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Take two - Just off the 2013 Freedom of the Seas charter


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After the high response rate to my quasi review of my experience on last year’s Freedom of the Seas lifestyle charter cruise I decided to write another review of the 2013 Freedom of the Seas lifestyle cruise. This time I will try to write it like we experienced each day’s actives and more like a traditional cruise review. I guess I should start of by giving a little history of how we ended up on a lifestyle cruise in the first place. About two years ago I was doing a search for cruises without children and possibly a topless pool deck like Carnival had in the past. One of the searches returned a link to an adult’s only cruise out of Tampa on the Jewell of the seas.


So I clicked on the link and low and behold it was a lifestyle cruise that was also listed as a swinger cruise but really emphasized the adult parties and clothing optional pool decks. While the adult part intrigued me the swinger part was a little disconcerting. I went ahead and Emailed the agency to see about booking but found out it was sold out and this was about 6 months in advance. So I asked to be put on a waiting list but I was still not sure if this was really for us due to the swinger aspect. After a month of debating what I would do if they did call back I chickened out and not pursue the cruise anymore because of what I thought other people would think if they ever found out that I went on a swinger cruise. After it was too late to book it I had regrets on not going because we really wanted the adult & party atmosphere.


Fast forward to 6 months later when I saw an ad for the Freedom of the Seas Lifestyle cruise in 2012. This time I decided to book it and not worry about what other people might think and treat it like an adventure - I kept thinking how bad could it be on an RCCL cruise ship. After we booked the cruise I still had worries about what would the people at the parking lot think, the RCCL check in people, the crew etc. In my naivety I believed they would all be staring and pointing at us as we boarded. Nothing could have been further from the truth. It was just like any other cruise boarding experience except the people were a lot friendlier in line. Evidently there was some kind of common bond that we didn't know about.


Here is a link to what I wrote last year after our first lifestyle cruise. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1742258


For reference we are a couple in our mid 50s that have been married for 35 years and have approximately 90 cruises under our belts so you know what our perspective is as you read the review.


Enough about how we got here now for the review in a day by day format hopefully in a way that won't get it deleted. BTW this was our 4th lifestyle cruise in 13 months. I will go into detail in my summary/wrap-up of how these cruises compare to normal cruises and a FAQ section based on all the Emails I received from my last years thread.


Day 0.


The day before the cruise there were a series of meet and greets where you could meet your fellow passengers ahead of departing on the cruise. For the fun of it we decided to go to the meet and greet at a restaurant / bar on the channel at Port Canaveral to watch the ships leave on Saturday. We met several couples that we had met on previous cruises - there seems to be a lot of repeat passengers. We spent about 3 hours talking to people and watching the Carnival and Disney ships sailing out of the channel. It was very crowded but we still had a great time and were looking forward to the next day's sail away.


Day 1.


Since we live in Orlando it is only a 45 minute drive over to the Park and Cruise parking lot where always park when we sail out of Port Canaveral. There were 4 other couples waiting for the shuttle bus when we arrived. Once on the bus it was a very interesting experience - everyone including the driver were joking about what kind of cruise it was and why did everyone bring 4 suitcases that weighed a ton each. The driver joked that he was going to throw his back out trying to lift the suitcases for a cruise where minimal clothing was required. Of course most of the weight was probably the costumes that most people packed especially the ones within driving distance. We had great conversations with the other couples on the shuttle as we drove the short distance to the terminal.


Once at the terminal the driver called the porters over to unload the luggage from the shuttle because he joked if it was going to be like this all day his back would never make it. Check in went very smoothly just like any other cruise except we had to sign the code of conduct rules before we could get our room keys. I posted conduct rules on last year’s review if anyone is curious what they are. Everyone we met in line was friendly and outgoing.


The first stop was to our room to drop off our carryon luggage then off to the Windjammer for lunch. One nice thing about no kids there were plenty of places to sit and have a peaceful meal. Looking around there were people of all ages and weights. Believe me you do not have to worry about being a perfect 10 to go on one of these cruises.


