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Everything posted by wallyj

  1. @cr8tiv1, a similar story for my brother. He purchased a couple of FCD’s on board for himself earlier this year. When my sister called the agency they would use to book a cruise for November, the agent said they could not see a FCD for my brother. My sister sent me a message while I was on ship and I went to the future cruise desk and they were able to look up and gave me the future cruise certificate numbers, so it seems there is a ‘glitch’ sometimes when agents are trying to find FCD’s, but if you have the certificate number, no problem.
  2. Hi @trinitygirl, enjoying your thread and pictures. Just to clarify I think in post #13 and #78 you refer to the Production show in #13 as Soul Bar and in #78 as Starlight Bar, but pretty sure the name of the show is ‘Spotlight Bar’ so those not familiar will be able to identify. Princess has another show called ‘Sweet Soul Music’, but not sure if being done on your ship, but was performed on my recent Emerald sailings. Also the Gibraltar ‘Macaques’ are known to steal objects from passengers and bite and scratch. It seems every time I have made this port stop, passengers have medical stops on board to attend to ‘bites and scratches’.
  3. What I have seen, is you post a reply asking moderator to make change as you are original poster, or quick reacting moderator will make change.
  4. Thanks, I booked the cruise because it was included as one of the on board booking sailings you can get at 50% off. I think originally the cruise was stopping in SF, but now will skip and arrive LA early for an overnight. The Emerald just came back early to LA for an overnight because of Hurricane Hillary and it was a bit of a mess. As it was our first US port after visiting a foreign port, everybody has to do immigration and customs. The ship was also allowing any passengers the option to disembark early on Sunday instead of normal Monday scheduled arrival. You had to complete form and turn into guest services. The form stated you were leaving the ship early voluntarily and no compensation will be given. I was told about 700 passengers opted to leave Sunday morning and there was a delay, as you had to be able to carry ALL your luggage, plus many passengers who were staying on board got in the line early, instead of waiting for their decks to be called which was the protocol. In San Pedro, there is only one small elevator and the escalator is not very wide so with all the passengers with luggage, it was a challenge. I assume this process will be repeated for this cruise.
  5. Yes, minibar exchanges are not affected by the new Plus and Premier changes if that is your concern, even if you have to call room service for the change, no charge. @Ombud, the Canapés for elites on formal night form specifically state ‘no substitutions’ as I remember way back, you could ‘write’ chocolate covered strawberries. If they are still allowing for you, congrats, but I have not heard recently of any elites being successful in getting them instead of what canapés are listed.
  6. I am booked on the Majestic YVR to LA cruise that is now this Themed Dallas cruise. I booked it in early July and it was not at that time labeled Hollywood Insider Dallas, so it is a little surprising to me to see it is now a theme cruise. While on my last cruise, Emerald August 5-21, I heard references to other theme cruises that I do not remember seeing Princess advertising such as the Magic cruise in early October this year and the ‘Mythbusters’ cruise I think is after Thanksgiving.
  7. Sorry, but I have had a friend who was denied being able to apply a FCD to a booking not paid in full because the acquire date of the FCD was AFTER the booking date. it is my understanding Princess no longer allows ‘backdating’ a FCD. @Steelers36, did you read my post #4? I have posted about this a few times already. I have been able to add a FCD to a booking with a deposit already made by credit card. I do get the OBC associated with using said FCD. @cr8tiv1, I have purchased FCD’s for friends not on board and the FCD’s show immediately as soon as the future cruise person charges my credit card. It has never taken weeks. Just did end of July 2023, and the FCD’s were in the friends accounts immediately.
  8. Might want to send message to moderator to change title to Emerald instead of Enchanted.
  9. This was NOT the case on August 5 when I embarked Emerald at San Pedro. The previous month, on July 22, I embarked at San Pedro and they had an ‘elite’ lane. I did not have my Medallion, and it took maybe 5 minutes. On August 5, there was only Blue lane(no medallion) or Have Medallion lane and a special assistance lane. Arrived about same time as previous cruise which was 10:30ish and there was a long line for Blue lane. Took over 40 minutes to snake to front to collect Medallion. Elite, Suite priority gone. After receiving my medallion, no wait to board, as Elites were already boarding.
