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Water Retention and Swollen Ankles and Feet?


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Just curious . . . does anyone suffer from water retention which results in swollen ankles and feet while on a cruise? It always seems to happen to me and I know that salt (which I avoid) is a major cause. By the last few days of a cruise, I can barely get on my shoes and my feet and ankles look like stuffed sausages. I am so hoping that this won't happen on my April cruise . . . any suggestions?

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Just curious . . . does anyone suffer from water retention which results in swollen ankles and feet while on a cruise? It always seems to happen to me and I know that salt (which I avoid) is a major cause. By the last few days of a cruise, I can barely get on my shoes and my feet and ankles look like stuffed sausages. I am so hoping that this won't happen on my April cruise . . . any suggestions?



Sure do. As a matter of fact, right this minute I have a heel spur on my right foot which is helping create a swollen ankle. I always bring support hose with me -- black and nude -- and if I have to, I wear them. Not really noticeable and if they are, too bad.;) Swollen ankles are awful, and when they're really bad, they hurt. Good luck to you. The support knee hi's really help.

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There's a post about the humidity causing swelling--I'm not exactly sure which forum it's on!

I'm from a very humid area, so I guess I'm used to it--I don't visibly swell, although my rings do get tighter when it's hot and humid.

Unless you're absorbing salt from the salt-water pools, I don't know where else you'd get excess salt from! The water you drink is totally de-salinated--very pure--no salt!

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I suffer from water retention as well.

I tend to avoid salt, take the stairs NOT the elevator and drink 3L water a day. Salt, alcohol, caffine, humidity are all factors of water retention. (all the good stuff ;) ) I agree with the support stockings..they really do work! When resting in your stateroom...elevate your legs as this will help!

I hope these tips help. There is lots more info on the internet that can help as well.


Happy cruising! :)

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If your blood pressure is alright, you can get over the counter "water pills"--Aqua Ban is one. They will help you get rid of some of that water. That means you'll always be looking for a bathroom, though.


But I'd get that blood pressure checked--do it late in the day after you've been walking around a lot.

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Hi Tammy:) this is the $64,000 question. With inflation it should

be the $164,000 question:rolleyes:

I know there have been threads over the years with the same

questions....what causes it, how to counteract it...etc...etc...

my blood pressure is never high, I live in the south where it is humid

alot and my feet NEVER swell here at home.......

Get me on that ship and yes they do:eek:.


Last time it was discussed I believe there was a cream suggested.

I can't recall the name and I never ended up buying any.


Good luck to you too:)

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I know for me it is the change in eating. I cook alot but use herbs & spices and not much salt, so I find the food on the ship and in restaurants to be salty. Sometimes on the ship I cannot even finish a ceasar salad because it just tastes to salty.


Plus flying doesn't help. I read that you should try to get up and walk around to keep your circulation moving.


I have to say that I am glad the water on the ships is so good. I drink alot of it all of the time and I would not like to have to haul water with me. We always say hydration is the key! And in the hot sun and wind you can dehydrate very quickly.


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Hi, I also live in the South where its very humid. I don't have a problem with swelling of my ankles, feet and hands until I've been on a ship for a

few days. I had read a post way back that the desalinated water could be the cause so one cruise I drank nothing but bottled water, the water tab was almost as much as the liquor :eek: . It didn't help. I think that the great contributor to this for me is the use of salt in cooking onboard

which I don't do at home) and also the rich foods. I actually have some shoes I call the cruise shoes because they are 1/2 size larger and get worn on the cruises exclusively. Luckily my ankles are normally skinny so when they swell they aren't noticeable but I can feel it. We love to dance and when you can't bend your feet it hurts :p

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Hi, I also live in the South where its very humid. I don't have a problem with swelling of my ankles, feet and hands until I've been on a ship for a

few days. I had read a post way back that the desalinated water could be the cause so one cruise I drank nothing but bottled water, the water tab was almost as much as the liquor :eek: . It didn't help. I think that the great contributor to this for me is the use of salt in cooking onboard

which I don't do at home) and also the rich foods. I actually have some shoes I call the cruise shoes because they are 1/2 size larger and get worn on the cruises exclusively. Luckily my ankles are normally skinny so when they swell they aren't noticeable but I can feel it. We love to dance and when you can't bend your feet it hurts :p


Yes I was told that too-that although the water was salinated-it still had more salt then usual.


I did not run up a water tab-I carried bottled water on ship. It was a big waste as I still swelled.


I swell all over and am usually a size bigger at the end of the cruise-within a week or so after going home though I am back to normal size.

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Both myself and DH get swollen ankles on cruises, and it doesn't matter if its hot/cold/humid or not. Asked the DR since I have a heart arrhythmia and he said its probably the food, since I don't have the problem any other time. I got a sample of L'Occitane's anti-water retention gel and used that on my ankles and it worked great. I am sure there are other lines out there that have a similar product. Drink lots of water and keep your feet elevated when you can.

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Everytime we cruise, I swell. I've tried everything, no real health issues to contribute it too. I eat out often at home, so I would think the salt content in the food would be the same as any resturant. I've resorted to water pills from the doctor after I had gained 19 pds of water in 7 days (miserable) now when I feel myself swelling, I take a waterpill. Does the trick, and I really only need to take 3 during the whole week, but not taking them, is miserable. (and painful):(

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Both myself and DH get swollen ankles on cruises, and it doesn't matter if its hot/cold/humid or not. Asked the DR since I have a heart arrhythmia and he said its probably the food, since I don't have the problem any other time. I got a sample of L'Occitane's anti-water retention gel and used that on my ankles and it worked great. I am sure there are other lines out there that have a similar product. Drink lots of water and keep your feet elevated when you can.