Shortly after sailing an announcement was made that nudity was now allowed on the pool deck. About 20% of the passengers took advantage.


We stopped by one of the playrooms just out of curiosity and took a picture of the decorations in the Pharos’s lounge. I will post the pictures later in the review.


We then headed up to the concierge lounge to have a pre-dinner drink. There were between 15 and 20 people in the lounge and amazingly enough we knew about half of the couples from previous cruises. By the end of the week we would know everyone in the lounge. We had great service and even better conversation none of it to do with swinging. I was told there were 13 D+ members on board.


We decided to have dinner at Chops for the first night. As usual very romantic and had great service. Everyone we saw were dressed up very nicely. We had the fillet mignon and finished off with two slices of Red Velvet cake to go.


We then caught part of the welcome aboard show with an adult comedian who of course joked about the type of cruise and picked on some of the passengers with risqué comments. Richard Spacey was the CD and he can be very funny when there are no kids around. Again these comments were directed at the type of cruise and how the passengers like to have fun and party until all hours of the night.


The theme for the evening was the 70's. The Grand Promenade was packed with 50% to 60% of the people dressed in theme. Costumes included everything from a guy in a huge afro to lots of women in 70s bikinis and miniskirts. Most of the guys wore colorful 70s clothing, beads, and glasses.


After the party on the Grand Promenade we headed down to the Crypt where real 70's and 80's music was playing. After a while there we headed over to the big party in studio B which was also playing 70's music. Most of the people in studio B were in some kind of costume. Evidently a few of the women thought it was either too hot or their tops didn't fit right because they decided they didn't need them for dancing. We had a great time until they closed it down at 3:00. We then headed up to the Windjammer for a late night snack. On these cruises they open the Windjammer from 12:00 A.M to 4:00 A.M for late night snacks and meals.


Enough for now Day 2 to follow.

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We would probably enjoy this type of cruise. It is funny, that sometimes we all think after watching the media, everyone else in the world is a perfect 10, and you must be to enjoy life. LOL


It is actually great we all are normal people after all ha. Its always good to feel you dont have to be perfect to have a good time :)


Looking forward to your review!

Edited by voyager89
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On with the review for day 2 or until I get tired of typing.


We woke up at the crack of noon and went down to the dining room for lunch. They had the brassiere 30 with the great salad bar which we always go to on sea days. This was to be a premonition of how the week was going to go - sleep too late for breakfast and just go to lunch. Fortunately they serve lunch until 3:00 but we were usually there by 12:30 or 1:00. While we were getting dressed we turned on the morning show with Richard Spacey. With no kids on board the show was very adult in nature and hilarious. There was an adult toy store set up and Richard would explain their usage in his own unique way. Most creative in his obviously misguided interpretation of what they are used for.

We went up to the pool to see what was going on and found beautiful weather. For those of you who are curious about 70% of the women were topless and about 40-50% of the men and women were nude. Again all shapes and sizes were out on the deck sunning themselves. There was a live band that was playing some really good contemporary music.

In the afternoon we attended the couples massage class with Royce the instructor in the pharaoh’s lounge - the class concentrated on how to give the female partner a great massage the class took about an hour and a half and was free. Later in the week there was a similar class on how to give the male a great massage. And no there was no sex involved.

I noticed they still had the art auction which we did not attend. In addition to the regular activities there were many meet and greets and couples speed dating events held around the ship. We went to the ice show which was the standard ice show with no changes or additions.

This was the first formal evening for the captain’s welcome aboard event in the Promenade. Most of the men were in suits and tuxes while the women wore all types of dresses from long formal gowns to micro mini gowns/dresses. We had a lot of fun just people watching and enjoying the fashion show. In a funny twist I think more people dressed up in formal attire than on a regular cruise. Maybe that also partially explains the excessive luggage.

