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Everything posted by jagsfan

  1. Actually, the itinerary says arrive 2 Oct at 8am, lv 3 Oct at 3pm. That gives us a little longer. And since it’s Wednesday and Thursday, everything should be open. I hope I can find something that will show me the island with minimal walking!
  2. My 60 year old daughter was maybe 10 when she was hit by a puck. Our tickets were behind the goalie, and the puck flew right over the net and up to our seats on the rail. It hit her so hard she was knocked backwards and then forward and almost pitched over the rail. The man behind her grabbed her. She was ok. She has a bump where her collarbone was fractured and she had a horrendous bruise. If it had hit her a little lower, she could have had her heart stopped. Some are lucky, some aren’t. Because Hamlin was where he was when it happened, his chances are hopefully really good for surviving without permanent damage. No one has mentioned if there’s more of a chance of heart problems, but I’m assuming his playing time is over. I’m anxiously waiting to hear he’s out of the woods with no after effects.
  3. The only thing worse than wet wool is wet dog! It made me never want to get into a crowd like that again, even though I’m much taller than I was then.
  4. About 80 years ago was the only time I was in Times Square for New Years Eve. All I saw was men’s rear ends in trousers, women’s rears in dresses, but mostly smelled wet wool coats. I never went back, either.
  5. I hope the doctor had some good meds to get you well quick. I think everyone is going to get it this winter, whatever it is. I had it before Christmas, my daughter and granddaughter started it on the 27th.
  6. I tried last year but there were at least 50 people in line outside. They would let one person in as one came out. I quickly gave up!
  7. Tonight is the 3rd iteration of Christmas for us. Saturday night was the entire Florida part of our family. Christmas Day Dick and I returned to the scene (our son’s home) to celebrate with in laws and soon to be in-laws. So two feasts in two days and no cooking for me! I did make a broccoli salad for Christmas Eve. We forgot to remind our daughter to bring the family songbooks Christmas Eve, but we managed to sing the whole repertoire from memory, including 12 Days of Christmas, an astounding feat! Tonight daughter and family come for more presents and hors d’ouevres. I was tempted to try Greg’s marvelous looking Brie in puff pastry, but chickened out!My daughter-in-law Kathi bought a gingerbread decorating kit for our great grandsons to occupy them for a while! Great idea! Christmas Day was bitter cold, but beautiful. This is a typical Northeast Florida December Day. You saw what it looked like in November when Ian and a nor’easter combined brought the river right up to the house! Our great granddaughter Sage will be 2 in two weeks. I don’t know where she got her dancing gene, but it’s nonstop!
  8. The next part of my sad happy sad December is in Manhattan. my granddaughter’s boyfriend flew with her from Chicago to visit her uncle. He had arranged for a photographer to be waiting at Rockefeller Plaza.
  9. Well, it’s been a sad happy sad month! I’ll be so glad when it’s over! My beloved brother Bill died suddenly Dec 3. He was trying to turn over in bed and told my sister-in-law he felt weak. Eileen was trying to help him turn over and he went limp and was gone. She and then Rescue tried to bring him back, but it was no use. If anyone was the spirit of Christmas in our family, it was Bill. Years ago he put together many collages of photos going back years and adding new family members as they came along. He picked out pages and pages of Christmas songs, including a couple in German, one in Latin, and two in Spanish. No one in our family speaks Spanish, but we sing very enthusiastically. He had all of this bound and created family songbooks for our Christmas Eve singing. When they started talking about moving to NC, I took one of those songbooks added to the photos, and had a local printer make up new books for my ever growing branch of the family. Bill was a conscientious attorney, loving husband, brother, father, grandfather, and uncle with such a warm and giving heart. He could tell true life stories that would have everyone laughing helplessly. He was curious about everything and was always researching something that struck his fancy. He had our family’s travel gene, but didn’t head for the famous landmarks. He would find interesting people with interesting life stories wherever he went. Tomorrow night after our feast, my family here in Florida will pick up our songbooks and do our best without him. Here’s my brother Bill, on his first trip to Russia. He had a tutor for a year so he could meet people. Being Bill, the authorities presented no problem. Second is his lawyer self. Always honest, always caring. Last is the Christmas ornament my granddaughters named Uncle Billy almost 30 years ago. It’s always second on the tree after Angela goes on top. Hug your loved ones. Make sure they know they are loved. We are never promised tomorrow.
  10. I keep copies of everything in my iPhone passport file. I keep Set Sails in my iPhone Wallet. But I print the Set Sails and hold them in my hand with the open passports. Our last 2 cruises, we barely paused to be checked. We’d have had to come to a complete stop if I had to fiddle with my phone.
  11. My DH is half Scottish. He’s not paying for food he has already paid for! I have to be sneaky, and I will.
  12. It’s been a long time since we sailed in Mariner. I just got an early Christmas present…8 day cruise from PC to Bermuda. Early because my husband saw the ad dating the sale was expiring. He’s such an innocent! Anyway I jumped and booked it before he could change his mind, and decided to go big box instead of calling Royal. Now I’m slowing down to catch my breath, There’s no Park Cafe? No beef on weck? No Sorrento’s? I knew no Aqua Theater or Broadway show, but I need my beef sandwich and my pizza! Especially since I keep reading that the MDR dinner menu is shrinking. Can anyone relieve my mind, or drive the dagger.of reality into my heart?
  13. It’s probably because I’m sick, but you had me in tears! I lived through the ordeal with you, especially since I’ve had nightmares of forgetting our passports.
  14. @HBE4I have been off the Internet and just came back and read your post. I am so sorry you have lost your wife twice. Your life certainly changed the first time, but your devotion didn’t. Thank goodness for your (step)daughter. And I know she must feel the same. Your wife would be so happy to know you have an unbreakable bond and will comfort each other. I know we will be reunited with our loved ones come day. No one has ever proven that we won’t!
  15. I’ve been to a couple of those. It has to be agonizing for the writer. Even Paul Prudhomme in his heyday had no line to get books signed, just people walking by and most stopped, looked to see him, and moved on.
  16. I’m behind again! I’m too old to be this busy! I want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your favorite food on your plate. We have so much to be thankful for, even during our gloomiest days. I’m so thankful to Dani for bringing us together as a global family! Some of you may remember my 98 year old friend Ginny, who was always the life of any party. Then she tripped over her suitcase and broke her hip. Scans in the hospital showed masses throughout her body. She hated hospital food, refused to walk, yelled at everyone, and was visibly dwindling away. She was moved to a rehab facility because she refused treatment for cancer. She was a total grouch, there, too. Now she’s in assisted living and trying to figure how to go home to her 2 story townhouse. Soooo, she turned 99 Saturday, and we threw her a surprise party. I’m attaching a couple of photos. Ginny is Ginny again, and we’re hoping we’ll be celebrating her 100th next year! So with a full heart, I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
  17. So very sorry. losing both of them has to be so hard. I’m way behind and trying to catch up, but I know you’ll still be grieving when you see this
  18. Bob, if you get to St Augustine, check out the lighthouse and the keeper’s house, which is haunted. No guarantee you’ll see the haunt, but you can climb to the top of the lighthouse.
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