  10. A long time ago, Princess would allow ‘backdating’ of a FCD so it could be used. No more. I believe the current rule is your FCD acquire date needs to be BEFORE your cruise booking date, so if you bought a FCD on your upcoming February 2024 sailing, you would not be able to use it on a cruise you ‘booked’ in 2023 or any cruise cruise booked before the date you acquired/bought the FCD. You are able to apply a FCD to a booking that may already have deposit made by credit card. Example, my TA office is closed on the weekend but I want to grab a particular cabin, so I book using their online booking portal, but it does not have the ability to apply a FCD. I use credit card for deposit, then when TA office is open, I call and ask for a FCD to be added to booking and I receive the OBC associated with using the FCD. The FCD to be applied needs an acquire date earlier than my booking date. UK and outside US and Canada rules may be different. Princess allows passengers currently on a sailing to purchase FCD’s for people NOT on the sailing. The passenger on board pays for the FCD and hopefully will be reimbursed by the person whom they are purchasing the FCD. Many passengers like to have one or more FCD’s in the bank, so they have one ready. If you happen to know someone on a sailing willing to do this, this is a possible option in the future when you find you need a FCD and will not be sailing soon.
  11. @gvre, I just disembarked from the Emerald Princess and at the Future cruise desk, they have flyer regarding a Cruise Package, but I thought the price was lower than your $7499 stated price, it seems there may be a lower package offered with less amenities as you have listed? The package is not for me, but hopefully someone currently on board a Princess ship can post a copy of the flyer available at future cruise.
  12. @IndyKid, are you concerned your Travel Summary has not been updated to include the ‘new’ components of Premier, being ‘Ocean Now’ access, room service and unlimited casual dining ? I believe Princess IT has not gotten to this item yet, but as you have verified, your APP already shows Ocean Now access and unlimited Prix Fixe. You seem to not understand unlimited Prix Fixe mean you will NOT be subject to the $14.99 Prix Fixe at casual dining venues. Looking the the deck plan for the Caribbean Princess, ‘casual dining venues’, on this ship would be Planks BBQ and Steamers Seafood? I am not sure if Planks and Steamers has been re-activated on this ship yet? If so, then you would get unlimited ‘free’ prix Fixe meals at these 2 venues. Check the boards for any passengers posting from the Caribbean Princess reporting if Planks and Steamers has been reinstated. As the changes for the Caribbean Princess were to start on August 14, 2023, look for posts from passengers reporting what is going on the ship.
  13. Your question is too vague. Changed stateroom for what reason or circumstance? If directly related to this thread, if a cabin of same category would be available on embarkation day, normally guest services can accommodate you without additional charges. With most cruises currently being fully booked, I do not see available cabins. My currently sailing on the Emerald Princess was fully booked, I met passengers with cabin issues that wanted to be moved, but no cabins were available. One passenger told me they were offered FCC for the inconvenience they suffered. Princess has a bidding for upgrade program so complimentary upgrades may happen, but I would assume not as often. Guest services has more flexibility if the sailing is not fully booked. I have had friend’s recently request if upgrade cabins are available and guest services has responded with availability of cabins and rates and also have received a complimentary upgrade upon asking on board. This situation is ship and circumstance dependent.
  14. Hi R&D, assume you saw/read post #53? Sea is very calm but expected to get rocky closer and after technical stop in Ensenada. Hopefully we get back to San Pedro on time. I was on a sailing a while ago that was late leaving San Pedro, because ship could not leave Ensenada because of strong winds. Ship finally got to San Pedro early evening and boarding did not start till about 10-10:30 pm. Princess allowed option for passengers to arrive the next morning for boarding. For those waiting in the terminal that possibly arrived via flights that day, we were given granola bars and chips while waiting to board. The Buffett was open if you wanted to eat once boarded.
  15. I believe it depends on where and who booked your cruise. Your travel summary will list if daily service charge applies. My understanding is passengers who booked cruise thru Oz TA(travel agent) the fares have the daily service charges included in the fares. If you booked thru US travel agency, tips/daily service charges are NOT included in fare and you will be subject to these on your daily folio. If you used a TA, they should be able to confirm , do you know how to see your Travel summary?