The late night theme for day 2 was sexy pajama night. The costumes ranged from full pajamas to nighties to bra and panties. Again there was a party on the Grand Promenade that moved to studio B when it concluded.

Tonight we chose to go see Matt Yee in the Schooner bar. If you have never seen Matt Yee he is hilarious. His act consists of teaching the audience ancient Hawaiian sing alongs with a different twist each night. Evidently in Hawaii ancient music is from the 1970’s to current music including TV theme songs. Matt insists in full audience participation - if you don't participate he will call you out and make you a cheerleader for his routine. You really need to be there to fully appreciate his sense of humor.

After Matts show ended at 2:00 we went down to studio B for the sexy PJ party. Again a great crowd and we danced until 3:00 and then went up to the Windjammer for a snack - are you sensing a pattern here yet. When we are not on a cruise we are usually in bed by midnight but for some reason on this cruise we seldom went to the cabin before 4:00 A.M. There were always things to do and people to talk to. Not sure when some of the passengers slept since we would leave them at 4:00 and they were still going strong.


Next part will be Day 3 in Labadie

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On to Day 3 Labadie.


We were told the ship docked at 7:30 A.M. a time of the day that we were unaccustomed to experiencing while on this cruise. When we did get up around 11:30 we did notice there were hills outside our room indicating to me that yes we were indeed docked in Labadie or we ran into an island while we were asleep. In any case made our way to the Windjammer for lunch then headed out to the beaches. There was no line to leave the ship and we just walked right off.

This was not a clothing optional beach like Coco Cay was on the last Freedom of the Seas cruise because Haiti authorities evidently didn't approve the clothing optional beach wear. However trying to police close to 4,000 people was almost impossible and once one person started many others followed. So even though it was not clothing optional about 30% of the women were topless and a very small number of men and women were nude. We went to our usual spot at the far end of the beach and spent what was left of our time at Labadie on the beach admiring the scenery. I did notice they did not set up as many barbeques as they normally do on the peninsula. I keep wanting to say island but I know it's really a peninsula. After about an hour and a half we headed back to the ship to get ready to meet up with all new friends in the concierge lounge.

The evening show was Drew Thomas Now You See It with subtle changes to accommodate the adult audience. The end was very unique - if you ever wanted to see Richard Spacy in a bright green sling this is the cruise - I didn't even know men wore those things. He made a big joke of how he could not understand how women wear thongs.

The theme for this evening was Sexy super heroes and Naughty villains. There were some very elaborate costumes that must have taken a whole suitcase to bring. Everything from superhero panties to head to toe costumes. Spiderman was excellent, lots of Batman and Superman costumes with added appendages. Most of the women's costumes were very skimpy in nature.

Tonight there was a pool party that was very well attended I would guess 700 to 800 people and lasted until 3:00 A.M. Most pool parties we go to on other cruises are not that well attended. In this case it was almost standing room only on the main deck. Lots of dancing and partying going on. Since it was on the pool deck everything from elaborate costumes to full nudity was represented. The music was typical club music. Everyone we saw were having a great time. We left when it ended at 3:00 A.M. and off to the Windjammer for our now traditional late night snack.

What amazes me so far is how friendly everyone is - we have met a lot of great people on this cruise. On a normal cruise we may meet maybe 5 to 10 couples in the entire week - on this cruise we have made friends with at least 20 couples and it's only the third day.

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Thanks for doing this review, sounds like a great time so far. I am interested in this cruise for the same reasons as you; no kids, more partying, food open late, etc. Nudity does not offend me and I don't really care what people do in their designated lounges.


What sort of party crowd was it? Rowdy obnoxious partiers or just the whole ship dancing, singing, having a good time all evening? I like the second; the first is too much like college days to me.


Are these cruises significantly more money than other cruises on same ship and / or same time of year?

