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drunken lounger stealers


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Now, I've never been on a cruise (looking to book our first for Nov.) but it would seem to me that this is pretty simple.


I have a lounge chair: If I'm going to get up and jump in the pool, run to the washroom (this is assuming there are washrooms near where I'm lounging,) or go grab a drink and come back with it, then saving the seat for the 10 or 20 minutes seams reasonable.


But if I'm gettin up to go do another activity all together (Go to the casino, go have a meal in the restaraunt, go check on my kids, etc...) then I would grab my stuff and take it with me!


The mentality of saving a lounge chair for extended periods of time seams completely backwards to me: I'm going to save this seat, because when I come back there won't be one for me to sit it; but if NOBODY saved seats, it seams more likely than not that there would ALWAYS be seats available for the people that want them!


...but then again, what do I know....Maybe they are saving the GREATEST SITTING EXPERIENCE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




have only cruised once but your lounge chair logic makes sense. the tough days are the days at sea when everybody's on the ship and wants a lounger. as I stated previously, we lounged at the back of the ship near the waterworks and loved it ... but many like to be near the pool. there were four of us so we rotated doing stuff - daughter goes for ice cream and a water slide while hubby and I read in loungers. Son goes for a track run. Hubby grabs drinks and snacks, etc. You get the picture, somebody is always with our chairs and our stuff. But I do agree that if we were all going to do something for an extended period, whether or not I was up at the crack of dawn to grab those chairs, we would take our stuff with us and find other chairs when ready to relax again

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Yes, I don't agree with you. No one should feel they have a right to have a chair for the entire day! Let everyone have a turn. When you leave to get shade take your stuff. Then comeback and look for availability again. YOU ARE A RUDE PERSON to think you own that chair all day when there are so many people on the ship. I don't sun or use the chairs but I find your explanation unreasonable and it holds no water. Your just shelfish people and don't think you are anything else! Be polite and share!!!!!!


Unbelievable. I have seen many postings about "Chair Hogs" I just want to make sure I understand this. My DW and I get up early, go out on deck, get breakfast and then find a great spot in the sun because we are one of the only people on deck. We lay in the sun and then at some point in the day we decide to go take a break from sunning to enjoy something else that the ship has to offer. We come back and because we were gone too long in your opinion, we should lose our chairs. That being said you had the same chance I did to get up and come up on deck but you chose to sleep in. Now I should lose my spot??? That drives me crazy. I totally understand and have seen chairs on the deck that have no one in them all day but you know what if they show up they should certainly find their stuff still there and not have you putting your hands on it. I can't believe that Carnival has caved in to the whining few that want to sleep in and still get a "good spot" on the deck.


Do you do the same thing at the mall? If you see a car parked in a parking space that you want and it has been there all day you have it towed because people are not sitting in the spot???


I agree that it is not worth a confrontation and it is a shame that people can't seem to have fun without ruining someone elses.

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Well I must say that you guys have opened my eyes. Why should I get up in the morning and go get a spot on the deck. I will just sleep in, get up go out, time an empty chair and move somebody's stuff.


But once I get the chair, if I swim in the pool right before lunch I will make sure I come back and sit in the chair again. One thing nobody has told me is how long I have to sit in it again before my 45 min clock starts again.


Is there some signal I can sit up so that the people watching it are not distracted by another empty chair and realize that they need to start my timer over again????


HALOS, I think you should go back and read some of the other posts and you will realize that no I am indeed not the chair hog. I just choose to do other things with my time on deck than play chair police and call the steward at the 46 min mark because the chair has been empty

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"Actually YES Bob I'd move your items as it violates Carnival's Chair policy. You might want to read the rules on board before scalding members who do the right thing...


Just my .02"

So if you are moving my stuff, and turning it in, does Carnival take your name and cabin number, because the last time you did, you took my camera, watch, and money out of my wallet.

I want it back,

Just kiddin, but if you are going to touch peoples stuff, you should be carefull, because you could be accused of stealing if anything is reported missing.

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Yes, I don't agree with you. No one should feel they have a right to have a chair for the entire day! Let everyone have a turn. When you leave to get shade take your stuff. Then comeback and look for availability again. YOU ARE A RUDE PERSON to think you own that chair all day when there are so many people on the ship. I don't sun or use the chairs but I find your explanation unreasonable and it holds no water. Your just shelfish people and don't think you are anything else! Be polite and share!!!!!!


I feel like I have made it clear multiple times that I do not agree with people reserving a chair all day and not using it. I do think that there are more than enough chairs for all and it comes down to one of two things. You either go find what is available, sit in the sun and enjoy your day, or you stand around timing people that are gone and try to take someone elses chair because they have been gone too long. If that is the way you choose to spend your time then go ahead. I just think that 45 min is a bit unreasonable. I do think you are right we should all share, so how about ever hour the horn blows and everybody moves to a different chair so we all get to have the same amount of time in all of the chairs.

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I have always been very helpful to the Carnival staff policing chair hogs. If I see blatant violations, i.e. towels or novels left unattended for more than 45 minutes I scoop them up and hand them in. I love watching the reactions when they come back 2 hours later and have the nerve to complain that someone stole their chair.


