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Poll: Are jeans or shorts appropriate for casual night in the MDR?

Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?  

1,131 members have voted

  1. 1. Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?

    • Jeans are fine, shorts are not.
    • Jeans are not okay, shorts are fine.
    • Jeans and shorts are fine.
    • Neither are okay in MDR!
    • Heck - I'd wear either on Formal Night!!

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I usually try to skip over the "Dress Code in the MDR threads" stuff because I have been on so many cruises I really don't care. It is about the experience you have on your own cruise, not what others wear that is important.


Now if what others wear REALLY interrupts your cruise experience, well then I guess you could/should complain to the Head Waiter. That is one of the things he controls in the MDR.


I just want to relate one story from just a little less than one year ago. We were on a Thanksgiving sailing of the Voyager of the Seas in the Meditteranean, roundtrip out of Barcelona, Spain. It was my husband, myself and our two daughters, 15 and 19 at the time. They sat us (at late seating) with a couple in their 30's, celebrating their 10 year Anniversary, they had three young children all at home with Grandma and Grandpa.


We actually (besides being much older than them) had a great time at our table. We all got along great and had a ton of laughs. We looked forward to talking about what each party had done on the excursions, as anyone who has done this sailing knows it it port intensive. We also had very lively conversations about...well...just about everything!


One night we got home from a late port excursion exhausted, and actually took a nap and slept through dinner. We felt bad about not making it to dinner with our dinner mates!!!This is not unusual for Europe cruises. And then there was the night our dinner mates were late and we said ...oh, they were too tired to come to dinner. We understood. But no...they showed up...late, and in like joggers suits, (long pants, long sleeves, dark color) but clean not as if they had been running. They said. "Well we were going to be lazy tonight, but we really wanted to have dinner with you tonight, so we decided to come at the last minute". Talk about good people...those are the kind of folks I want to cruise with!!!!!And it WAS CASUAL night. LOL!!!!


I'm sorry. This whole cruising experience, especially on a mass market line like Royal Caribbean is about the EXPERIENCE, the PORTS and the PEOPLE!!!! If people don't dress to your liking on CASUAL nights, that is really not THEIR problem.





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Please email what medication you take. You'e something else. One more time for old struther1. I'm pretty sure the guidelines are the minimum acceptable wear. Kind of like the signs at Disney World. I'm sure they don't mean anyone taller than the arrow can't ride the ride either!




Hmmmmmm, pretty sure, not very convincing:eek:

Disney clearly states MINIMUM height requirement. That could also be to cover A$$ and A$$ETS.

The posibilty exsit, since you are only pretty sure, that enforcing rules could leave the dress police in the buffet turning away lovely dressed ladies on smart casual nights?

In the end we should al be careful what we wish for...JMOP!

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I think jeans worn with a dressy top and heels are fine...shorts are not. But with that said, I honestly can't ever recall noticing what someone had on in the MDR. I really don't care. When I go out to eat I have never noticed what someone was wearing in the restaurant ( unless they had on some killer shoes) why would I start when I'm on vacation. My only worries are when is the guy that takes the drink orders and how many cool pictures can I take on my next excursion.



Finally the voice of reason on this subject. I to never look at what others are wearing. I concider that my wife and I both dress appropriatly for the occasion that we are attending. I dont own ripped clothing and I do own jeans and do wear them. I would not wear shorts into any formal dining area anywhere. It is up to the cruise lines to enforce any dress rules and if they dont it is hardly the passengers fault that they lower the perceived standard. It is in some peoples nature to, shall we say, "rebel" against set standards. If you dont wish to wear what the majority concider appropriate clothing then eat somewhere else and respect the rights of the majority.

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Please email what medication you take. You'e something else. One more time for old struther1. I'm pretty sure the guidelines are the minimum acceptable wear. Kind of like the signs at Disney World. I'm sure they don't mean anyone taller than the arrow can't ride the ride either!



Pete R, my old friend I was talking about people who complain that the clothing is an issue of following rules. So now I got it, they aren't really rules, so on Caribeean night, that's the minimum but if I want to wear a tux it's O.K. So I only have to follow the guidelines and or rules that ole Pete R wants me to You'e are something else too. I guy with his nose so far in the air he can't smell his own farts. Love people like you. You are a great teaching tool to the kids of what NOT TO BE.

