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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. ICF did you eat in the MDR - I can't recall? Even my husband who hates formal dining and is quite partial to the buffet chose to eat in MDR on all evenings bar two apart from our Epicurean and Limelight evenings. There is simply no comparison with the food quality or choice. As I said our experience is that apart from a daily roast the buffet tends to offer concoctions which include leftovers from the MDR. In May I will be travelling alone and as such will use the buffet more - mainly for late lunch. I'm very interested to see what I'm going to find there based on your description and if it's good will try for dinner too. Will be interesting I'm sure.
  2. Sounds a great idea. However on my last Britannia cruise you'd have been very hard pressed to eat how you describe! Only cold fish on offer most days was smoked mackrel, can't recall when I last saw smoked salmon in the buffet or a mussel, prawn or even a crab stick! Soup: well some interesting options there including on three days my much recited Bubble and Squeak one. Unfortunately the soups were often cold as well although fellow passengers taking off lids to investigate the contents didn't help. Salad, now that was an interesting one. Chopped up iceberg, cucumber and large tomatoes who on occasion looked so off people were asking to speak to the chef to see why they were even being served. 14 days of non changing beetroot salad, cold pasta shells and tinned sweetcorn completed the picture together with hard boiled egg halves, non descript grated cheese and what was clearly the leftover meats from the night before - being a Christmas cruise roast turkey was very prevalent for almost a week. Cheese board: well every day we had the same three cheeses consisting of cheddar, red Leicester and brie in miniscule slithers - I actually made a sandwich from the cheddar it was so thin. These regulars were interspersed with Danish Blue and another soft blue cheese which was rather shiney and runny. Stilton appeared on Boxing Day and vanished just as quickly. I don’t eat sweet but understand from those I spoke to that they were mainly sugar free and vegetarian options. So to conclude, if I'm able to eat on Arvia in May half of what you describe I'll be thrilled but I'm not holding my breath!
  3. Definitely not strange. I only have one for travel as in the US debit cards appear to be a tool of the devil!
  4. I often take excursions with food included such as those in the Caribbean or Italy where you visit someone's home or have a meal cooked by a chef. Consequently I don't eat onboard on my return as I've had my main meal elsewhere. My main meal on the ship unless it's a special event (something like the old dinner with Strictly stars or having a celebrity chef cook for me) is breakfast. However if I'm on Cunard the dining is the big event for me and I work my day around my dinner. Different ships call for different arrangements- we had a free dining package on Celebrity Edge last year and it was superb. My drinks bill is paltry when I travel alone although if I'm with family or friends then a trip to the bar may occur more often and certainly the odd cocktail in the afternoon may happen on a seaday. Having said that I do like to sit at a seafront cafe with a coffee or an icecream and have spent ages in places like Sorrento just people watching whilst drinking a cappuccino with an almond biscuit.
  5. Yes, I did most of my P&O Greek cruises on Azura as well. I recall Corfu, Rhodes, Piraeus and Kefalonia in particular. Never sailed into Santorini as after land based holidays there assumed the journey from the port would be rather a chore! Kefalonia I visited on QM2 and QV with my mother and subsequently my husband and I now holiday there every year at the beginning of July. I do recall most of the Central Mediterranean cruises were in September and October which was great for me as tied in with anniversary and my birthday.
  6. It's not just cruises. Recently had a problem with Hilton hotel at Gatwick. Original booking made 9 months in advance held against my debit card as my credit card would expire just before travel. On receipt of new credit card changed the reservation to reflect this and assumed debit card would be removed. My husband on check out was asked if he wanted card on file charged and said yes - they email your invoice so nothing physical to check against. Meantime I open up bank account on line and find £143 pending charge plus a £185 normal charge- enquiry led to my husband having had a beer and a meal the night before. I complained then told they'd taken money from the credit card. Sure enough £185 debited day after check out so effectively we were paying three times. The pending charge did not drop off for 10 days and it took 7 days for the wrongly charged amount to process back into our account. Despite a very big complaint nothing sped it up although I did get 10,000 Hilton Honours points as an apology. Lesson learned by me, never let anyone have your debit card details as a hold for a booking!