Don't you think that is being a little strict. If the lunch lines are as long as people say. If someone got up and decided to get a burrito with a long wait and came back and you move their stuff after only 45 minutes. I could see someone being upset.


Everytime I look at the dream web cam, I see plenty of empty chairs!!


I'm not one to reserve chairs or anything, but It amazes me that someone would stand around for 45 minutes or longer to see if someone return. I got to many things to do, like getting a DOD. ;)

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I feel like I have made it clear multiple times that I do not agree with people reserving a chair all day and not using it. I do think that there are more than enough chairs for all and it comes down to one of two things. You either go find what is available, sit in the sun and enjoy your day, or you stand around timing people that are gone and try to take someone elses chair because they have been gone too long. If that is the way you choose to spend your time then go ahead. I just think that 45 min is a bit unreasonable. I do think you are right we should all share, so how about ever hour the horn blows and everybody moves to a different chair so we all get to have the same amount of time in all of the chairs.


I dont even think its a "timer thing" What I think everyone is saying is that you have your "chair" and your at the pool swimming, sitting in your chair , going to the potty or going to the pool bar ect ect those are fine...you go for a stroll around deck, nap, go eat lunch, shop ect ect youv'e given up your rights to "that chair" and its someone else's turn

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Bob, let's be realistic. If nobody enforces the Carnival policy the CHOGS win. Half the chairs would always be empty with towels on them while people go do other things and the rest of us don't get a seat because we should have you stuff moved. It's the blatant offenders that bother us. The people who put towels down on a sting of 4 or more chairs and claim them even if they are not there for a long long time. Go ahead an get up early and put your towel down and use the chair as long as you want. But when you go have a nice long lunch or go to the casino take your stuff.

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I feel like I have made it clear multiple times that I do not agree with people reserving a chair all day and not using it. ..so how about every hour the horn blows and everybody moves to a different chair so we all get to have the same amount of time in all of the chairs.


How about, those who are leaving for an hour or less, and wish to return to the same lounger, affix a small sign to the place-saver(s) they leave behind with the time of their departure? After that hour, their claim expires. ;)

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So if you are moving my stuff, and turning it in, does Carnival take your name and cabin number, because the last time you did, you took my camera, watch, and money out of my wallet.


I want it back,

If you are leaving your wallet on deck that is a bird of another feather!!! lol:eek:

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Bob, let's be realistic. If nobody enforces the Carnival policy the CHOGS win. Half the chairs would always be empty with towels on them while people go do other things and the rest of us don't get a seat because we should have you stuff moved. It's the blatant offenders that bother us. The people who put towels down on a sting of 4 or more chairs and claim them even if they are not there for a long long time. Go ahead an get up early and put your towel down and use the chair as long as you want. But when you go have a nice long lunch or go to the casino take your stuff.


Well like I said I agree with you about the multiple chairs and not using them. I guess we just differ on what is the reasonable amount of time you can actually be out of your chair. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!! I may just have to go find a seat at the bar...LOL

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Being as I was the one that set Bob off in the first place let me address the issue of someone standing around timing a chair. That is not what I do nor is what most people do. I'm the guy sitting next to the 4 chairs with towels on them that have been empty for 45 minutes, an hour or two hours or more. I can't stand to see people walk around looking for chairs and find nothing because half of them have towels on them and no people. That's when I make the decision to either notify an employee or move the towels myself. I will continue to do this in the future so my fellow cruisers can enjoy the deck area.

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Well like I said I agree with you about the multiple chairs and not using them. I guess we just differ on what is the reasonable amount of time you can actually be out of your chair. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!! I may just have to go find a seat at the bar...LOL


:cool: Good idea...now did you hear about the rule on using the bar chairs :eek:


j/k :D

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:cool: Good idea...now did you hear about the rule on using the bar chairs :eek:


j/k :D


LOL...OH GREAT...More Rules!!!!!


I did like the one post earlier about the women wearing the obscene hats to the dining room on formal night...I wish I had seen that. You don't get to see that stuff everyday!!!!

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to take Bob's side now, why cant I pick out a chair on day one, put my name and towel on it and it is mine for the rest of the week.


just because I go to sleep in my cabin, it should be mine the next day because I got here first.


They used to do that, years ago. But you paid for that chair.

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Being as I was the one that set Bob off in the first place let me address the issue of someone standing around timing a chair. That is not what I do nor is what most people do. I'm the guy sitting next to the 4 chairs with towels on them that have been empty for 45 minutes, an hour or two hours or more. I can't stand to see people walk around looking for chairs and find nothing because half of them have towels on them and no people. That's when I make the decision to either notify an employee or move the towels myself. I will continue to do this in the future so my fellow cruisers can enjoy the deck area.



I am just coming on to this thread so I don't know who Bob is or what set him off or anything.


But if all you do is what you describe here in this post , no big deal to me. That is excatly what I would do.


Personally I don't like sitting right around the pool where most of the chair hogs prowl.


As long as it is out in the sun, I am happy on any little piece of deck I can find.

