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KK - Mariner Society - Us, too


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Several days ago I read here that KK's Mariners account was credited with double the number of days she cruised because she was in a Suite. It was not the way I had understood the program was going to operate and made a point of checking our account to see what credit we got from our recent Westerdam cruise.


We, too, were credited with double the number of days and another day for each $300 we spent on the ship. (We didn't book any ship's excursions but presumably they would have been included.)


Once a Mariner reaches 200 days none of the crediting of days means anything as the program, as currently outlined, caps at 200. The only value of the extra days is toward receiving a medallion. We are hoping we reach Platinum before they totally discontinue the Medallion Program and getting double the days will get us there faster.


We really would be very disappointed to have it end just before we reached 700 days.


KK was the first who posted here about suites being credited double days.

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I was quite surprised when I checked "My Account" on HAL and discovered that we had been given the extra 20 days as well as 7 credits for the money we spent on the ship.

I was also under the impression that after people got to the 200 day (new level) -- that was it!!

We have only a couple of more cruises booked so I know that we will not got our 700 day medallions. We have become little disenchanted with HAL and their itineraries are getting boring. Thus few future cruises booked.

You have quite a few cruises booked. You should have no problems getting your medals.

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Hi. I found the same with our suite on the Westerdam.

Just wanted to add this, and see if this happened to anyone else:

I could not reconcile our points for spending. By my calculations, we were credited with extra points. We pre-booked a cabana and butler package for one of our weeks at HMC. Sadly, we were not able to tender at HMC that day and so were credited back the cost of the cabana and the cost of the butler package. The only way our bonus points for spending added up correctly was if I added back the cost of the cabana/butler even though we didn't actually spend that money.

Hope that makes sense.

Said another way, has anyone received spending credits for shorex booked in advance that were later canceled?

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A glitch in their system.......


They probably have not addressed how to 'take away' the credit for money that had to be refunded. :)


The system is very new and they probably are still addressing those sort of individual situations as they arise. One day you may find a 'mystery' take back from your number of days and that will be the reason. :D


Sorry you had to miss your day at HMC. That is always disappointing when that happens.





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I also got the impression that the medallion program would end soon -- or when a ship runs out of the medallions.

There was no mention of anyone's days on our cruises. Maybe it is just me but that is an indication that the captains feel the old program is over.

It used to be that some of the crew members when they saw your lapel pin whould ask how many days you have sailed on HAL. Now even they don't recognize the old pins and don't ask.

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Definitely. The Old Program is past history.


There is no longer any mention of Medallions.


It is all about one, two, three and four star Mariners.

They commented a great many times to us that we are four star Mariners yet that is only 200 days. We have over 550 days..... At no time was any mention made of gold medallion level. I have to change the way I think and that is to be expected whenever there is change. I'm already getting used to the new concept and I get it and am starting to agree with it.


Two Hundred days is now the maximum and caps off the top limit.



Nothing stays the same; change is fine. I just have to readjust my thinking.

Two hundred is better than five hundred.

It's about the new philosophy and need to please/attract the new cruisers who are young with kids with many years of cruising ahead of them. I love having the young 'uns around. Whatever it is they need/want to attract them to HAL ships and keep them thriving works okay by me. I want the company to continue to sail those pretty ships with those wonderful crews and if it takes one, two, three and four star Mariners to do it....... Then that is fine. :)


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I cruised last month for the first time with a suite . A 7 day cruise

gave me 14 days + 2 days for spending $600.00. I have now 3 stars. This system is good for people who can only cruise once or twice a year. but it does nothing for the people who cruise often.

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That is the point of this program, Earl. It isn't about those of us who have been 'hanging around for years'. They have to focus on attracting the new, young cruiser who presumably will have many years ahead of them.....as us older cruisers once did. DH and I are not retired or on Medicare but in the concept of HAL's future, we are old. I understand, accept and somewhat agree.


The newer cruisers have limited vacation time and put in long work hours to hopefully keep their jobs and advance in their careers. They want the most bang for their buck, want as many repeater benefits as they can grab and will compare those benefits cruise line to cruise line. What they will not be is loyal.


Loyalty in the U.S. is now a generational thing IMO


Our parents' generation and mostly ours were considerably more loyal to employers, businesses that satisified us, banks, restaurants. If they did whatever was their field well, we continued to patronize.