  7. I find this quite interesting apart from the obvious disappointment for the people booked. As mentioned by Britboys above the 2025 release shows little or no Greek ports on the schedule on ex Southampton cruises for P&O. Apart from the Azura fly cruises it looks as if Greece is becoming a no go area for P&O travellers and I wonder if the 2024 cruises booked to go there will suffer the same fate when the ports start "diviying" up who gets a berth. Very noticeably the fly cruise ships on P&O and other lines (I looked at Princess and Celebrity for myself) seem to be predominant in most Greek ports including the popular islands. I cannot find hardly an ex UK sailings mentioning Greece for the next three seasons. Could this be the way of the future with tye intended reduction of cruise ships welcome in the Med or is it just the cruise lines saying well the Spanish ports are still selling well so why worry. Also since the Venice ban there are markedly less cruises visiting Italian ports and Croatia on ex UK sailings yet I've previously done quite a few on Cunard and P&O. Hopefully this isn't the way things are going to proceed but the 2025 schedules I've seen to date aren't looking too promising for anywhere central Mediterranean unless its fly cruise with the prices being substantially higher to reflect the rarer ports.
  8. Sorry to highjack your thread but I'm considering booking Arvia Retreat for my mid May cruise and see you are currently onboard enjoying it. Is your experience good and how are you finding it in general? I note you mention drinks and food, is this a fairly good selection? I'm a solo traveller on this occasion with just one day out of 14 booked for a shore excursion so intend spending a fair amount of time onboard. I am assuming Retreat will be sold out for entire voyage and would be interested in how you find bed availability etc and also the times of operation. Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  9. At least their clean. Following on if your concerns are correct all the RCI and MSC ships won't be welcome either. Might as well shut up shop all round!
  10. Are they on sale now? I hadn't realised. I've directed my friend's to look at them for 2025 so I'd better tell them to crack on. They're hoping for the £99 kids places which were on offer for this year.
  11. Not on every line, no. Celebrity Beyond has 3,260 passengers, Queen Anne 3,000, Rotterdam 2,700. Granted RC and MSC are going for giants which dwarf even Arvia and Iona but plenty of other lines are going smaller with of course the specialists like Saga going even smaller. It mustn't be forgotten a lot of the very big ships were ordered before the pandemic as well. What comes next we will have to wait to see.
  12. Multi million pound ships are not exactly Ford Fiestas to be traded in every 3 years. Times do move on but a cruise line won't invest in something that will easily last 20+ years and not expect that it's clientele will change or the ship updating. Aurora and Arcadia were once state of the art and market leaders and not adult only, they may not be now but then neither are the Freedom class RC ships or even Independence of the Seas who one correspondent waxes lyrical about. Of course the newer builds are going to follow latest trends just like other transport options. Lots loved Boeing 707 aeroplanes but it's mainly nostalgia and if their flight to New York tomorrow trundled one out they'd scream blue murder they want a nice 787 or Airbus 350. Who's to say come the next time Carnival decide to treat P&O to a shiny new ship they won't pick something smaller and more innovativein different ways? We can't and should not assume. I'm pretty sure they know what's successful and the indication of money being spent on the older ships says they're not being written off just yet.
  13. It will still leave Azura, Ventura and Britannia which very few over 60 dislike. There are only one or two on here who are adamant nothing other than Aurora and Arcadia will do. My aunt returned to Fred in January on Bolette. Although her experience was complicated by catching covid she has stated she won't ever sail on an older vessel again because it simply didn't compete with her Princess cruises in Regal and Sky last year. We are now looking at round Britain cruises for her later in the year but the older ships are not featuring on any line. Not a good idea to just write off P&O based on the two big girls, many are very happy with her smaller mid sized sisters. Judging by how many on here are enjoying Azura's fly cruises I'm guessing itinerary changes are more likely to be a problem than the ships.