  16. Princess changed the Captain Circle Host title to Loyalty and Events Manager, but that has changed as Future Cruise now handles Loyalty so usually, the lead Future Cruise consultant does the speaking at the MTG and Captain Circle party but it varies. All Future Cruise consultants are supposed to be trained to answer Loyalty related questions.
  17. The future cruise department is in charge of Loyalty events now and they produce the letter that should have been delivered to your stateroom on Day 1 outlining your particular loyalty tier benefits and lists the time and location of the Platinum, Elite, Suites lounge. They have not printed the menus of what ‘nibbles’ are to be served for a long time. I believe since the restart in September 2021? Princess is attempting to reduce paper distribution. Some ships with longer voyages will list a menu in the lounge for about 7-8 days worth. This was provided on the Majestic Princess on my SYD to LA sailing this past April 2023.
  18. $7.50 per day is only if you purchase for the entire voyage. If you want only 1 day(24hours) the price is $20 so elite discount brings that down to $10.
  19. I believe RCCL shareholders used to be non stackable with other OBC’s, but was changed in 2021? Anyways, I have been able to get FULL shareholders on RCCL sailings on ‘discounted’ fares since they restarted with the Adventure of Seas sailings out of the Bahamas and it is stackable with other OBC. Was able to take advantage of generous CWC(cruise with confidence) refare policy and got OBC when I saw price drop after final payment. Unfortunately, CWC policy allowing this has expired. Have also received shareholders for my upcoming Celebrity sailings in October 2023 without issues @ldtr.
  20. Yes, go into your cruise Personalizer, flights will not be available till about 330 days before your sail date.
  21. FCD’s are fully refundable thus ANY OBC cannot be used, as how is Princess supposed to refund your OBC if you are not on a ship, especially for non refundable OBC.
  22. Sorry, I do not post pictures, but for this sailing and my past sailing on the Crown in May and Sapphire in June, Princess favorites are available every evening. Shrimp Cocktail, French Onion Soup, Caesar salad, Salmon, Chicken Breast, Fettuccine as one of the Pasta dishes almost daily. I think there was a recent live from Sapphire which had menus or in her blog which the thread has a link. Depending on the itinerary, there are usually some dishes inspired by the itinerary, such as on the Alaska trip there were some dishes you would only find on the Alaska itinerary. Today we had a Shredded Kailua Pig in Ti Leaves, which is probably only offered on Hawaiian itineraries.
  23. I boarded Emerald for July 22-29 Coastal in San Pedro, there was a separate check in line for Elites and it was very quick , even if you did not have Medallion , arrived at pier around 10:45, done in 5 minutes. Boarding for August 5 at San Pedro, new protocols, only Green line if you already have Medallion, else everybody else is Blue and it was a long line. Took just over 40 minutes to get to front of line. There was another separate line for ‘special assistance’. Arrived around 10:30. By the time I received my Medallion, elite boarding had already started, so I was able to board right away.
  24. I believe the 1 day , 24 hour plan is $20.
  25. I believe the same info requested is on the updated form with the adminsupport email address. Only change I can see is the email you send the form to. My latest experience with the transfer request form was for a on board booking I made on the Sapphire. When I got home on July 12th, I emailed the form on July 13. Was told it can take 10 business days. On July 26, I emailed my TA if they could call Princess and was told, until the booking is transferred, Princess will not talk to my TA. My TA suggested I resend the transfer request email. I did the morning of the 27th, adding 2nd request in the title. I happen to be on a Princess ship, so I asked guest services if I could call Princess as final payment was August 3. When I finally got thru to talk to a Princess representative, they notified my the bookings showed the TA I requested, so either my 2nd request email got their attention or it took 14 days for them to complete. I saw an earlier thread where it was posted the email was sent on a Sunday and the request was completed by Wednesday for a direct to TA transfer request. Mine was a TA to TA transfer request as the TA who booked the cruise I was sailing on, is automatically assigned any new booking I do on board. I wanted to use another TA who would offer a discount or OBC. Why book direct if you know you want to use a TA, would save time to book with the TA?
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