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JF - retired RRT

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Everything posted by JF - retired RRT

  1. Thank you!! I was just going to ask what "TR" is. Now, I know.
  2. Not true. On our April cruise our cabin was at the end of the hall. As an experiment, DH gave me his medallion and stood next to the door as I approached with both medallions. The door unlocked when I was at least 30 steps away from the door. I couldn't even see the door (our cabin was in a small dogleg).
  3. simply open it, then close it and go on your way.
  4. Then be sure to not: carry a cell phone, turn on a computer, sign up for a grocery store "frequent shopper" card, drive a car (cameras everywhere). Likely more thing/places that track us and many more to come.
  5. No one has reported success, yet.
  6. On our April cruise (first time with a medallion)...we used it twice to order drinks for DH. Everything else that we did/needed we accessed the TV. The TV is a LOT easier to use. One exception to the TV, we like to order coffee/tea to our cabin. The TV order system didn't have plain coffee/tea (only the upgraded stuff $). Had to call room service for that.
  7. True. However, I almost always book as soon as the cruise listing goes live and in 25+ cruises have only been able to get a fare reduction once. Plus, you'll have a better choice in cabins...especially if you're picky. 😉
  8. Is that $50 total per person or $50/person/night? If it's $50 total, that's a blazing hot deal...grab it!
  9. Plus, IIRC early access to bookings when a cruise goes live on the website.
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