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Because I would guess the average age of the passengers is around 45 or so it is not a rowdy crowd at all. Just a lot of people who like to have a good time without excessive drinking. It is hard to explain the environment almost like an upscale nightclub atmosphere.


Yes there is a premium to go on one of these cruises maybe 30% more than a coresponding regular cruise. But as I will explain in my summary there is really no comparison in the two cruise types for what you get.


I am generally cost concious when I book cruises but in this case I feel I get more than my monies worth and am willing to pay the premium to get the enhanced experience. We have been on four and have three more booked.

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Day 4 Falmouth Jamaica


Woke up again at the crack of noon or so and had lunch. Note to self in the future schedule a vacation after this type of cruise to wind down and recover.

We didn't get off the ship as we have been to Falmouth Jamaica many times - plus it was hot out. We spent the afternoon at the pool relaxing and taking it easy. There really aren't many scheduled activities during the day on sea days.

Lots of meet and greets still going on.

Tonight's theme is the great Gatsby / roaring 20's. Approximately 50% of the people dressed up in theme and the rest were dressed to impress. Many of the costumes were gangster related for both the men and women the difference being the men wore pants and the women wore miniskirts with a gangster theme or flapper type dresses.

Jeff Tracta was the comedian tonight and he was pretty good - again an adult oriented theme to his comedy.

The roaring 20's dance party was in studio B and it lasted until 4:00. Note to self getting too old for all this fun - I have friends who get up about the time when we are just going to bed.



Day 5 Sea Day.


We over slept today but fortunately we just made the salad bar in the main dining room at 1:30. Yes I know that sounds ridiculous but when you're mid 50's and up until 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning 1:00 in the afternoon comes quick.

Another sea day with lots of activities including adult family feud which was hilarious with some of the most uninhibited answers I have ever heard that were given.

There was a seminar on future couples cruises - I will discuss some of the highlights in my summary. In a first for me there was buck naked bingo where a free couples cruise was given away to who ever won the bingo.

The pool had a live band all day and was very active with sunning, dancing, pole dancing, contests etc. Probably 50% of the people were nude and 80% of the women were topless.

This was the second formal night and for men the dresses were very nice to look at. I have never seen so many women in 6" and 7" heels.

The theme for the evening was Mardi Gras and about 60%- 70% were dressed in theme. The Mardi Gras part was like New Orleans where if women flash they throw beads from the bridges over the Grand Promenade. There was a body painter on the Grand Promenade who did some incredible art work on the women which was their costume for the evening.

There were many amazing Mardi Gras costumes - not sure how they packed that much stuff.

The crypt had a DJ playing 70s and 80S music all night, and the party in studio B went until 3:00 A.M. which was packed with people in all states of dress. As the week progressed people became more comfortable in what they wore or didn't wear to the studio B parties. Another late night and it is starting to wear me down - note to self start exercising before next cruise to build up energy. I have never been up so late so many nights in a row since the last couples cruise in April.

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Day 6 Cozumel.


Decided we needed some exercise so we walked the 3 or 4 miles to downtown Cozumel. Note to self do not sleep until noon then walk downtown in the hottest part of the day. It was a good walk and we purchased some Tequila for friends then walked back to the ship.

We got back to ship and it was time to shower and get ready to meet our group in the concierge lounge. We have made some great friend that hopefully we will keep in touch with and meet up on the next lifestyle cruise in January. It's hard to describe the friendship bonds that are formed in only a week but it really does happen.

Theme for the evening is Fetish and Vampires. Again many interesting costumes with about 50% dressed up. Everything from elaborate vampire costumes to leather and lace and some I can't describe in this forum but very interesting.

Tonight's comedian was very funny one of the best of the cruise. Sorry but I was getting more worn out as the week progressed so my notes I took on the cruise are shrinking giving me less to write about. I know I should remember more but in some ways it was just on big blur eat, have a drink or two, eat, party, party, party eat then bed.