  14. Very good point on the drinking laws. On a couple of ex UK RC cruises when they applied their 21 age rule I've seen arguments about people being able to drink at home because of the age 18 legality difference. RC amended their age to 18 to fall in line with European laws accordingly. However my experience on RC compared to P&O is they are still very much tougher on anti social behaviour of any type. As others have pointed out here they are also far more expensive and I presume if you've paid double or sometimes treble the price for your cruise you're more likely to take heed of the warnings. Part of the problem in the cross over is what different age groups deem acceptable. I recall people moaning about "ferile hordes" of teenagers when Ventura was introduced. I very much doubt they were either just groups of bored youngsters hanging out together. On my one and only Celebrity cruise there was a section of the ship handed over as an evening meeting place for that age group where computer games etc were available. Big beanbags, lounging stuff, fairy lights etc. Seemed very popular. As someone with no children or grandchildren it looked a great idea and no one seemed bored or wandering aimlessly like I've sometimes seen on Britannia or Azura on my Caribbean cruises. Do Iona and Arvia have spaces like this for the evenings, if not surely it might be welcomed by the parents and the youngsters.
  15. There's no reason why those itineraries within Europe at least have to be restricted to the adult only ships. Variety of ports existed on all lines I sailed until a few years back. This "shuttle" planning has crept in at the expense of mixed itineraries and is my main complaint about ex UK cruises. As a member of the new demographic for cruising it would be great if your group could emphasise your desire for variety to P&O etc al and hopefully it might happen.
  16. Depends on which behaviours I'm supposed to find acceptable, be they rich or poor. Unfortunately the level of drunkenness and anti social related behaviour onboard vessels has notably increased in recent years (not just P&O) in the same way as it has at big events in society. Whilst having accidentally become caught up in a brawl at Glorious Goodwood a couple of years back was frightening encountering it on a ship (as has happened on some US sailings) in a closed environment would be far worse. Carnival recently laid out very clearly what will happen to passengers causing disruption to other passengers including fines and being forced to leave the ship, but will it stop the problem. Whilst UK sailings on any line rarely have the problems they are trying to address the cruise lines have to be careful that it doesn't creep in through the back door. My last cruise over Christmas was spoilt by drunken fellow passengers and the disappointing reaction of staff to their behaviour. Just a one off I hope, but the memory lingers and does cause a little anxiety that this one off experience won't become the norm.
  17. Hope the senior crew and captain can keep their eyes on where they're going then. Aren't their quarters up there with the bridge?
  18. All my recent correspondence on my recently booked cruise on Arvia has stated Dear First Name Surname. I thought that was a bit formal but definitely better than Dear Valued Guest.
  19. I'm not disagreeing - I actually eat very little meat myself so a vegetarian option is fine for me. I do not think it right that Epicurean doesn't offer good vegetarian options for - I generally have fish when I eat there. I would not however seek to eat in a totally vegetarian environment anymore than I eat in steakhouse. I guess I'm saying in my opinion all venues on a ship should offer everyone an option, particularly when there appear to be problems accessing restaurants. At the risk of reopening the prawn problems my most favourite food on any ship is Raw on Five on Celebrity ships as I love all shellfish and crustaceans. However this too (possibly cost was a factor) was not used very well, but my friend and I were in our element. I intend to try Green & co on my Avia cruise next month as the recommendations are quite numerous.
  20. Thank you. I'm sure they wouldn't either, but as I had no idea what it was I was trying to be light hearted. Apologies.
  21. I didn't fly from Manchester but all Antigua flights from London were from Heathrow on a Virgin charter as far as I know.
  22. Looks beautiful but I'm intrigued by the Kluklux clan guy in the penultimate picture. Do you have any information on who he is?
  23. Thank you for your efforts in providing this. I'm quite surprised at the number of Arcadia sailing in your list. I'd assumed it would be the bigger ships with the large cuts. Regarding K326C I was surprised last week to see the only currently sold out cruises on Arvia are two 7 night Antigua sailings. I was intrigued after seeing your research and as I was booked originally on the 22 December K326 14 night sailing over Christmas took a quick peak to see current prices. The current balcony select fare for this is now £1,000 cheaper than when my booking was made but apparently with only Manchester flights remaining. Christmas/New Year in the Caribbean is clearly selling well this year.
  24. Truthfully this has all got out of hand. One person is having a not so good time and told us so but not the end of the world stuff. Some have disagreed, but aren't there. . It's called life. You'll be grand I'm sure, you and your lovely family most probably won't be touched by any of this. Truth be told it's a load of wind and air with a lot of silly people arguing about something that's really nothing to do with them. It's what forums induce when people choose to air views.
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