prove and they , shoreside, added the plus pkg @ $30/day. When I got home, for the other 50% off cruise, I booked, I decided I wanted premier pkg. went into my cruise Personalizer and the text before clicking said $80/day, but when I clicked to get the upgrade total for a 7 day sailing, it said $280 so $40/day. I clicked to purchase and it let me enter my credit card info and my travel summary was updated to show I now had the premier amenities on my booking. So, you may be able to add ‘plus’ or ‘premier’ even after you have gotten off the ship and even if after final payment, as both my sailings I had to pay in full on the ship as they were already less than 90 days from sail date. For a new 50% off booking I made 2 weeks ago on the Sapphire, I was able to add ‘plus’ on board for $30/day. It will not give me a price/total to upgrade to premier. My friend booked the 34 day sailing on the same ship with plus. His cruise Personalizer gives him a price of $10.80/day to upgrade to premier from plus. It does not make any sense! My March 2024 sailing gives me a price of $14.80/day to upgrade to premier from plus. Lead future cruise person is supposed to research for me while I am on board.
  23. I went to Guest services about another issue, but mentioned about the APP only having the 3 new choices of pizza. The agent said it was implemented 2 sailings ago and will be permanent till it is not and will be going to other ships. Yes, you can still go to Lido deck and get ‘free’ slices, but you cannot get a whole Pepperoni or cheese thru the APP or room service anymore. Was told room service could not keep up with the demand, so this change was implemented. I will try and talk to the F&B manager if he is at the MTG event this cruise and see if he can give me anymore info.
  24. Hi, just boarded Emerald Princess yesterday. In Ocean now, previous on this ship last month and just off the Sapphire on July 12, you could order whole pizza for zero cost. Now under pizza, you have 3 choices of Pizza Amici, Bianca e Nero, and a Duo Parma, all with a charge of $8.50! No choice of pepperoni or just cheese like before? Has this spread to other ships too! Going to try and talk to F&B manager and find out if this is permanent?
  25. @memoak, currently on the Emerald and can soda(any) seems to be included with drinks pkgs, was also the policy when I was on the ship 1 month ago. I was on Majestic, April 2023 , SYD to LA, cans were also included. You could tell as ordering in the APP it would show $0.00 as cost. Emerald says they do not have Coke Zero on board. Funny as the T&C of the pkgs specifically say ‘fountain’, someone made a change. Also, change in ordering Pizza, there are 3 different choices, all have a $8.50 charge( no pepperoni or plain cheese available on APP). Free pizza thru the APP is gone, wonder if it was too popular? I was able to order free whole Pepperoni pizza thru the APP on the Sapphire, got off July 12, so this is a recent change. Will try and find out talking to F&B manager.
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