I guess I need some of that anti rentetnion gel stuf to rub over my whole body-I always go up a size-but go back down after I come home. I WISH it was just my feet and ankles!

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Actually, it is for the body, part of their detox line or something like that, but I would need a whole vat of the stuff! Then I would drink water and it would all come back anyway :) But I do find it helps for the ankles. Of course, if it really bothered me, I could just not go on cruises again........yeah, right

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Lois is right (hi Lois)...there have been at least 2 long threads on this subject on this forum. Try a search for Swollen feet. Everything here has been discussed and dissected several times and no one, including medical people have a clue why some of us have this problem and others don't.


I don't drink anything at all but bottled water...nothing. I use no salt at the table. I live in the Low Country of South Carolina...hot and humid and never swell here. I walk a good bit. I have very low blood pressure. I'm very slender so it's not weight. In short, I don't do most of the things that have been suggested as reasons for this.


Yet put me on a ship and in 2 days it starts. This last trip I tried a product that had been recommended on some Cruise Diva's site as being specific for swelling and also muscle problems. It's called Elemis Instant Refreshing Gel and it's expensive I thought....and I discovered, it's worth it. As soon as the problem started I'd pop into my cabin on and off and slather it on my ankles and feet. Then I'd sit for about 10 minutes. it didn't take it completely away but the difference it made was obvious. At $52 for a tube it goes a long way...I've used it for that and for other swelling or muscular aches and it's helped. You can find it by googling it. I get mine from Time to Spa. And this time my strappy sandals didn't leave huge grooves in my feet.


I'll certainly look up this other product that's been mentioned. I'm open to anything that will help alleviate this completely!!


Cheers, penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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Please please please do not take potassium supplements unless recommended by your doctor. It can cause heart problems if you have too much or too little. I didn't realize it was such a problem until my doctor told me. My advice is ask your doctor before taking ANY supplements, you never know what it can do to your prescriptions.

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Lois is right (hi Lois)...there have been at least 2 long threads on this subject on this forum. Try a search for Swollen feet. Everything here has been discussed and dissected several times and no one, including medical people have a clue why some of us have this problem and others don't.


I don't drink anything at all but bottled water...nothing. I use no salt at the table. I live in the Low Country of South Carolina...hot and humid and never swell here. I walk a good bit. I have very low blood pressure. I'm very slender so it's not weight. In short, I don't do most of the things that have been suggested as reasons for this.


Yet put me on a ship and in 2 days it starts. This last trip I tried a product that had been recommended on some Cruise Diva's site as being specific for swelling and also muscle problems. It's called Elemis Instant Refreshing Gel and it's expensive I thought....and I discovered, it's worth it. As soon as the problem started I'd pop into my cabin on and off and slather it on my ankles and feet. Then I'd sit for about 10 minutes. it didn't take it completely away but the difference it made was obvious. At $52 for a tube it goes a long way...I've used it for that and for other swelling or muscular aches and it's helped. You can find it by googling it. I get mine from Time to Spa. And this time my strappy sandals didn't leave huge grooves in my feet.


I'll certainly look up this other product that's been mentioned. I'm open to anything that will help alleviate this completely!!


Cheers, penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


Penny, Hi! I didn't realize the Elemis cream worked for you!


I am getting some....don't care that its over 50 bucks.....

I sail on March 7th and will be using it this time!

I forgot the name and am so glad you posted it.



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Penny, I just ordered it from Nordstrom's. It was the same price

on every website I looked at but the shipping varied.

I will let you know when it arrives. It should be next week:)

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Hi Lois....glad you got some and i do hope it works for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed. next time I'll probably just start using it the first night and not wait for the problem to start. I'm glad I was able to trigger your memory on this.


just remember to take the time a few times a day to put it on. I'd sit with feet up and my icebag on while it dried...soaks in fast...maybe 10 minutes at most. It really seems to relive it for me and I truly hope it does for you too. I know from much experience that the ice bag alone ddn't do it.


Have a great trip....wish I was off sooner than I am, and do let me know if it helps. I use it on my very bad neck too...I get swelling from muscle problems there and it helps that too. It even took away a headache for my DH....rub a little on the temples. I plan to order that L'Occitaine that was mentioned too and give that a try. What ever works is my motto!! Good luck and happy cruising!


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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Just curious . . . does anyone suffer from water retention which results in swollen ankles and feet while on a cruise? It always seems to happen to me and I know that salt (which I avoid) is a major cause. By the last few days of a cruise, I can barely get on my shoes and my feet and ankles look like stuffed sausages. I am so hoping that this won't happen on my April cruise . . . any suggestions?


You might try graduated compression stockings in a toeless light beige. under slacks or a long dress. Certainly wear them when walking!


Calf length are the first to try.

Be sure to put them on early in the day to keep your swelling down. Also use a parachute material donning aid to easily get your stocking on alone, They are about $30 but are worth every penny.


If you try the calf hiih "over the counter" nonprescription compression stockings they come in a variety of colours. My favorite are purple!

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