The younger generation has no concept of employer/employee loyalty and who can blame them? The reasons for lack of loyalty don't really matter it's just the fact of it.

They will cruise the ship/cruise line that offers the best price, the best repeater benefits (as they view the best to be) and will hop around mostly voting by price. HAL has to grab their share of that 'hopping around' to survive and thrive. They had to create a repeaters program that could stand up against those of their primary competition. I think all in all they created a good program.


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I am sure that I read somewhere that the days you cruise is the only thing that counts for the Medallions for 300, 500 and 700 days.


When the program was first announced there was some comment about, the medallions being given to you in your stateroom and not having a a ceremony. My husband wrote to Stein Kruse. We just got back from our cruise on the Statendam and we had two letters from Holland America in reply to our concerns about the Medallion program and the aft pools.


According to the letter of November 11, 2009, the Medallion Award Ceremony has been reinstated.


On the Statendam, the Medallion Award Ceremony was held in the Explorers Lounge before the Mariners Luncheon.


And they are still giving out the 100 day Medallions (in your stateroom) for anyone who asks. We mentioned it to a lady at our table. And she was happy to get it in her room.

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I am sure that I read somewhere that the days you cruise is the only thing that counts for the Medallions for 300, 500 and 700 days.


When the program was first announced there was some comment about, the medallions being given to you in your stateroom and not having a a ceremony. My husband wrote to Stein Kruse. We just got back from our cruise on the Statendam and we had two letters from Holland America in reply to our concerns about the Medallion program and the aft pools.


According to the letter of November 11, 2009, the Medallion Award Ceremony has been reinstated.


On the Statendam, the Medallion Award Ceremony was held in the Explorers Lounge before the Mariners Luncheon.


And they are still giving out the 100 day Medallions (in your stateroom) for anyone who asks. We mentioned it to a lady at our table. And she was happy to get it in her room.


On our first recent Zuiderdam cruise only the Four Star holders were invited to a ceremony in the Explorer's Lounge -- there were 13 of us there. One couple did get their 300 day medallions.

On our following Zuiderdam cruise once again only Four Star holders were invited to the Explorer's Lounge. There were 5 of us on this cruise but only 3 of us showed up.

There was never any mention of how many days any of us had at either of the ceremonies.

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There was no Medallion Ceremony on our Westerdam Cruise. Just prior to Luncheon, Captain and Hotel Manager gave us (and several other people) four star Mariner pins. No Medallions were presented. After we got those pins, the dining room doors were opened and the rest of the Mariners entered and were seated. CD participated in the pin presentation.


We were at an assigned table with a very special host. Captain and Hotel Manager did not stay for lunch.


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I checked my record and, sure enough, not only did I receive the 18 days that were my due for my latest cruise, I also picked up an additional 9 days for shipboard expenses and shore excursions (which would be about right ... ~$1400 shore excursions and ~$1300 onboard expenses for 2 = 2700 /300 = 9 days).


At our Mariner's Reception aboard the Rotterdam earlier this month it was exactly the opposite of what some have described on this thread. Indeed, one could hardly tell that the new program was in place. Oh, it was: they handed out pins to the various star-level passengers, many (but not all) of the benefits were in place (i.e., I got my Pinnacle Grill meals at 50% off and laundry for free ... but never received my invite to the complementary Wine Tasting and the Embarkation Luncheon -- other than the Lido, which is for everybody -- didn't happen). At the Mariner Reception and Luncheon, however, it was still "Medallions as Usual." No 100 day Medallions were award on our cruise -- they did mention that such were available -- however two 300 and three 500 day Medallions were handed out to new recipients and photographs of all 100, 300, 500, 700, and 1400-day holders (yes, we had a 1400+ day person aboard) were taken. It was only AFTER all that was done that the CD invited those with 200+ days to come up for an independent photograph. Recognition of 2 and 3 star Mariners (having them stand) was done at the Luncheon itself.