Quest was the typical quest with some new tasks thrown in that probably would not be acceptable on a normal cruise - like each team had two men and two women who had to exchange ALL clothing. This was not like NCL where the lights were dimmed for this version of quest the lights stayed on. There was no lack of volunteers for this task - what an uninhibited group of people that just wanted to have as much fun as they could. Unfortunately because of all the other late night options Quest was only about ½ full.

There was the usual fashion show on the grand promenade and dancing until 3:00 in studio B. Yes we stayed until the end again then went to the Windjammer for another late night snack. But this evening we then went out on deck until 5:00 A.M to drink a bottle of our D+ amenity champagne to celebrate the evening.




Day 7 Sea day

Mostly just a lazy day at the pool with some interesting seminars that we attended. There were several outside vendors on the Grand Promenade that had unique products such as custom made corsets. The gift shops also had nontraditional items and clothing just for this cruise. Kind of funny to see women trying on clothes in the store and not bothering with a dressing room. The last night of a cruise is always a downer for us knowing it will all be over shortly. Even the fact that we would be on the Freedom again in two weeks didn’t help much because we knew it would only be a regular cruise.

We headed off to the concierge lounge to have our last drink or two with our new friends and hand out the well-deserved tips to the staff in the lounge who had served us so well all week.

The final theme of the week was dress to impress in blue and many really did impress. There was a great last night of the cruise party on the Grand Promenade then for the first time all week we were in bed by 1:00. We stop off on the way to see Matt Yee one more time and say goodbye to him and thank him for all the great entertainment.


Up next Summary/wrap up and a few FAQs that I will answer.

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Wrap up


This was our 4th lifestyle cruise and each one just keeps getting better than the last. A few observations:


1. I like the Freedom class ships better than the Radiance class for this type of cruise because the Grand Promenade is great for people watching and Studio B is large enough to handle the large crowds that show up for the dance parties.


2. You do not have to worry about constantly getting hit on. The passengers are very in tune with who is there as a swinger and who is there just for the adult parties and clothing optional.


3. I’m not sure exactly why but in my experience just about everybody on the ship is friendly and easy to get along with.


4. You do get your cruise credits even though it is a charter cruise.


5. If you avoid the Pharaoh’s lounge and deck 2 conference areas you might not even know it was a swinger cruise – of course the adult toys in the gift shop may give some hints.


6. My wife never felt uncomfortable at any time on the cruise – the other passengers are very respectful.


7. There were half hour promotional meetings for future couples cruises where just for showing up you could win a free cruise.


8. The theme nights were the highlight of the cruise for me – seeing all the great costumes.


9. Like I said in last year’s review the cruise is a combination of Mardi gras and Key west Fantasy Fest at sea.


I have to caution these cruises are not for everyone. If you are offended by nudity, people acting silly, knowing what is going on in the playrooms, seeing people acting provocatively or just a very adult atmosphere I would not suggest you consider one of these cruises. On the other hand if none of that bothers you and you want an almost nonstop party atmosphere then maybe it is for you.


One of my big regrets is that I didn’t find out about these cruises earlier and didn’t chicken out on the first one I found out of Tampa. There really is no comparison to a regular cruise. One is a high energy event concentrating on late night activities the other is a peaceful relaxing event.


In my previous review I included my Email address so CC members could request scanned copies of the cruise compasses. Many of those Emails had questions that I will try to summarize and answer here. I did scan this year’s compasses if anyone wants them just Email me at karter_ken at yahoo dot com. I would post them but there are a few things in there that could offend some people.




1. I am a little overweight / fluffy will I fit in or will people stare at me?

a. There are all ages and sizes on the ship. I would guess 5% – 10% of the passengers would be considered obese and nobody gave them a second look. For whatever reason the passengers are very courteous and not concerned how other people look.