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We wear jeans at our church out here in So Cal..... Calvary Chapel..........and so does our minister;)


My Church has a Father, Father Sean, Of St Josephs. He wears more than jeans, he has tattoos! On his his upper arms, so that that his shirt covers them...Also has been known to partake in a few "cold ones" at wedding receptions where he has just married the young couple. :D


We love Father Sean......he's for real....


Now back to the Jeans topic.......



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My Church has a Father, Father Sean, Of St Josephs. He wears more than jeans, he has tattoos! On his his upper arms, so that that his shirt covers them...Also has been known to partake in a few "cold ones" at wedding receptions where he has just married the young couple. :D


We love Father Sean......he's for real....


Now back to the Jeans topic.......



People in my church wear jeans and shorts. I wear mostly shorts because I talk to God every day and he has told me he doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm there.

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People in my church wear jeans and shorts. I wear mostly shorts because I talk to God every day and he has told me he doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm there.[/quote]





If you start worrying about what everyone else is wearing, or doing, you are taking away from your own experience. You didn't just spend $2000+ to worry about all of that, did you ....:D

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Please email what medication you take. You'e something else. One more time for old struther1. I'm pretty sure the guidelines are the minimum acceptable wear. Kind of like the signs at Disney World. I'm sure they don't mean anyone taller than the arrow can't ride the ride either!



Pete R I thought I would send you another note before I head off to work, where we are getting new computers so I may not have time to chat with you today. I would be glad to Email you the meds I'm on if I thought it would help but the kind of sickness you have, can't be helped by any medicine. Peace Out Pete R.

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People in my church wear jeans and shorts. I wear mostly shorts because I talk to God every day and he has told me he doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm there.

AMEN!! God would probably be ashamed of anyone even thinking that someone at their church shouldn't be there becuase of what they are wearing. Poor, dirty, diseased and not wearing ball gowns - they are all there not to entertain others with their 'Sunday best' but to worship. Jeez....

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So, I can't believe I don't see one of these polls for us since it brings forth such passion!!!:p Anyway, I find jeans to be appropriate and not at all prohibited in the dining room. As I've said before, being a youngish woman, I wouldn't wear say, dockers or dress pants for dinner out. I would, however, wear jeans, heels and a great dressy top - for me that is comfortable and also a current, great look for casual night.

I would not, however, wear shorts because they do specifically ask for us not to wear them at night in the MDR.

so........let your passion loose! Vote!:D


:cool:The silent majority has a chance to be heard without getting caught in the crossfire. We can see what people actually approve of. Now is RCCL would read this and support majority rule. For me--On casual nights jeans are fine. Shorts are out every night. Follow the rules folks and it is fine.:cool: Peace KoolJamming. Olive branch is extended LOL

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:cool:The silent majority has a chance to be heard without getting caught in the crossfire. We can see what people actually approve of. Now is RCCL would read this and support majority rule. For me--On casual nights jeans are fine. Shorts are out every night. Follow the rules folks and it is fine.:cool: Peace KoolJamming. Olive branch is extended LOL

Thanks sailawayjack!:D

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:cool:The silent majority has a chance to be heard without getting caught in the crossfire. We can see what people actually approve of. Now is RCCL would read this and support majority rule. For me--On casual nights jeans are fine. Shorts are out every night. Follow the rules folks and it is fine.:cool: Peace KoolJamming. Olive branch is extended LOL



Its a very close call for 2 of the votes by the looks of it.;)

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The problem is RCI. They need to get off their butts and define, clearly in black and white, what is and/or is not acceptable. Then ENFORCE that decision. Heck, they didn't have any trouble with writing policy when they eliminated perks for diamonds. And they sure know how to enforce the fuel supplement charges. How hard can it be?

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Its a very close call for 2 of the votes by the looks of it.;)

It's close between just jeans and neither, but not between the combo's of either jeans/shorts and neither. Except for the few that feel good about wearing either on formal night:p I think most polled agree with one or the other, but not neither..