In chatting with the Hotel Manager about the new Mariner's program, he indicated that it appeared that Seattle was still in a confused state as to what to do. The negative response to the discontinuation of the higher-levels took the Administration by surprise, hence its hasty re-implementation. They received a shipment of additional Medallions (all levels but 100-day) along with the new 2, 3, and 4 star pins, and that Seattle's direction has been to continue both the Medallion recognition as well as implement the new program. When I asked -- point blank -- if someone who would have received their 100-day Medallion and Pin on an up-coming cruise this year could still get one, his response was "Absolutely." When I pressed him about their availability, he admitted that they would probably be becoming increasingly rare -- the Rotterdam still had a small supply, but no new ones were in the pipeline unlike the higher levels -- but that all someone would need to do if there weren't any available aboard ship for their cruising would be to contact the Mariner Society office in Seattle and they would send one.


In a conversation with the Captain on this same cruise, he mentioned that (1) he reads CC and knew who we were (he addressed some of us by screen name as well as personal-name), (2) was aware of the discontent among higher-than-200-day ranking Mariners, and (3) that Seattle had been surprised by that discontent but was intent on keeping us happy. He may have been blowing smoke ... I don't really know.

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As much as I agree with what you are saying about HAL attracting the younger generation, I do feel that HAL should not ignore those of us who are older semi-retired, approaching retirement or are retired. We do have the time and money to spend on cruises. HAL is taking us for granted.



KK.... I know what you are saying and am very sorry you feel that way. You have been extremely loyal to HAL, have cruised a great many days and it isn't right you have been made to feel that way.


DH and I do not have any feeling like that but I don't discount the fact you do. We still feel extremely valued and well taken care of. Perhaps it is only our individual perception but we still love HAL officers/crews/staff/ships.


I would not hesitate to be vocal if I felt it was appropriate to speak up. Perhaps a call to Seattle might be something for you to think about. You are at a stage in your HAL cruising when you should feel very welcome and valued.

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Can you gain days for booking one of the cabanas on the Eurodam? How many days do you get when you book ship excursions?



Yes, you gain days for booking cabana on Eurodam because you get one day for every $300 you spend. If you book a ship's sponsored excursion, the cost of it is factored into how many days you gain predicated upon your spending.

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Our Four Star pins were stapled to the Mariner's invitation to the brunch. No ceremony for them.

There were pictures taken on both cruises for those of us who held medals -- done in the Explorer's Lounge.

There was no recognition in the dining room for any level of the medallion holders. The captain and CD talked a couple of minutes about the new program at the brunch and then they left.

We were supposed to have been assigned tables on the first cruise -- but people just sat anywhere. On the second cruise, since there were only 3 Four Star holders, we were at one table but people with only 1 or 2 cruises were also seated there. First cruise -- no host. Second cruise -- the wife of the Future Cruise Consultant sat at our table.

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Also ... one might note the following from HAL's Q&A on their website regarding the Mariner Program:


Q: "Will I still receive medallions and pins as I have in the past?"

A: "Existing lapel pins will be replaced with brand new lapel pins for 2-Star, 3-Star and 4-Star Mariners. After qualifying for a new level, you will receive your new pin in the mail and can also request a pin onboard any Holland America Line ship. In addition, we will continue to recognize our most loyal Mariners through the awarding of a special medallion; a Silver Medallion for guests sailing with us for a total of 300 days, a Gold Medallion for guests achieving 500 days, and our highest level Platinum Medallion for those guests who have joined us for 700 or more days."


That seems to make it official that HAL's continuation of the 300-Day+ Medallion Program isn't temporary. Of course, things can and do change ... however, there's no indication in the above wording that the higher-than-200-day award levels are only temporary.

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For the record, on the Statendam in October, 4-Star Mariners did in fact get star treatment.:)


We were all invited to meet with the Hotman, CD, GRM, as well as the Dining Room Manager for the typical Q and A. Later that morning we were given a cocktail reception prior to the Mariner Luncheon. One couple was awarded medallions - 500 day? We were then escorted to our assigned tables by the DRM.


We enjoyed the attention especially since there were, apparently, only nine 4-stars on that particular sailing. We were invited to the Navigator Package wine tasting and it was no charge.


Gotta say, I'm enjoying the new program but have my fingers crossed that I can in fact score a 300 day medallion in due time. I'm on track to earn one next year.


We'll see.

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That is the point of this program, Earl. It isn't about those of us who have been 'hanging around for years'. They have to focus on attracting the new, young cruiser who presumably will have many years ahead of them.....as us older cruisers once did. DH and I are not retired or on Medicare but in the concept of HAL's future, we are old. I understand, accept and somewhat agree.