2.How much are the rooms?

a.For a seven day cruise for two people inside cabin runs somewhere around $2,400 tips and taxes included. A balcony maybe $1,500 more for two people.


3. Are you associated with the charter group?

a. No just a passenger like everybody else. I do this because of my frustration in trying to find out what these cruises were really like. If I had this information two years ago I would not have been so afraid to book the first cruise.


4. Will I be pressured to do something I don’t want to?

a. Absolutely not. In our 4 cruises we have never even been remotely pressured to do anything we didn’t want. I fact part of the rules of conduct you sign states that you can be removed from the cruise if you pressure anyone to do something they don’t want. There is couples cruise security that monitors the ship open spaces to ensure everyone complies with the rules.


5. Do I have to dress up on theme nights?

a. No but it is a lot of fun when you do and adds to the party atmosphere.


6. Since it is a party atmosphere are there a lot of drunk rowdy people running around?

a. In my experience no. The average age is probably around 45 and most of the passengers are professional people. Keep in mind they are paying a premium price to be on the cruise which eliminates a lot of the younger let’s get drunk crowd.


7. Will I be exposed to nudity outside the pool area?

a. Yes. Nudity is allowed in the passenger hallways, playrooms, pool decks, and topless in the discos.


8. What about dress in the dining rooms?

a. You are required to be dressed in the dining rooms and if your dress is too short you will be handed a towel to put on the chair.


9. Where can I book one of these cruises?

a. Do a search for one of the following sailings and travel agencies that book the will come up. The three 2014 sailings are: Brilliance of the Seas January 27, 2014, Celebrity Century May 3, 2014 or Independence of the Seas Nov 15, 2014. Currently there are no lifestyle cruises planned in 2015 and no confirmation that there will be any full ship charters 2015.


There were more questions but those were the main ones that I have answered over and over.


The best part of these cruises is the people. They are so friendly and outgoing that it is very easy to make new friends instantly.


Bottom line is we had a great cruise and are looking forward to more in the future. I do not want to talk anyone into taking one of these cruises but if you decide on your own to give it a try I think they will far exceed your expectations.

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Thank you for a great, informative review. We have wanted to find a kidless cruise, and considered alternative type cruises, but weren't sure if it would be uncomfortable, as we would be there just for the adults only atmosphere, not the lifestyle. So glad to hear that we wouldn't be, nor would the others feel we were intruding on them.

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Thanks so much for all the details. DH and I have been thinking about doing this for years and now we might have the nerve! Ok, I might have the nerve, he's gung-ho!




In our case it was just the opposite she was fine with it and saw it as an adventure and I was the cautious one.


Thank your for the positive comments

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thank you for the very accurate and informative review... we didn't make it on this cruise (we were on the Nov. 2012 Freedom) and we are signed up to take the Jan. 27 Brilliance cruise.....


we are part of the "swingers" group and everything you noted about the lack of pressure to do anything, the general friendliness, and the complete accepting of all ages and body types is true....


to be honest, the only time we felt "uncomfortable" with the cruise was in the hot tub area/pool lounge where men that decided not to get naked appeared to be a bit too wide eyed and leering... take off your pants if you want to stare at boobs... its more acceptable.......


thanks again for the review, maybe see you on the Brilliance....


(ps.. if anyone is thinking of doing a cruise like this and has any questions you don't want to express publically, feel free to message us, discretion is a quality of the lifestyle)



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I thought I was complete with this review but I started getting Emails asking what about the photos I took. Naturally they are very restrictive on photo taking on these types of cruises to protect everyone's privacy so all I did was take a couple of photos to show how they transform the Pharaoh's lounge.


here they are.





For those who have requested the compasses I will be getting them out very shortly.



