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Posts posted by Gershep

  1. With this new promotion you can choose the Ultimate Beverage Package. My two sons, 25 and 20 (1 month shy of 21) will be in the same cabin. I will be signing the under 21 waiver that allows him to purchase/drink beer and wine. Does anyone know if the under 21 can use the UBP to purchase beer and wine or can he only purchase soda. Thank you!

  2. A prepaid gift card would be a good idea with a low balance but I don't know if they are accepted. With your regular credit card make sure to let the card company know that you will be using it outside the USA so they don't put a hold on it for suspicious activity.

  3. Nauzene is good for nausea. It is sold over the counter in stores for about five dollars. They make one for sea sickness but that one is harder to fine. Prescription Bonine works even better than over the counter. I agree Bonine is better than Dramamine.

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