The newer cruisers have limited vacation time and put in long work hours to hopefully keep their jobs and advance in their careers. They want the most bang for their buck, want as many repeater benefits as they can grab and will compare those benefits cruise line to cruise line. What they will not be is loyal.


Loyalty in the U.S. is now a generational thing IMO


Our parents' generation and mostly ours were considerably more loyal to employers, businesses that satisified us, banks, restaurants. If they did whatever was their field well, we continued to patronize.


The younger generation has no concept of employer/employee loyalty and who can blame them? The reasons for lack of loyalty don't really matter it's just the fact of it.

They will cruise the ship/cruise line that offers the best price, the best repeater benefits (as they view the best to be) and will hop around mostly voting by price. HAL has to grab their share of that 'hopping around' to survive and thrive. They had to create a repeaters program that could stand up against those of their primary competition. I think all in all they created a good program.



While we all want some recognition of our loyalty lets face the facts , this is a buisness. I feel very strong that the medallions are nice, but not what brings us back....it's the staff, and our comfort with our enviorment. I love the No Charge laundry, but that's a personal opinion. May the only problem we have in our lives be at this level. Happy sailing Alsas

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I totally understand how everyone that has close to 500 days or more feel slighted with this new program but I have to say I too feel very slighted :o

Tom and I used all of our possible vacations days over the last several years to work our way up to being a medallion holder having over 100 days. This past year was great and it felt good to be part of the medallions holders going to the special events and being recognized but now that we are at 161 days it no longer is good enough :mad: We are only 3 star Mariners which means and gets practically nothing :mad: We went from feeling HAL cared about us to make it to 100 days to we have to cruise more days to get to the level where we were recognized before. Frankly this leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. I see it being a very long time till we can again get to the level of being recognized.


I am glad we at least had this past year with several special events for medallion holders. It is as though they decided that those that hit over 100 and not at 100 are at the bottom of the barrel again. icon13.gif

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I totally understand how everyone that has close to 500 days or more feel slighted with this new program but I have to say I too feel very slighted :o


Tom and I used all of our possible vacations days over the last several years to work our way up to being a medallion holder having over 100 days. This past year was great and it felt good to be part of the medallions holders going to the special events and being recognized but now that we are at 161 days it no longer is good enough :mad: We are only 3 star Mariners which means and gets practically nothing :mad: We went from feeling HAL cared about us to make it to 100 days to we have to cruise more days to get to the level where we were recognized before. Frankly this leaves a very sour taste in my mouth. I see it being a very long time till we can again get to the level of being recognized.


I am glad we at least had this past year with several special events for medallion holders. It is as though they decided that those that hit over 100 and not at 100 are at the bottom of the barrel again. icon13.gif

I've got about the same amount of days as you...168. I'm wondering what you got before? The me....what I am getting now is far better then I've got in the past...which was a medal and some tiles. I have gone to one VIP party. What did you get before that was so special?

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I've got about the same amount of days as you...168. I'm wondering what you got before? The me....what I am getting now is far better then I've got in the past...which was a medal and some tiles. I have gone to one VIP party. What did you get before that was so special?

It is not that I got anything other than a free drink it is that HAL treated us as though we were important. Which is a feel good thing that all the money we have spent with Holland America and our loyalty meant something. As mentioned previous crew took notice to our medallions. We went to several of the pre Mariner receptions, we were recognized as a medallion holders. Yes to many this may seem very silly but in all honesty it is no different than those complaining about not being able to be recognized for getting the silver and gold medallions :rolleyes: For the last 6 or 7 cruises we were invited to several Premariner lunch cocktail parties and felt a bit special because we were medallion holders. When this new program came out I figured the least they would do is recognize the 3 and 4 star Mariners so I was not that bothered but with all the reports that 3 star is not the least bit recognized and we are now the same as a New Mariner, I feel like I wasted a lot of Sea days attempting to get my 100 days. Our frequent cruising with HAL obviously means nothing until we have hit the 200 day mark now. To me it is rather a slap in the face that our last cruise we were recognized as having the most cruises and even had pictures taken with the Captain to now when and if we have a next cruise with HAL we will be treat just like those with 20 days. So yes I am rather ticked off at HAL :mad:

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