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Adding some thoughts to this review:


We had a more traditional cruise experience, getting up at 7, gym (him!), breakfast, pool or beach. You would be surprised at how many people are up and about so early. They also must be the ones who put blue towels on every pool chair, which remained largely unoccupied until late-morning or later. The ship was 80% full, so there was never a crowded feeling, and no hassle finding a seat pretty much anywhere. We were told that on previous cruises of this type, some young people were given free cruises so as to raise the energy level; I don't know if that was true on this cruise. The only time that we saw anyone too drunk was coming back onto the ship in Cozumel. Never on board. The staff that we encountered seemed not to be put off by the nature of the cruise - and with only one exception delivered outstanding service.


We did not bring costumes on this cruise - we discovered on the last cruise that we are not costume people, although the people watching is definitely fun. I was also concerned about appropriate dinner clothes, having received some bad information prior to my first cruise. For men - "regular" clothes is the norm, except there was a much higher level of tuxedo and suit wearers. I never saw shorts in the dining room at night. For women - more complicated. You do see many short and otherwise skimpy dresses (what I call club clothes) and very high heels, but that's not me, and I wore what I would normally wear on a cruise. Compared to my last cruise of this type I was definitely in the minority, although perhaps because it was a bigger ship, there were more women dressed like me. As stated above there were people of all ages and sizes and many folks in wheelchairs as well. While I might have dressed like an outsider, I never really felt like one.


Booking these cruises isn't easy if you want a specific cabin. Ten or so specialist agencies buy cabins before the cruise is announced to the public. If you want a specific type of cabin you might need to hunt around. Suites go first, and I booked four cruises through three different agents - going with whoever had the cabin I was looking for. I was told that all the suites for the November 2014 cruise are sold out and that there are long waiting lists. The next cruise, from Florida on the Brilliance in January 2014, is a five day cruise - apparently that is not selling well, and some discounts are being offered. After that is the smallest, oldest ship in the Celebrity portfolio (Century), in May from Los Angeles. And then the Independence next November. That cruise returns the Saturday before Thanksgiving, so airfares will be high, but we met many folks who drove 8 or 10 hours for this cruise. All cruises are paid for in full six months or so in advance.


We are generally Celebrity cruisers - and have also cruised Regent, Crystal, Cunard and Azamara. I think the RCI product is just fine. We are not foodies but appreciate good service and a well-maintained cabin.


To the OP - sorry that we didn't meet you in the CL. Were you with the big group in the middle?

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The basic policy is you can take pictures as long as there are no other passengers in the photo unless they have given you their permission. The ship photographers will be taking photos as usual including topless ones. Our friends that were traveling with us purchased the $300 photo package and ended up with 202 photos that were taken of them. That worked out $1.50 per photo including 8x10s which is not too bad if you want a lot of photos of yourselves. They did dress up every night and had very nice costumes so that did factor into their decision to purchase the photo package.


Bottom line is many of the passengers want their privacy maintained and do not want a bunch of photos taken by other people. There are roaming security patrols that look for people taking photos. In the 4 cruises we have taken I have never seen this be an issue.

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we have never been on a cruise im 50 wifes 48 I haven't asked her to try one of thease yet. were not swingers but I have alwys wanted to see her have fun.and everybody I seen on here saqys its a great cruise .could you tell me what its like. I mean will people come up to you and ask to swing? thanks

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we have never been on a cruise im 50 wifes 48 I haven't asked her to try one of thease yet. were not swingers but I have alwys wanted to see her have fun.and everybody I seen on here saqys its a great cruise .could you tell me what its like. I mean will people come up to you and ask to swing? thanks


From my research my understanding is no one is approached, invited, obligated etc. They simply let you know the venues/times and participation is 100% optional and not expected or mandatory in any way whatsoever. I am contemplating one of these cruises as a kids free cruise. We aren't big partiers but the changes to late night activities (later parties, food open waaaaaay late, etc.) is appealing. They are also more expensive than most other cruises which, the plain truth, is going to attract a more refined crowd. I was worried about it attracting the sort of partiers a 3 day Carnival cruise would get but that doesn't seem to be the case.

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