Interesting results so far... From the remarks I had gotten on the dining attire thread I assumed it would be 90% for neither and 10% for jeans or shorts or both. Nice to see that the loudest are not always the most...:)

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It's okay Grandpa, I'll go get your pudding and afghan for you - stop shaking your fist at those 'jeans wearing goshnabbit kids'!:p



That post doesn't even make sense. Wait it minute, it makes about as much sense as someone starting ANOTHER shorts or jeans thread.:rolleyes: By the way, I'm far from being a Grandpa. Some of us just know how to dress in public without asking for other peoples opinons to make us feel good.

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That post doesn't even make sense. Wait it minute, it makes about as much sense as someone starting ANOTHER shorts or jeans thread.:rolleyes: By the way, I'm far from being a Grandpa. Some of us just know how to dress in public without asking for other peoples opinons to make us feel good.

Okay, Okay, I'm sure you look quite dapper at the home...:p I personally LOVE green plaid pants, a bow tie and the red sweater look - very nice Gramps! lol

Didn't you mean to say 'short pants' instead of shorts? My how hip and with the times you're getting... Sorry for the teasing, but you post things that make you sound like such a tired, old, curmudgeonly fuddy duddy!:p It reminds me of the little old men that walk around grumbling about this and that and the good ole days and everything. Very cute!

Oh, and just in case your grandkids haven't visited in a while to show you how to do it - you don't have to read or post on every thread that comes up. If you dislike the idea of something that YOU feel has been repeated too much for YOU then please - don't click on it. If you do then you really don't have the right to complain about it!:rolleyes: No one is forcing you to read, post, vote or look at anything you don't want to...

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The problem is RCI. They need to get off their butts and define, clearly in black and white, what is and/or is not acceptable. Then ENFORCE that decision. Heck, they didn't have any trouble with writing policy when they eliminated perks for diamonds. And they sure know how to enforce the fuel supplement charges. How hard can it be?

For once, I honestly and completely agree with you. O.K. maybe this makes twice because I'm pretty sure I stuck an I-O on your O-H a while back.

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That post doesn't even make sense. Wait it minute, it makes about as much sense as someone starting ANOTHER shorts or jeans thread.:rolleyes: By the way, I'm far from being a Grandpa. Some of us just know how to dress in public without asking for other peoples opinons to make us feel good.

No one is forcing you to read, vote, or contribute to this discussion. If you don't want to be in ANOTHER shorts or jeans thread, don't be in it.

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It's close between just jeans and neither, but not between the combo's of either jeans/shorts and neither. Except for the few that feel good about wearing either on formal night:p I think most polled agree with one or the other, but not neither..

Interesting results so far... From the remarks I had gotten on the dining attire thread I assumed it would be 90% for neither and 10% for jeans or shorts or both. Nice to see that the loudest are not always the most...:)



Its not a bad result as I see it, because those who do wear Jeans might get refused anyway so it will be just smart dress in MDR after all !:D (Im joking);)

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Okay, Okay, I'm sure you look quite dapper at the home...:p I personally LOVE green plaid pants, a bow tie and the red sweater look - very nice Gramps! lol

Didn't you mean to say 'short pants' instead of shorts? My how hip and with the times you're getting... Sorry for the teasing, but you post things that make you sound like such a tired, old, curmudgeonly fuddy duddy!:p It reminds me of the little old men that walk around grumbling about this and that and the good ole days and everything. Very cute!

Oh, and just in case your grandkids haven't visited in a while to show you how to do it - you don't have to read or post on every thread that comes up. If you dislike the idea of something that YOU feel has been repeated too much for YOU then please - don't click on it. If you do then you really don't have the right to complain about it!:rolleyes: No one is forcing you to read, post, vote or look at anything you don't want to...


haha LP - you probably guess how I had voted but I am willing to switch the vote just to yank that old timer's pantys up his u know what! :D



He didn't have to justify his age, his comments give him away here & elsewhere.

21st century - open your mind early birdy.

The Titanic sank years ago.

Let the ppl up from the cages below old timer!:rolleyes:

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For once, I honestly and completely agree with you. O.K. maybe this makes twice because I'm pretty sure I stuck an I-O on your O-H a while back.



I don't often agree with our friend Ohunion, but his post referred to above makes perfect sense. Some people will try to get away with as much as they can. If the cruise line makes a "rule", then they should enforce it. If they lose a few customers, then so be it. I did not like the changes for Diamond members at all, but I am still sailing on RCCL and while a few have sworn off RCCL, I am sure there are many others like myself. I hope "they" are listening!!!

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