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Well I must say that you guys have opened my eyes. Why should I get up in the morning and go get a spot on the deck. I will just sleep in, get up go out, time an empty chair and move somebody's stuff.


But once I get the chair, if I swim in the pool right before lunch I will make sure I come back and sit in the chair again. One thing nobody has told me is how long I have to sit in it again before my 45 min clock starts again.


Is there some signal I can sit up so that the people watching it are not distracted by another empty chair and realize that they need to start my timer over again????


HALOS, I think you should go back and read some of the other posts and you will realize that no I am indeed not the chair hog. I just choose to do other things with my time on deck than play chair police and call the steward at the 46 min mark because the chair has been empty


Ok, let me sum this one up. I HIGHLY doubt anyone is out there with a stop watch and starter pistol counting the seconds before your time away from your chair is up. It's more of a "Hey is this seat taken?" "They've been gone for a while, all yours." kind of thing. (again, I can only assume...and you know what they say about making assumptions! :D)


The basic idea here is that, as a general rule, people are stupid. Period... this thread kinda proves that (Considering, I'm pretty sure the OP's MAIN concern was the drunkards, and NOT so much the Chogs!)


People can't be trusted to make rational decisions for themselves, so Carnival has to put some sort of line out there. They say 45 minutes (I Guess.) You will have people that argue that's too long, and other's that say it's to short. From the looks of these postings, they're not hardcore enforcing the rule anyhow. The idea is to tell people that no, this is not your seat for the durration of the cruise. Have fun, enjoy your cruise, try not to be a douche and claim stuff as your own!


Here a quick analogy: Would you throw a towel over one of the chairs in the Casino or Bar??? My Guess is probably not. OK, so what if it was out on deck and near the pool? Any difference? Again, probably not. But if you're at the bar (not so much the casino) and you have to go to the washroom, you would expect your chair to be available for you when you return. But NOT if you left the bar! Same thing her I guess.


I wouldl like to say that I'm amazed by the irrational conversation (kind of on both sides of this argument) but I'm almost never amazed at the lack of comon sense and inability to rationalize that is so comon in our fellow man.



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Well as a HAL vetran cruiser I sure do find this CCL board the most entertaining forum at Cruise Critic. My first CCL cruise is less then 2 months now. I don't have a dog in this CHOG fight as I don't sit by pools all day (or at all) but this fascinates the heck out of me.


So as I understand it,,in the Carnival Capers somewhere it is written that chairs not being used for 30 minutes will be considered vacated. Therfore anyone can use that chair. Supposedly there are attendents that should be watching this,,but are afraid to actually act


But because someone has been up all night or gets up at 5 am, they can put a towel on a chair and that person knows that 30 minute rule doesn't apply to them because,,,,this is where I lose it. Why? Why does not that rule apply to them? I know some reading this are that person,,so explain the reasoning.


All lot of things on these forums fascinate me. When certain rules are stated and written for all to see,,why are these rules written if they are not real (smoking in no smoking areas, Chogs,wife beater shirts on elegant nights and on and on and on). What excately gives certain people the right to know that there are rules that were written to make everything fair for everyone,,but said rules don't apply to them. Is it just the fun of annoying others , or is it an entitlement issue?


To sort of hijack,,are there promande decks around the ships outside (remember I have only been on HAL ships) that would have deck chairs on them so one can sit and watch the ocean go by, rather then bieng by the coveted pool chairs?

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And while we are facing facts I will point out that you are obviously better at reading a watch and complaining than you are at reading anything that I have posted. I have never been nor will I ever be a chair hog and if I have a chair on the deck I use it. I don't understand the joy that you get out of messing up someone's day. I was just trying to point out that there could be a valid reason for someone to leave a chair vacant for a little while. I certainly hope that you do not cruise with a person that has a child in camp carnival and they are paged because of some type of emergency. Now they have dealt with an emergency and some clock watching vulture has scooped up their stuff and taken their chair, because they forgot to inform the perfect stranger next to them that their child was having some type of crisis.


I said in my first post that we all vacation differently and that has been shown here today. Some of us are not worried about what others are doing and we manage to have a good time.


The point you seem to be making is that we should all chill out -- except the chair hogs who have every right to be in high dudgeon when they return to the pool and find "their" chairs occupied. You want the rest of us to chill out. Be fair, suggest that the chair hogs chill out when they come back from the shade to find "their" chairs occupied. After all, according to you, chairs can easily be found elsewhere and you're not a chair hog so this discussion is completely academic to you.

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I feel like I have made it clear multiple times that I do not agree with people reserving a chair all day and not using it. I do think that there are more than enough chairs for all and it comes down to one of two things. You either go find what is available, sit in the sun and enjoy your day, or you stand around timing people that are gone and try to take someone elses chair because they have been gone too long. If that is the way you choose to spend your time then go ahead. I just think that 45 min is a bit unreasonable. I do think you are right we should all share, so how about ever hour the horn blows and everybody moves to a different chair so we all get to have the same amount of time in all of the chairs.

This guy sounds like a politician: argue all sides and grin.

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